Man ordered to anger management after attacking woman with cutlass


Tribune Staff Reporter


A MAN was ordered to attend anger management classes after he assaulted a woman with a cutlass and threatened to kill her last week.

Senior Magistrate Shaka Serville charged Deneko Deveaux, 29, with assault with a dangerous instrument and threats of death.

Deveaux reportedly assaulted Raven Jones with a cutlass and threatened her with death in Elizabeth Estates on June 29.

After pleading guilty to the charge, Deveaux claimed he was employed and had a clean record up to this point. He asked Magistrate Serville for leniency.

Deveaux was granted a conditional discharge and placed on six-month probation. During this time, he must attend anger management classes. Failure to obey these conditions would incur a $1,500 fine or three months in prison.

The defendant must return to court on September 27.


tell_it_like_it_is 8 months ago

This judge ain't serious... sigh
So anger management for attacking someone with a cutlass because it's their first crime.

So if my first crime is murder, will I get to attend HA meetings (Homicide Anonymous meetings) and 6 months probation too? SMH 🤦‍♂️

trueBahamian 8 months ago

This is odd. That should be jail time easy. Say it's his first offense. Lol. Seriously?! You jump to a felony on a first offense and say "Ooops, I had a bad day?". Keep ij mind it's his first time befite the courts. It's probably not the first time he's done something like this. Usually, you don't go from quiet law abiding citizen to roughing up someone and threatening to kill them.

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