THE news of the death of Queen Elizabeth II was only a day old before Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis floated the prospect of The Bahamas going without a monarch altogether.
It all seemed a bit quick, perhaps, given that people were still being invited to sign books of condolences. In terms of timing, it could have been somewhat more diplomatic.
The announcement also shows mixed signals coming from the government.
On Friday, Mr Davis said: “I will have a referendum and the Bahamian people will have to say to me, ‘yes’.”
He also said: “The only challenge with us moving to a republic is that I can’t, as much as I would wish to do it, I cannot do it without your consent.”
Asked if a referendum was on the table, he said: “For me, it always is but again it is our people who will have to decide.”
That word always might not be entirely accurate. It was only in December last year that Mr Davis’ press secretary, Clint Watson, said that making The Bahamas a republic was not on the agenda of the Davis administration.
He said: “It’s not on our agenda right now. However, the Bahamian people can change that if they determine this is what they want to do. It would have to be something the Bahamian people request and put on the government’s agenda.”
There doesn’t appear to have been a particular outcry to push the matter onto the agenda. No marches. No protests. The Bahamian people appear to have not been required after all for the Prime Minister’s administration to do an about-face.
So who is championing the call for a republic? Well, Foreign Affairs Minister Fred Mitchell had previously lamented that he couldn’t seem to convince people of his desire for a republic. Obie Wilchcombe, the Social Services Minister, mustered enough determination to say perhaps we should think about the way forward.
Elsewhere, former Prime Ministers Perry Christie and Hubert Ingraham were asked, with Mr Christie non-committal, and Mr Ingraham saying he likes The Bahamas the way it is now.
Given the success rates of referendum votes in The Bahamas previously, that’s not an overwhelming wave of enthusiasm to present to the people.
So how have we reached a point where the Prime Minister has committed to a referendum on a major constitutional issue?
Well, consider this – just last week, columnist Alicia Wallace noted a comment from the Prime Minister with regard to the issue of marital rape. When asked if he would criminalise marital rape, Mr Davis said it was not included in the party’s Blueprint for Change. She noted this seemed to suggest it was not a priority – the party did not commit to it, so the administration would not commit to it.
Pick up that same Blueprint for Change and search for the word “republic” and you won’t find it anywhere. Yet the same administration is now floating a referendum on an issue the party did not commit to.
It gets more curious still. Look on today’s front page and you’ll find that on the issue of marital rape, Mr Wilchcombe is touting draft legislation on the issue and is hoping for feedback “from all sides”, despite the legislation not yet being available to view, and despite Mr Wilchcombe last month having said he intended to meet church leaders on the issue. Now he says he’ll go to talk to them this Thursday.
None of this looks like coherent governance. Mr Davis had said himself marital rape wasn’t on his government’s agenda – and the backlash to that comment seemed to make it suddenly appear on the agenda, but not with any wholehearted commitment.
So was Mr Davis simply trying to avoid that same kind of backlash? Was he saying that the administration is considering it simply to mollify any potential critics? Seemingly not – he didn’t say we may consider it, he didn’t say it was perhaps something to be done – he said he will have a referendum.
Well, if that’s so, let the debate begin – but we start this referendum at a point with no positions outlined, no proposals put forward, and no one looking to lead the charge.
Given how previous referendum votes finished, that’s not a promising place to start.
Alan1 2 years, 4 months ago
I agree with the editorial. A few months ago after the very successful visit of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge the government told us that there were no plans for a republic referendum. Abolishing our current constitutional framework is a major change in our country for which, other than a few voices, was never considered to be on the horizon. There is nothing wrong with our current governmental framework. The Crown is a solid anchor with an impartial Governor-General who is above politics and not in the control of politicians. Why would we ever think of changing a system which works and provides an excellent climate for investment? For our neighbouring Commonwealth country Canada the news networks have been having non-stop coverage of the events about our Queen passing away. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been very strong in his remarks in support of the Monarchy and the excellent way the system works in Canada. We need to better understand what is at stake if we try to abolish our democratic inheritance. Frankly it is a frightening prospect.
JokeyJack 2 years, 4 months ago
We need to get rid of King Charles. He and his mother have been stopping us from fixing our potholes for nearly 50 years now. We need smooth roads !!!
birdiestrachan 2 years, 4 months ago
Many Bahamians including my self do not know what a Republic would mean to the Bahamas the country has many problems that is in need of solution , a Republic can wait
birdiestrachan 2 years, 4 months ago
Mr Davis is correct there is the saying do not get into people bedroom business they are trying to get Mr Davis in trouble , keep focus and set you face like flint there is always divorce
bcitizen 2 years, 4 months ago
Can we have a Papa Doc or Mugabe, maybe a Pinochet as our first President so we can show the crown a example how things should be done? There are so many other critical political reforms this country needs before we get to talking about a republic. The greatest benefactors from bringing this up at this time are politicians to create division and distractions from all our real problems.
sheeprunner12 2 years, 4 months ago
Pindling was no better than the rogue Presidents named above.
He had his own form of apartheid against Long Island in the 20 years after Independence because they voted UBP or FNM.
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