PM: I’ll fight for Bahamians

PRIME Minister Philip “Brave” Davis speaking at Mount Tabor Church yesterday. Photo: Leandra Rolle

PRIME Minister Philip “Brave” Davis speaking at Mount Tabor Church yesterday. Photo: Leandra Rolle


Tribune Staff Reporter


PRIME Minister Philip “Brave” Davis reflected on his administration’s second anniversary yesterday and pledged to fight for Bahamians.

 “Two years ago, when the PLP came into office, we said that we were not here to maintain the status quo,” he said at Mount Tabor Church as churchgoers and government dignitaries filled the pews.

“We were here to lay the foundation for big changes as we take steps toward a fairer and more prosperous society for all Bahamians.”

“Our first priority was to drive the recovery of the economy and job market, strengthen the healthcare system, and reopen schools. So many people were suffering financially, going hungry, and praying for better days. We moved immediately to expand support to those who needed it the most while rolling out a new, data-driven approach to combatting COVID-19.

 “Within months, the economy roared back to life, and we began seeing major progress as hope returned to our nation.”

 Noting his government’s increase of the minimum wage, among other actions, Mr Davis said they laid a foundation for recovery and future progress.

 “We are securing the future by advancing the global conversation on climate change and developing practical solutions to finance our progress toward climate-resilient infrastructure and renewable energy for cleaner, cheaper, more affordable power generation,” he said.

 “This outcome was not inevitable. There were those who, gripped by fear, warned that opening the economy would worsen the pandemic. There were those who were afraid that increasing the minimum wage would slow down employment. Even experts were afraid, predicting that the tourism industry would take years to recover; some even predicted that the cruise industry would never recover.”

 “But look at God. The economy is booming, we are thriving, and it is now up to us to use this opportunity to build a better tomorrow for all Bahamians.”

 The prime minister said although the way forward looks promising, there would be challenges ahead.

“Very few things worth achieving are easy,” he said. “One thing you can be sure of when it comes to this PLP government is that we will never stop fighting on behalf of the Bahamian people. That is a promise we will always live up to.

 “As we look forward to year three, let’s remember to give thanks for the many blessings and mercies that have allowed us to come this far.”


Sickened 10 months, 1 week ago

When he say 'we are thriving'? Is he talking about his party? His family? Because the average Bahamian certainly isn't thriving with plenty more taxes and astronomical electricity bills.

birdiestrachan 10 months, 1 week ago

Sickened it is my hope that you will get over your sickness very soon , the PLP Government has done some good things minimum wage increase, the 10% VAT but all the FNM hallelujah choir has to sing is the increase in the light bills, all must do their best to use less,

birdiestrachan 10 months, 1 week ago

Mr Davis and Mr Cooper serving food instead of being served , that was beautiful and the people being served were very happy lots of smiles and joy,

ExposedU2C 10 months, 1 week ago

Davis, Mitchell and many others in the hierarchy of the PLP have demonstrated time and ime again over many years now that they are ever so much more interested in fighting for the foreigners who line their pockets, and the illegal Haitian aliens who gladly support the PLP in exchange for heir social welfare freebies and the right to remain in our country, than the Bahamian people who rank last on the list of their interests worth fighting for.

TalRussell 10 months, 1 week ago

ComradeTalQuestion? --- When does the colony's new governor-general get move-into her newly renovated ten-acre estate's offical residence, atop Mount Fitzwilliam. ---And,what's the pounds sterling cost for the Redo. ---Yes?

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