Tribune Staff Reporter
PRIME Minister Dr Hubert Minnis laid the foundation for the Free National Movement’s re-election campaign during a rally last night.
“Tonight we start the launch of our victory train,” he said. “We start here in our central zone and we will continue to our destiny. Government House will be the final spot in 2022. But as we move through the community we will be taking on more passengers.”
The rally was held on the grounds of the Edmund Moxey Youth and Community Centre. Elected representatives from the Bain and Grants Town, Mount Moriah, Fort Charlotte and St Barnabas constituencies spoke and attendees were intermittently entertained by Junkanoo groups.
The prime minister weaved his personal story of growing up poor into a testimony of implementing policies that “uplift the poor and all who have been left behind.”
He touted what he sees as his administration’s successes, emphasising the recent decline in murders and noting 1,056 students have taken advantage of the tuition free education programme he launched at the University of the Bahamas (UB).
“(That’s) an increase of 57 percent,” he said, “and it’s projected that there would be an additional ten percent every year of young people who could not get a college education that would be able to get a college education thanks to the FNM.”
He announced that ground for a new UB residence and multi-purpose complex will be broken next week. The complex will feature 1000 beds for students and more than 50,000 sq ft of “common areas, including a fitness area, study rooms and a 200-seat dining hall, a 500-seat ballroom and, most of all, a spiritual centre,” he said.
He struck familiar themes when attacking the Progressive Liberal Party, likening the party to frogs and crabs “that can be slippery to catch.”
“But we know how to catch crabs, you have to be strong with them and cut their biters off right away,” he said.
He again expressed his commitment to marijuana law reform, having received the long-awaited report of the Bahamas Marijuana Commission on Tuesday.
Although lawyers say few are imprisoned for possessing small amounts of marijuana, he said he has “sent a notice to our prison wardens (and) to our prison officers that they must get ready to free our young people.”
PLP leader Philip “Brave”Davis recently toured inner city communities, declaring afterwards that this administration’s Over-the-Hill programme, which promised to rejuvenate the areas, has failed.
“To date,” the Killarney MP responded last night, “$941,299 in benefits have been given to applicants from the Over-the-Hill in business licence exemptions, commercial vehicles, stamp and real property tax and building materials.”
Although billed as a town-hall, questions were not taken.
In a late night press statement, Mr Davis said the meeting was falsely advertised.
"The prime minister must say who paid for this and whether any government funds were expended to support last night's rally," he said. "There was no new ground broken last night. It was the same mish-mash of attacks on the PLP which passes for policy by the FNM. The prime minister turns out to be useless and clueless. So desperate was he that he had to use a Junkanoo group to draw a crowd. So with hurricane relief with no teachers, the prime minister can find time for trash talking on a public park."
OriginalBey 4 years, 12 months ago
I subscribe to positive thinking as well but this electorate is dynamic and demand responsiveness in the moment. Don't just tell them the good you are doing. Show them how you are answering their cries. Otherwise, all the hard work means nothing and will not be rewarded with the coveted vote in the next general election.
bahamianson 4 years, 12 months ago
WOW! I thought it was a town meeting. Actually, i my fried was going to the meeting to voice a few concerns. I guess he was surprised.
joeblow 4 years, 12 months ago
When MInnis wins again (and I cringe at the thought), Brave Davis MUST be the only one to shoulder all the blame!!
ThisIsOurs 4 years, 12 months ago
"laid the foundation for the Free National Movement’s re-election campaign during a rally last night."
why is the Tribune using the FNM'S talking point and reporting this as a rally?
It was advertised as a town hall. Many persons were looking firward to getting serious questions answered. That fact is placed at the end of the story...why repeat the phrase "the rally" over and over again. In any event if the FNM machine organized this as a rally but couldnt get their supporters out in force....the writing may be on the wall
sheeprunner12 4 years, 12 months ago
Our current FNM politicians are either too "smart" or too scared to take questions from the public at a town hall meeting………. or the media ……… This makes them look cocky, disdainful, and aloof ........... Minnis and the FNM has failed in this regard.
BMW 4 years, 12 months ago
They better get Grand Bahama sorted out or it will be 0 and 5 not 5 and 0!
birdiestrachan 4 years, 12 months ago
Only a fool will believe anything that comes out of doc;s mouth he lies so much The man can not be trusted . he said VAT was bad then he increased it 60%. The spy bill was bad they made it worse then passed it. BAH MAR opening was fake then he grinned a cut the ribbon. he complained about PLP travels. Then he increase them and the wives travels.
doc will raise VAT 15% or more. because those FNM fellows love to live big.
birdiestrachan 4 years, 12 months ago
doc believes he is the Bahamas Trump.
bahamianson 4 years, 12 months ago
what's wrong with Trump?
proudloudandfnm 4 years, 12 months ago
jus2cents 4 years, 12 months ago
And the analogy of the hat? Trump like indeed but its, 'Tags on erryting' Q: And what are we supposed to garner from that? A: That everything has a catch, and will cost us $$$!
TalRussell 4 years, 12 months ago
Considering how governing Imperialists red party have wrecked the lives of thousands comrade Abacoians and their Grand Bahamaland out islander cousins. Consider the risks to the safety of anyone foolish hop on board the red shirts campaign's rickety rail-car. The 35 elected Imperialists red shirts governing Conductor's ride, hasn't exactly gone so smoothly since May 10, 2017..
Well_mudda_take_sic 4 years, 12 months ago
What an arrogant, nasty, incompetent bozo. But Minnis is laughing heartily at the voters who got duped by the many unfulfilled campaign promises he made in the run up to the May 2017 national election. He's banking on most who voted for him having forgotten that his first order of business as PM was to increase VAT by 60%, from 7.5% to 12%. That he kept the doors of BOB open by pumping millions of dollars more of the taxpayers money into its fraudulent bailout activities involving Bahamas Resolve. That he orchestrated criminal investigations costing many millions of dollars into the alleged corrupt activities of Frank Smith, Shane Gibson and others who have since been acquitted because of the incompetence of the AG he appointed, not to mention the unlawful interference of certain of his cabinet ministers in the investigations. That his concept of governing embodies and is limited to outright socialism - he sees himself as a modern day Robin Hood whose only mission as PM is to rob Peter in order to pay Paul while he and his corrupt cronies are robbing the country itself blind.
Yessiree, Minnis is confident the electorate has so much lingering distaste for the PLP and Brave Davis in particular that he is guaranteed to remain PM after the next general election, at which time he will immediately proceed to increase VAT by 25%, from 12% to 15%, and also make whopping increases to the required National Insurance Fund contributions of employers and employees. And rumours abound that in his next term Minnis will be seeking the passage of legislation that will permit the government to force the sale of higher-end commercial and residential properties in order to recover any real property tax arrears, including interest and penalties. Woe is me, shame and scandal in the family!
licks2 4 years, 12 months ago
His audacity is wrapped up in the "dumb" stuff said by who run on with fally and guff that has no basses in reality. . .people then dismiss you as a moronic jackass who can't be honest with anything. . .because of your hate or greed for power. I have been telling you for years that your style and approach is weak and juvenile. . .good for entertainment but not to be taken serious thinking!!
Let me show you how yoon thinking! One, government has been selling properties (all types) and asserts to recovery tax arrears for decades in this country. . .so what is ya point there! Two. . .government has already made VAT at 15%! Current tax ceiling is 12 and half percent. . .or 13 cents since we have no 1/2 cent. . .they round up to the nearest point. . .ergo 13%!
Now here is where the international folks "swing" yinna to get their original 15% suggested by IMF and the PLP and FNM messed up for political gain. . .which the FNM ger have to raise after they win the next election. . . that's if Davis leads the PLP into the next election.
So a man whom yinna call dumb used his head and get rid os yinna one cent coin making yinna lowest coin value to five cents. Oppsssss. . .VAT is 12 and half percent. . .yinna een gat no one cent coin. . .yea. . .you guessed it there dude. . .ya round up to the nearest point. . .15 cents. . .wap!!! Ya paying 15% VAT!!! If you would take time ta shut ya trap and use ya brain, ya may put that quick brain of yours to some good use around here!!
Bahamianbychoice 4 years, 12 months ago
I can't help but feel embarrassed for him...was it targeted that he decided to have his town meeting..sorry rally... in one of the more struggling communities. Was he actually taking advantage of their lack of exposure...and actually thought it would disingenuous.
Does he really think people will forget all the BPL unnecessary costs to the Bahamian taxpayers (corruption)..that he announced that Abaco/GB were 80% back to pre Dorian..and this was an example to the international community! When in fact there are still dead bodies in water and little restoration in some of those places...high he seriously??
proudloudandfnm 4 years, 12 months ago
You will not win Grand Bahama and Abaco will probably not even go to the polls....
I have o doubt most out islands will not re-elect the FNM.
All ya eggs in Nassau. High crime Nassau. No electricity Nassau.
I wouldn't bet a penny on the FNM in next election. Not one penny...
TigerB 4 years, 12 months ago
That would mean Brave them will get the government...not good..
Well_mudda_take_sic 4 years, 12 months ago
Not the case at all. Just vote for one of the independent candidates who will be running in your constituency in the next national election. It's high time the electorate cast aside both the PLP and FNM parties alike and let the chips fall where they may. If enough independents are elected they could either form a new majority party or at least stymie the ability of the PLP or FNM to take overwhelming control of the next government. The corruptness of both the PLP and FNM parties necesitates voters going into 'block and tackle mode' at the ballot box come the next general election. Only candidates with no past close political ties of any kind to the PLP or FNM parties, and who pledge in writing never to join either those two parties, should be considered as viable candidates for elected office going forward.
tetelestai 4 years, 12 months ago
Plan on recruiting from high school are we? Oh, and I would add "no ties to DNA, either!"
Well_mudda_take_sic 4 years, 11 months ago
DNA will always be irrelevant.
bogart 4 years, 12 months ago
Unlikely the next party Syndicate will win. Senario now exists series of independants...posdibly even the Swimming Pigs, the very smart pigs. Given a senario of independants will emerge, chaos and within realm constituted empowered Inquiries and regretably suspensionConstitution with Emmergency powers to paybacks demanded by voters. Sad.
Well_mudda_take_sic 4 years, 11 months ago
That's not going to happen. Governing our country as a democracy under its Westminster parliamentary system of government is not dependent on the existence of any one or more political parties, especially corrupt political parties like the FNM and PLP. But the effective functioning of our system of government within our constitutional democracy, and the well-being of our country as a whole, is very much dependent on a majority of elected officials who are not corrupt.
TalRussell 4 years, 12 months ago
Considering comrade is a no likable, no trusted, among his own red party!
The man's goin soon come realisation, how last night, he committed is first and most damaging tactical political blunder, by his totally misreading red party's utter disgust for his failed leadership.
From last night's start general election campaign, a target was drawn on back of his chances retaining the powerful position colony's First Viscount a.k.a. prime minister.
Can't write this, just, can't. that without power vested from sitting up in PMO, he's soon be tossed out onto the square, and by his own crown colleagues. So it is written!
sheeprunner12 4 years, 12 months ago
Come to think of it ………. There should be a Coalition of Independents next election. No party allegiance, just working for the best interest of the country ……… A Third Force.
They will be far more attractive than these political bigots that we have in the FNM and PLP.
licks2 4 years, 12 months ago
A third force made up of the two second forces? A third and new force. . .NOT A BRAND NEW SECOND HAND FORCE MADE UP OF FNM AND PLP PIGS WHO COULD NOT GET CLOSE TO THE FEEDING POT. . .HAHAHAHAHAHA!!
Just listen to mudder-take-sick, same old political bull patties designed to "get my share" sounding clinking mouths. . .
TalRussell 4 years, 12 months ago
Read I've been receiving from Abaco's jibs since news spread of colony's comrade First Viscount a.k.a. prime minister's unofficial rungin' general election bell - is that his red party's two Abaco House of Assembly's red cabooses, have become much too rickety unstable for any intelligent thinking Abacoian feel safe to hop on board, likes they loyally did back in 2017.
BahamaPundit 4 years, 12 months ago
The only likely reason the FNM held this campaign rally so early before election (2 whole years) is so Government MPs can receive payments/campaign donations from the US company Shell in the BPL deal (or China etc.) and they wouldn't be called bribes, when in fact they are just bribes. Very slick.
Bahamianbychoice 4 years, 12 months ago
Sounding like the present FNM has disengaged the professional community..there seems to be a theme emerging that professionals that voted FNM last election are not planning to vote. I keep hearing the comment, "well at least Brave listens while Minnis just tries to destroy you..FNM or not." Many professionals have left the country; people are quite negative about Minnis and the bold arrogance of this administration.
I wonder if the FNM machinery will allow the same slate to run again....its like the FNM is handing the next election to the PLP.
It really is time for something different from the same FNM/PLP.....
John 4 years, 12 months ago
Reality is that Minnis knows the FNM has lost support and the numbers continue to decline. So what does Minnis and the FNM do? Continue Government business as usual and hope for a turn around or hit the campaign trail and try drum up support. Obviously the premature campaigning and rallying is suspect and has hit a brick wall. In fact it has brought Minni’s credibility and level of desperation even more into question. It’s like when you were in primary or middle school and you got up through the night to try on your new shoes an uniform. Several times. It had to have been more than a dry run and it was a great, big insult to those who attended expecting a town meeting. So are the horses running now?
TheMadHatter 4 years, 12 months ago
I will not vote FNM unless they tell me where the VAT money gone and has gone. But he will win anyway because most people dont understand the system and will "protest" by not voting. They dont realize that it doesnt matter is only 200 people vote in the whole country. If FNM gets 101 votes, they win. 20 out of 39 seats and they win. Bahamians are generally too dumb to come out and vote for an opposer.
ThisIsOurs 4 years, 12 months ago
The FNM won by 53% 12% didnt vote. Many PLPS and DNAS voted FNM to make up that 53%. The PLP has an extremely strong base. Despite all their foolishness they got 35% or so. Added to that PLP'S are galvanized by their loss, the foolishness going on now and the seeming witch hunt trials of Frank Smith and Shane Gibson. Energy iz on the side of the PLP. They have sonething to fight fir, the FNM dont. I cant see FNM's voting PLP, likely they just wont vote. what does the FNM diehard base look like? Cause that's all they getting. The only way the FNM turns this around is if they select another leader.
TheMadHatter 4 years, 12 months ago
Carl Bethel could be a great PM, but MPs to scared of real leadership. Better to relax and float with the tide while lining up tings for when it's over.
Well_mudda_take_sic 4 years, 11 months ago
TheMadHatter 4 years, 11 months ago
The more you laugh, the higher the national debt rises. Carl is the man. The only downside would be having to distinguish between him and the national chairman (same first name).
TalRussell 4 years, 12 months ago
Comrades, If First Viscount a.k.a. prime minister sounds all too Trump similar crazy, just maybe he's lost his stability marbles?
Obviously the red party's embattled leader's crab catching ignorance is result never having caught real live crab? Guessing two fellas just show up on his doorstep bearing gifts frozen crabs? Can't make such crab catching dumbness red shirts theory up, just, can't.
SP 4 years, 12 months ago
This a no-brainer for a lot of people. If Dr. Minnis keeps his campaign promises of dealing with the Haitian invasion and putting a Freedom Of Information act "with teeth" in place, he can have my vote again.
We know the PLP could never do either these things so they are totally out of the equation.
In the last election campaign, the PLP promised "free electricity," most people knew better than that. So regardless of what comes out of Braves' mouth, nobody with sense will believe anything he promises!
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