Man accused of assault with a deadly weapon and threats of death granted bail


Tribune Staff Reporter 


A MAN was granted bail after allegedly threatening to kill a woman with a gun last week.

Senior Magistrate Anishka Pennerman arraigned Kenton Prosper, 35, on charges of assault with a deadly weapon and threats of death.

Prosper allegedly threatened to kill Jaylankla Duncanson with a handgun on August 9 in New Providence.

After pleading not guilty, he was granted $4,500 bail with one or two sureties.

Prosper must sign in at the Grove Police Station every Monday and Wednesday by 7pm.

His trial begins on October 8.


Sickened 6 months, 3 weeks ago

So was this bail amount based on the seriousness of the threat of killing someone or based on him having an illegal handgun? Because it certainly can't be for both. THIS COUNTRY HAS GONE TO WHAT YOU FIND AT THE BOTTOM OF AN OUTHOUSE!!!!

When poor Jaylankla (is that really the correct spelling?) is found dead only then will they MAYBE remand this psycho.

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