Dorian donations just $1.14m so far


Hurricane Dorian (AP)


Tribune Business Reporter


Over $250m in fundraising for Hurricane Dorian reconstruction is still awaiting to be confirmed with the Disaster Reconstruction Authority only receiving $1.14m to date.

Katherine Forbes-Smith, managing director of the DRA, told a webinar: “Fundraising is a big deal for us. Everybody knows about the infamous pledge conference where people felt that we collected $1.77bn in cash, which never happened, but our development office is actively trying to secure the fundraising. It has been a very challenging and difficult time, particularly as COVID-19 has not helped us, but we are still working on fundraising.”

Thus far, the DRA has confirmed $5,84m in active grants with another $3.16m in the proposal stage and $3.16m to be confirmed.

“A lot of this fundraising work is on technical assistance, equity financing and gifts in kind,” said Ms Forbes-Smith. “Out of this fundraising mix, some $1.14m has been confirmed, with another $800,000 in the proposal stage and just over $250m to be explored or confirmed.”

She added: “I always tell people it doesn’t matter how much money a donor wants to donate, they have some priorities and special interests where they want their money spent and for us it’s always a challenge also to align those projects and interests with what the DRA and the government’s priorities are.”


Chucky 4 years ago

I’d like to pledge 1 million towards shanty town reconstruction

whybahamas 4 years ago

No need. There's hundreds of houses that have been built and more under construction next to the Treasure Cay Airport. All of the displaced illegal immigrants from Sand Banks and Marsh Harbour have just moved further north while the inept government sits on their hands.

Baha10 4 years ago

There was a “lot” of money and assistance available internationally that was not taken advantage of in a timely manner ... and has now “moved on” to others that are equally desperate, but far more accepting, accommodating and indeed, grateful ... another lesson learnt the hard way at very much the expense of the Country ... in particular Abaco, who would have done better if just allowed to organize their own disaster relief without interference from Central Government, which has been nothing short of disastrous ... and for which Abaco now suffers ... and will continue to suffer for many, many years to come ... and dare I say will never, never, NEVER be forgotten ...

DWW 4 years ago

i am fairly sure south abaco will vote against the FNM for the first time in its history.

ThisIsOurs 4 years ago

"Everybody knows about the infamous pledge conference where people felt that we collected $1.77bn in cash which never happened "

seriously? Who made the biggest deal about collecting 1bn in donations and failed to mention that 600m of it was a loan? Don't blame this on the public. Stop it.

Hoda 4 years ago

who failed to mention it, the guy from p3 was on every news outlet trying to sell the his proposed 'equity financing'. To be honest the continued said it was a pledge conference and to this day all people say "lies, plenty money get donated".

Clamshell 4 years ago

Half the money will be spent on a banquet where the other half is awarded to somebody from Nassau’s nephew.

DWW 4 years ago

aint that the truth

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