Wilson warns industrial action if bi-weekly pay issues not addressed

Bahamas Union of Teachers (BUT) President Belinda Wilson speaks during a press conference where The BUT and Teachers and Salaried Workers Co-Operative Credit Union Ltd (TSWCCUL) signed an agreement to assist BUT members with financing on August 20, 2024. Photo: Dante Carrer/Tribune Staff

Bahamas Union of Teachers (BUT) President Belinda Wilson speaks during a press conference where The BUT and Teachers and Salaried Workers Co-Operative Credit Union Ltd (TSWCCUL) signed an agreement to assist BUT members with financing on August 20, 2024. Photo: Dante Carrer/Tribune Staff


Tribune Chief Reporter


BAHAMAS Union of Teachers (BUT) president Belinda Wilson warned of industrial action if government fails to address concerns over the proposed bi-weekly pay schedule. 

Her latest threat comes amid an ongoing dispute between the government and public servants over the planned shift.

Although Labour and Public Service Minister Pia Glover-Rolle recently announced plans to introduce bi-weekly pay early next year, she later said the timeline for implementation had been extended for further consultation after union leaders expressed shock.

 However, in her latest update, Mrs Glover-Rolle emphasised that the postponement does not indicate the government has changed its position.

 She reiterated that the government believes bi-weekly payments will benefit public servants by providing more consistent cash flow between pay periods.

 In a voice note, Ms Wilson said she is still awaiting a response from the Prime Minister regarding concerns about the proposed pay schedule.

 She said she had been informed of a meeting for this week that would proceed without key stakeholders, including herself and Bahamas Public Services Union (BPSU) president Kimsley Ferguson.

 On Sunday, Mrs Glover-Rolle confirmed plans for a Tuesday meeting and noted that union leaders had been informed but were reportedly unavailable to attend. She indicated uncertainty about whether the Ministry of Finance had issued a response to the requested postponement as the union’s notice of their inability to attend was sent after the close of business on Friday, December 13.

As it was still the weekend, she did not anticipate any reply until the Ministry of Finance reopened on Monday.

Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis announced plans to introduce bi-weekly payments in June as part of a series of public sector reforms. 

Ms Wilson said many frustrated civil servants had reached out to oppose the plan.

According to the union president, a survey among BUT members revealed that most rejected the proposal to switch from monthly to bi-weekly payments.

She called for action from the “thousands of civil servants” who are against the planned pay proposal.

“I am requesting that you stay tuned for further information in the new year 2025,” she said. “If this matter is not satisfactorily addressed and resolved in a timely manner, you will be called upon to stand. It is time to stand.”

In response, Mrs Glover-Rolle said she was unaware of the “thousands of public servants” that Ms Wilson claims reject bi-weekly payments.

However, she added: “If that is the verifiable facts, I am certain that the government will be prepared to comply with the public servants wishes.”



bahamianson 2 months, 2 weeks ago

Every article in the Bahamas is either about increasing crime, increasing wages or increasing taxes. Greed , greed, greed. Everyone always wants more. We are a greedy species and will never satisfy. We are literally slaves to greed.

tetelestai 2 months, 2 weeks ago

This article is about none of the three.

birdiestrachan 2 months, 2 weeks ago

Wilson loves the lime light here she is again with her threats. I suppose they will punish the children and close the schools

tetelestai 2 months, 2 weeks ago

Birdie, the government cannot unilaterally change the condition of a contract. That is basic contract law 101. Belinda is doing nothing wrong here - in fact, she is doing what she is paid to do as President. Now, if the government believes that there are benefits to switching to bimonthly payments, then they need to discuss that with Belinda - not simply announce it in the press.

sheeprunner12 2 months, 2 weeks ago

Can Belinda Wilson list FIVE things that are wrong with the proposed switch??? Why are her reasons for objecting to the switch not listed in this story?????

Reasons why the Govt wants to switch are listed in the story ............... HMMMM

Or is this just BAD journalist reporting as usual??????

tetelestai 2 months, 2 weeks ago

Her reason is simple, sheeprunner12 - one party to a contract cannot unilaterally change the terms of the contract without the other's consent. This is very basic contract law.

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