MP says sorry after car pictured in disabled spot

STATE Minister of Social Services and Urban Development Lisa Rahming.

STATE Minister of Social Services and Urban Development Lisa Rahming.


Tribune Staff Reporter 


STATE Minister for Housing and Urban Renewal Lisa Rahming apologised after her government-issued vehicle was photographed in a disabled parking space on West Bay Street.

Ms Rahming, the former State Minister for Social Services and Urban Development, said her aide was responsible. She called the action “careless” and contrary to her values, emphasising that it disrespected the rights and dignity of the “differently-abled community”.

“As a minister of state, before coming into my present portfolio, I had the great honour to represent and advocate for those with disabilities,” she said in a statement. “I understand only too well how access and accommodation can make all the difference in the lives of individuals who depend on such spaces for mobility and independence. Therefore, I wish to make it clear that I maintain strong support, respect and am anti-discriminatory to all persons with special needs.”

Ms Rahming said she spoke to her aide to ensure respect for designated spaces in the future.

“To all those affected, I extend my heartfelt apologies. my focus remains on promoting an inclusive society where everyone, regardless of ability, is treated with the respect they deserve,” she added.


ExposedU2C 6 months, 2 weeks ago

Lisa Rahming, as state minister of social services, obviously reckons she is entitled to park her government-issued vehicle in any unoccupied disabled parking space. And to think she was hand-picked by Stumpy Davis to receive her very generous salary, benefits and other perks package, that we now know includes the right to park her government-issued vehicle in any unoccupied disabled parking space.

bahamianson 6 months, 2 weeks ago

She is sorry she got caught. Ministers acquire the God Complex once in office. They automatically ask, do you know who I am? She should be fined because she should know better!!!

trueBahamian 6 months, 2 weeks ago

This is a wider problem. A lot of people who are not physically challenged are parking in handicap spots. It's just unbelievable that they would do they but they do. As sith everything here, if no one gets punished, nothing changes. I'm sure there are penalties for this infraction. But, as with everything else, it's not enforced.

Sickened 6 months, 2 weeks ago

It's terrible at food stores. But you can't say anything because you'll probably get shot.

ThisIsOurs 6 months, 2 weeks ago

She shouldnt have blamed the driver. "Leadership"

DillyTree 6 months, 2 weeks ago

This is a typical occurrence, but when done ny an MP, it is all the more disgraceful and disrespectful.

As I disabled person who had to jump through all kinds of hoops to get a disabled parking decal, I am appalled at this behaviour. Many times, I have to either walk a long distance to get to the store, or choose to go elsewhere for that I need. Many stores are kind enough to have cones in the handicapped spots and the security guard moves them for me, but so many times I see perfectly able-bodied people parking in these spots -- many o them who look like they could use the exercise anyhow!

Yesterday, I saw a perfectly able-bodied lady get into her car that was in a handicapped spot. I had to park quite a bit further out, and asked her if she was handicapped. She said, "No, but I was only in the shop for a minute!" Not an excuse, people!

I wonder if Ms. Rahming understand what many of her clients deal wtih on a daily basis, and if she really means her "I'm sorry", of if she really means, "I'm sorry I got caught!" Let's see her make a donation to a charity that assists those with handicaps that is at least twice the amount fo the fine she would have paid had she been ticketed!

pt_90 6 months, 2 weeks ago

Judges and police park in fire zones all the time for non-emergencies.

Listen, if in the Bahamas we dont care for the minor laws then what do you expect.

bahamianson 6 months, 2 weeks ago

Mp's park at the entrance of Bay Street maming it difficult to turn without hitting the vehi le. Stop parking to go into the hotel!!!!!

TalRussell 6 months, 2 weeks ago

Yes. -- Although doesn't apply in this case. -- People with non-apparent disabilities are also issued permits to park in a disabled reserved parking space and must not become the object of insensitive harassment. -- If you display a valid handicap permit, -- You do not have to explain to anybody as to why you used the disabled space. -- Yes?

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