EDITOR, The Tribune.
Do you ever feel like the darkness is winning?
The designated shepherd has abandoned their flock. The sanctuary is closed and shuttered six days a week. Opened only two hours on the Sabbath.
Trying time is what the world is talking about.
You got confusion all over the land.
Sexuality is confused, misused, and abused.
Unwed mothers seek abortion.
Mother against daughter.
Father against son, you know the whole thing is getting out of hand.
Folks wouldn’t have to suffer if there was more love for your brother. But these are trying times.
Wars and rumours of wars lead our newscasts. COVID is no longer the most important news.
Russia attacking Ukraine is the front page today, but soon as more titillating news comes along, it will be relegated to the second page.
These are trying times.
You got riots in the ghetto; it’s all around.
Just read the newspaper, turn on your TV you see a lot of demonstrations about equality. But maybe folks wouldn’t have to suffer if there was more love for your brother.
Respect for leadership seems to be the exception, not the norm, as corruption resonates in high places.
But these are trying times.
Addiction has filtered into every segment of society.
It is no longer just the inner city, but on almost every street, you can see persons struggling with substance abuse.
These are trying times, but what are you doing to make this a better land?
Terror threatens and holds the country hostage. Just last weekend, five young men were shot dead in the streets. Man always, talking about humanity to man, but what is he doing to make it a better land?
These are trying times.
The cries of those in need seem to be increasing.
Food lines and soup kitchen are the only means of support for many families.
Where’s my God and where’s my money?
Cries of despondency ring out day and night.
But are we listening? Do we hear them?
Because if we were, that suicidal person might still be alive.
That young man might not be dead or in prison.
These are trying times a whole lot of wrong things are going down, and from my point of view, you should do unto others as you want to be done to you.
Then maybe folks wouldn’t have to suffer if there were more love for your brother. But these are trying times.
March 15, 2022.
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