BPL announces controlled shutdown starting at 8pm

AS Hurricane Isaias approaches, Bahamas Power and Light has announced a controlled shutdown of high-risk parts of the New Providence grid, starting at 8pm.

The energy provider said, however, that it will not carry out a total shutdown unless storm conditions reach Category Three.

The provider said: “No complete shutdown is presently contemplated. As it is, the expectation is that we will have to maintain controlled shutdown conditions as long as conditions require and only in those locations where it is necessary (as it was with Mayaguana and Inagua this morning).”

BPL said that the controlled shutdown would be necessary only if Isaias maintains current conditions and New Providence sees sustained winds of 40mph.

If conditions deteriorate, a second controlled shutdown would target flood-prone areas. Once power is cut, BPL said it will remain off until it is safe to restore it.

The first shutdown would affect areas where there is a risk to overhead power lines. The second round would affect customers in Pinewood, Marshall Road, Yamacraw Shores, Winton Highway/Culbert’s Hill, Winton, Twynam, Nassau East, North and South, Perpall Tract/Vista Marina/St Alban’s Drive, Downton (Bay Street) and Nassau Village.

Mayaguana and Inagua had power shut down at 12.15am and 5am respectively on Friday, with power restored in Inagua at 10am.


tribanon 3 years, 12 months ago

We's used to lights out, but many of us ain't used to no food.

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