THREE MEN DEAD WITHIN 24 HOURS: Police ‘aggressively searching’ for a ‘Rasta-type male’ related to the country’s latest murder


Tribune News Editor


THE murder rate continued to soar over the weekend, with three killings in 24 hours.

In a statement yesterday, police said they are “aggressively searching for a Rasta-type male” connected to the latest murder, which occurred around 1pm on Monday.

Police said the man drove a dark-coloured SUV believed to be involved in the killing of a man in his early 40s.

“Preliminary reports indicated that … the victim was returning from a fishing trip along with another male at the rear of a business establishment located on West Bay Street. It was during this time, when they were approached by a lone gunman who subsequently shot the victim multiple times about the body. The suspect returned to his vehicle, a dark-coloured SUV making good his escape,” police said in a statement.

The second murder over the holiday weekend happened in Eleuthera around 3am on Monday.

Police said the killing took place in an area known as White Town in Hatchet Bay.

“Upon the officers’ arrival, a male was found on the inside of a vehicle; a closer examination revealed he had apparent gunshot wounds to his upper body,” police said in a statement.

The first murder incident claimed the life of a 31-year-old man.

Police said around 10pm on Sunday, they were alerted by shot spotter to shots in the area of Dunmore Street off Bailou Hill Road.

They found one man lying in the street with gunshot injuries.

“According to information received, the victim was involved in an argument with his neighbour, which escalated into a physical altercation. During this incident, the suspect produced a firearm, which resulted in the victim being shot multiple times about the body, after which the suspect fled on foot in an unknown direction, making good his escape,” police said in a statement.


JohnDoes 1 year, 10 months ago

Shouldn't they be looking for a man with 'Dreadlocks' instead of saying 'Rasta-type'? What exactly is a 'Rasta-type'?

SP 1 year, 10 months ago

This weekend's murders certainly make the Commissioner's strategy for fewer murders this year null and void!

mandela 1 year, 10 months ago

What is a "Rasta-type male"? If this is a male with locked hair then the police can start first by looking at one of our members of parliament. Such a statement is very dangerous, stupid, and very reckless, and the person responsible for making or printing such a statement should be condemned.

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