A 21-year-old French man from Canada was reported missing at sea in Exuma yesterday.
According to preliminary reports, the missing man and another male tourist allegedly went swimming near their vacation rental around 6pm.
One of the men returned alone and informed a nearby business operator that his companion, a resident of Quebec, Canada, was trapped in rough waters and could not be located.
Police were contacted, and officers conducted a grid search of the beach but were unable to find the missing man.
Adverse weather conditions further hampered search efforts at sea, according to police.
Search and rescue operations are set to continue today.
ScullyUFO 2 months, 2 weeks ago
"French men" are from France.
Canadian men are from Canada.
ThisIsOurs 2 months, 2 weeks ago
The seas have been very rough for the past week, surf weather, not sure why two men would go swimming in rough water after dark, but...
Flyingfish 2 months, 2 weeks ago
Yep, this is it exactly. I was always instructed to never swim at night and come out of the water at dusk by my parents. Wouldn't dare stray from it now.
But some individuals seem like they lose all commonsense when it comes to the beauty.
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