Tribune Staff Reporter
THE director general of tourism, investments and aviation said "it was a very difficult period" after allegations were made by two Kentucky women that they were drugged and sexually assaulted in Grand Bahama. As yet, police have made no move to prosecute anyone over the claims.
Latia Duncombe was asked about how tourism had bolstered its defences against unproven claims by visitors, in reference to the case of the alleged sex attack while on a beach in Grand Bahama.
The Tribune understands that Police Commissioner Clayton Fernander has the file on the case "and at some point he will address”, according to Assistant Commissioner of Police Shanta Knowles.
Mrs Duncombe reiterated that isolated incidents may happen, but said visitors when abroad should take the same safety precautions as they do at home.
“The Ministry of Tourism, we have many facets, many arms and an arm that we have is the visitor safety and security unit that would make sure that - the touristic zones - that we patrol those areas and we liaise with the police so that's a level of support that we give. We're in those spaces. We have team members on the ground. Whenever something is of concern we reach out to the police who have ultimate responsibility for safety in the destination,” Mrs Duncombe said.
Reporters asked how tourists have reacted to international coverage of missing tourist Taylor Casey and the sexual assault allegations made by two Kentucky women, to which Mrs Duncombe said: “We’ve not seen a direct impact."
She added that they’re using technology to monitor and listen to tourists and ensure they receive necessary information from relevant agencies.
She said: “When we look at our existing climate, whenever there's a question that arises - and questions have arisen – we send them the communication that came from the police so they would have received the update from a press liaison officer. The same technology that we use to understand the profile of the visitor, what do they like, what are the preferences, we use that same technology and artificial intelligence to understand and to listen and to monitor the sentiment so we are listening.”
As for the case of missing 41-year-old Taylor Casey, Mrs Duncombe reiterated that The Bahamas remains a safe destination for visitors and residents, and referred to the prime minister’s five pillar crime plan.
She said: “We've seen increased police presence in many of our tourist zones, we've seen CCTV facial recognition that's also available and out there many of our large hotel properties, they have security teams, many of the touristic sites also have security measures that are in place."
John 8 months ago
Whilst the safety of guests visiting this country must always remain the number one priority, police and authorities must also ensure that Bahamians and anyone working in the industry are protected from false accusations and allegations and also that they are adequately compensated and restored when allegations are proven to be false. If there is sufficient evidence to support the allegations of the Zteo Kentucky women that they were drugged and raped and evidence to disprove the surveillance cameras if the resort, then the commissioner should allow the case to move forward and allow the courts decide. If, on the other hand, no such evidence exists and only word of mouth allegations, then it is wrong and unfair to hold this matter over the heads of the accused indefinitely. This will be total miscarriage of Justice. Resorts like Atlantis and Bah Mar as other tourist resorts around the world spend millions and millions to protect their properties and brand from fraud and false accusations. While 95 percent of visitors are genuine. There are those who seek to exploit opportunity. The two Kentucky women had sufficient opportunity to document evidence of rape. And any defense attorney will have a field day with this case. As for the missing guest at the Yoga resorts this incident is mysteriously baffling. It needs more investigation and hopefully this does not become a cold and unsolved case. . There is also now reports of a 24 year old cruise passenger missing ‘in the Caribbean’ little other information is given not even which island or part of The Caribbean the young man went missing. So now The Bahamas and every Caribbean country is suspect. PS other reports say the 14 y/o went missing in Germany, NOT the Caribbean but yet US media is saying ‘the Caribbean.’
ThisIsOurs 8 months ago
"If there is sufficient evidence to support the allegations of the Zteo Kentucky women.."
When there is zero evidence, that is the easiest thing to dismiss from.a prosecution standpoint. Because, there is no evidence. It cant stand up in court. A judge will not accept the case anywhere in the world. Noone can be subjected to frivolous prosecution. Even if a case gets to court the judge will simply throw it out and harshly admonish the prosecution for wasting the courts time.
"commissioner...has the file on the case "and at some point he will address”
We know what this potentially means. Long drawn out decision making. Who knows maybe the accusers will lose interest.
What we've seen happening in the Bahamas is something different. A pattern where the police are reluctant to move forward with either politically or economically sensitive matters. Dont touch the tourism goose! Even the DPM is alledged to have stepped in to short circuit the prosecution of 62 illegally residing Chinese citizens, allegedly because of the business they were connected to. I doubt if they were working at a fast food restaurant an intervention would have happened..
There've been a number of allegations over the years of rapes committed by MPs, only one has seen the light of day and even in that case, the first action by the police according to the accuser was to try to get her to unknowingly agree to not prosecute. A mistrial was called directly after the most damning testimony was given, someone was related to Michael Pintard. We're left to wonder why noone revealed the relationship from the time the jury was impaneled. But anyway, let the evidence lose its sting for a few months.
Not a single charge has been brought against anybody in the FTX matter, even though all the evidence is now publicly available in the US court system, all the police would have to do is read the file. Nothing.
Not a single charge has been laid against Nygard, again even though all the evidence is publicly available in US Court records
Not a single charge of illegal gambling has been brought against the big 4 operators, over decades, the police couldnt find evidence of anything anywhere. No sting operation to find a receipt on patrons
Porcupine 8 months ago
This is not happenstance. There is a level of impunity that far exceeds the global norm. From top to bottom, there is a high level of corruption that pervades our entire country. Entire. One would like to think it is just rank incompetence. But, think again.
Porcupine 8 months ago
"....even though all the evidence is now publicly available in the US court system, all the police would have to do is read the file. Nothing." Perhaps we should wonder how many in the police department can read at all.
John 8 months ago
Then you must remember the Sandals case where the resort in a bud to protect its name and reputation threw one of third employees under the bud when he was accused of groping a newly wedded wife. The resort , despite the butler’s years of exemplary service had the butler show up for work then had him charged with the sexual offense and advised him to plead guilty to avoid jail time etc. it was only afterwards that Sandals realized the ‘couple’ was out to fleece the resort out of millions and was not willing to make an ‘out /of/ court’ settlement,. . They the 28 y/o jet ski operators who was accused of rape by a Paradise Island guest. He spent the entire Covid in jail . The female accused him of rape but after she was grilled by persons she was traveling with. But after she returned home to the US, she posted on her Facebook page admitting that the sex on the beach with the young man was consensual but she only said ‘he forced me’ after being grilled by her friends and made to feel dirty and embarrassed . She never showed up to court. Three to four years of the man’s life was taken away not to mention the psychological damage
ThisIsOurs 8 months ago
If a woman lied about being raped, filed a false charge with police that is a crime. Did the man have a lawyer? Did the police pursue her for failing a false charge? She must have given her home address. Did they file a complaint with the US embassy?
John 8 months ago
You know as well as everyone else our police and our government pander to the US and to American citizens. So if a young , white American girl says she was raped by a young ‘ thug’ as you call us, his ass going to jail and will be guilty as sin until proven innocent. At 18 do you think he had the resources to persue the matter or even hire a lawyer, especially since he wasn’t given bail? Hey we is the same niggas who use to get hanged or Lynchburg for looking at a white womens laundry on a clothes line… correction not looking, but accused of looking
ThisIsOurs 8 months ago
You clearly missed the part where a complaint was filed with the police. The Police, that is a crime if she later said her statement was false. That's a big IF. Should said individual not have resources to pursue the matter The Royal Bahamas Police Force certainly do.
temptedbythefruitofanother 8 months ago
The out of control JetSki drug gangs have made a career out of beating, raping and robbing tourists on the pristine beaches of the Bahamas when they aren't busy selling them dangerous drugs.
Something needs to be done, these criminals need to be arrested
John 8 months ago
I guess they are NOT selling drugs to the out of control tourists who came to The BaHAMAS with a drug problem or drug dependence. The USbsmuggled’ 800 BILLION tonnes of cocaine annually. To do laundry with maybe. Go play with ya ma lil water boy dude!
John 8 months ago
PS: The criminals is in the White House duddy. Stay woke!
John 8 months ago
PS only a piece a shyt would take a job to propagate false truths to try undermine and destroy a country and put its people into economic hardship. That ain’t buoy by no chance at… ORar
John 8 months ago
The 14 y/o autistic boy who went missing in Germany has been found ‘safe and I unharmed’ after disembarking a cruise ship in Germany and going missing for two days. No other information or explanation given. Is this a new ploy/ tactic the cruise ship industry is using to put fear/ anxiety in their passengers to prevent them leaving the ship on a cruise? To make this matter more of concern to The Bahamas and the Caribbean is that US media said the 14 y/o went missing on ‘a Caribbean cruise in Germany.’ Must agree with Trump that most US media is less than ‘a piece a shit.’ Now it raises eyebrows about the tranny missing at the YOGA retreat on Paradise Island and why the family is upset with local police when the FBI is also supposed to be investigated.., AND, according to the family the Chicago police
ThisIsOurs 8 months ago
The hiker lost for 10 days was found, what exactly is your point? That because someone was found somewhere in the world there's no need for concern?
Trump the all knowing also said we're an s-hole country.
John 8 months ago
No shut head. Your president elect said that about Haiti
John 8 months ago
My point is the hiker ( if your story is true) was not on a ship in Germany that may have disrupted the vacation of several thousand people who had to decide to stay on the ship and ‘be safe’ or go ashore and explore. The hiker didn’t affect thousands, probably millions of people who are planning vacations but heard they media reports that a 14 y/o autistic boy went missing in the Caribbean ( not sure exactly where they said) whilst the incident happened across the world in Germany. And after the boy was ‘missing‘for two days they only said he was ‘found safe’ with no more details
ThisIsOurs 8 months ago
"If" my story is true? Lol. Read. Frankly who cares how many people decide not to take a beach vacation if someone is missing? You are frightening. You are basically saying dont report possibly negative facts if it hurts tourism. Fact the Bahamas is largely homophobic, you dont have to agree with someone's lifestyle or politics but acts of physical and verbal violence are another thing altogether. Fact Someone who came to the Bahamas is missing without a trace. If that person is found and discovered to be in some elaborate disappearing act, cauterize them at that point, until then consider them in danger or worse.
ThisIsOurs 8 months ago
"One person briefed on the meeting said when Durbin got to Haiti, Trump began to ask why we want people from Haiti and more Africans in the US and added that the US should get more people from countries like Norway
You may believe Trump didnt include the Bahamas and other Caribbean countries in his s-hole reference, but that would be from looking on with very muddy blinders. He made quite clear who he thought was an acceptable migrant in his reference to "like Norway".
Secondly, you're the one taking pearls of wisdom from anything Trump says
TalRussell 8 months ago
Would be best for the colony's director general of tourism, investments and aviation to shove commentarys' on potential criminal matters over to the Policemans' commentary spokespersons'. -- Yes?
John 8 months ago
They want the BaHAMAS to fry up like The Tribune and The Nassau Guardian nandbBTC’s phone book , yed
ThisIsOurs 8 months ago
They do and whose fault is it that we're currently solely dependent on tourism with innovations over decades stolen and botched? Een nobody out there saying we better protect John or the Bahamas from themselves. I wish there were.
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