Efforts still underway to free cargo vessel

The vessel pictured on Wednesday. Photo: Dante Carrer

The vessel pictured on Wednesday. Photo: Dante Carrer


Tribune Freeport Reporter


FRED Culmer, senior official at the Port Department, said the cargo vessel stuck in the sand at Saunders Beach has not been abandoned and efforts are still underway to free it.

On Wednesday evening, the 200ft Zanzidar broke loose from its mooring during inclement weather. It is owned by Amilcar Carey of Incredible Bulk Freight, a distribution, freight, and logistics company based in the Bahamas.

Mr Culmer said the vessel was not unmanned as initially reported in The Tribune.

“There was a crew on board during the time the vessel ran aground,” he said.

Mr Culmer noted that the vessel’s owners and operators have already approached salvors and tugs to assist in freeing the cargo vessel.

“Efforts have already been made and are still ongoing to get the vessel off the sand bar,” he said.

“There is no threat to the environment in any form or fashion, and the vessel is intact. It never made contact with any reefs in the immediate area.

Mr. Culmer said there was no cargo onboard the disabled vessel and that another attempt to free it would be made at high tide.


bahamianson 5 months, 2 weeks ago

You mean they failed the first two times? Where are.the experts? Wait until high tide and get more muscle. It is the same three tugboats.

hrysippus 5 months, 2 weeks ago

Hi Bahamasoon, Dou you know anything about high tides and the full moon? The solution that you so easily proposed is not so easy with a waning moon.

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