By Leandra Rolle
THE body of another man was found off Double Breasted Cay yesterday as Royal Bahamas Defence Force officials continue investigating the discovery of 31 Haitian migrants in the Ragged Island chain.
The discovery comes after three men were found washed ashore in the area on Friday – two on Double Breasted Cay and another near Hog Cay.
According to the RBDF, the latest body is believed to be one of the Haitian nationals aboard a vessel which capsized near the area more than a week ago.
“It was retrieved off Double Breasted Cay by RBDF military divers,” officials said in a press statement yesterday.
“At 5.30am (yesterday morning), HMBS Madeira brought the badly decomposed body of a male into the Defence Force Base and handed it over to the coroner’s office for processing... a shipwrecked vessel was also found on the northern tip of the cay.”
“This brings a total of four bodies which have since been retrieved in the Ragged Island chain after a group of 31 Haitian migrants were discovered on the cay and brought to the capital on 21st January.”
In an earlier statement, RBDF said the group reportedly left Haiti on January 10 with varying reports that they capsized around January 13 and survived on the cay for about five days.
Officials added that migrants also told investigators that there were more persons unaccounted for, including another five women, but could not provide an exact total of all who had left Port au Paix, Haiti.
Still, RBDF said investigations will continue as officials search the surrounding areas for further survivors.
In the meantime, members of the public with any information or who have seen any recent sightings are asked to call the RBDF Operations Centre at 242-826-3117.
Well_mudda_take_sic 4 years, 11 months ago
Not to worry, Minnis will put in an order for more Domes to meet the growing demand for them that is coming to our shores each and every week.
SP 4 years, 11 months ago
The only "good" Haitian is a Haitian living anywhere else other than the Bahamas!
joeblow 4 years, 11 months ago
… but don't you just love the one's with Bahamian passports with non French names who cannot speak English or pronounce their 'Bahamian' names??
TheMadHatter 4 years, 11 months ago
Oh these poor poor Haitians, who know not what is a condom. Can't we just have our defense force vessels (all nine of them) each make daily trips to Haiti and return full? Have a passport officer at the dock to pic them and give them passports as they come off the ship?
Keep going back and forth bringing them until they are ALL here.
This might be best instead of the trickle of just 500 per week currently. It's a long long dramatic story. Just do it and get it over with. Hopefully all 12 million can be brought here before now and Christmas. There are LOTS of Bahamians who simply love Haitians - and they will be well pleased. With them and the spanking new passport holders, the govt will win re-election in a landslide. I predict 43 out of 39 seats for the FNM with this plan.
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