Ferguson says all Junkanoo groups support withdrawal

Former Junkanoo Corporation of New Providence (JCNP) chairman Silbert Ferguson (file photo)

Former Junkanoo Corporation of New Providence (JCNP) chairman Silbert Ferguson (file photo)


Tribune Staff Reporters

FORMER Junkanoo Corporation of New Providence (JCNP) chairman Silbert Ferguson claimed yesterday that Junkanoo groups have unanimously agreed to withdraw from the annual parades if the Davis administration insists that both Valley Boys factions be allowed to compete in the main category of the parades.

His comment came as the status of the parades remained uncertain yesterday amid silence from the Junkanoo Corporation of New Providence (JCNP) and the government.

JCNP chairman Dion Miller, who first revealed that the parades may be cancelled, did not confirm or deny Mr Ferguson’s comment, but during a brief interview with The Tribune yesterday, he said he takes “instructions from the groups”.

“I work for the groups, I was elected by the groups, I speak on behalf of the groups,” he said.

Mr Ferguson said alternative venues and events are being considered if the government does not meet the groups’ demands.

“We will rush somewhere else without them,” he said, emphasising the need to preserve autonomy.

Yesterday, the JCNP postponed a scheduled press conference for the second day in a row, citing “further developing situations”.

Mr Ferguson noted that while the JCNP cannot unilaterally cancel Junkanoo, the collective withdrawal of groups would nullify the event. 

He also dismissed Attorney General Ryan Pinder’s warning about the legal and financial risks of allowing only one faction of the Valley Boys to participate. 

“He said we can’t exclude one group because it might expose the government to risks, but we follow our rules,” he said.

Accusing the government of political interference, Mr Ferguson claimed the controversy stems from favouritism toward Trevor Davis’ faction, and he noted that Mr Davis is the brother of Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis.

“If this were any other group, this wouldn’t be an issue,” he said.

The Valley Boys conflict has grabbed headlines throughout the year. Trevor Davis, the Way Forward leader, has said the division centres around concerns about how the organisation had been running over the years, including the lack of an election.


bahamianson 2 months ago

Ok, I am in agreement to not having junkanoo this year. You know what will happen? A lot of people will put their customs on , play music and dance, just like the original form of junkanoo. Wr have strayed from the original meaning. Power , money and pride have replaced junkanoo.

TalRussell 2 months ago

@ComradeBahamianson. I too ask leave to not hold either of the two Junkanoo Parades. -- Let it be Start Time to Cheer on the return of the thousands of the popoulaces' who haven't in years rushed their foots on Bay Street -- It long coming --- Yes?

birdiestrachan 2 months ago

Only because of a brother they have these problems. They are showing their power. To cancel the parade. FERGUSON AND THE EDITORIAL PAGE say the groups are in agreement AGREEMENT TO CANCEL THE PARADES THEN cancell and see what happens.

TalRussell 2 months ago

I would be 110% in support of no Boxing nor New Year's Days Junkanoo Parades but only if to (permanently) rid the parades of (JCNP). -- Calling on Governor-General to revoke (JCNP) status and bar forever its officers from coming within 1000 foots anything doing with Junkanooin' -- Yes?

TalRussell 2 months ago

Comrade Moncour, think, but only after you've had good look on the faces -- looked be feeling's usual rejected suspects in picture.....What if the govt, were to distribute Cow Bells, Whistles' Horns and few dozen Drums throughout at Start Time popoulaces' -- And just so happen you got a cow, or 2,  -- brungs them along. -- Will cost govt far less than all the $30,000 handed out by various groups. --- Yes?

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