CENTRAL and South Eleuthera Clay Sweeting and State Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister Leon Lundy said in a joint state- ment on Saturday that they were disappointed and frustrated by the recent reduction of water supply to residents of Central Eleuthera.
Tribune Staff Reporter
WATER woes prevented some Central and South Eleuthera residents from bathing, flushing toilets and living like they are accustomed to, prompting the government to issue a stern warning to Aqua Design Bahamas, the company responsible for providing the critical service.
Central and South Eleuthera Clay Sweeting and State Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister Leon Lundy said in a joint statement on Saturday that they were disappointed and frustrated by the recent reduction of water supply to residents of Central Eleuthera.
“The level of service provided by Aqua Design Bahamas Limited is unacceptable and does not meet the standards we expect in The Bahamas,” they said.
They added that an “equipment failure at the reverse osmosis desalination plant and the subsequent delays in repairs are indicative of a significant lapse in service delivery. This is unacceptable for our communities to endure extended disruptions.”
They warned that the government’s contract with Aqua Design Bahamas could be terminated if things don’t change.
The water supply disruption particularly affected residents of Gregory Town, Governor’s Harbour, Palmetto Point, and Savannah Sound.
Mr Sweeting had similarly lamented in 2022 that supply disruption left residents without water for “some seven days” and had been inconsistent for months.
The statement added: “The government will thoroughly revisit the contractual arrangements with Aqua Design Bahamas Limited. If the current arrangement proves inadequate to meet the needs of our people, we will take the necessary steps to seek alternative solutions that ensure consistent and reliable water services.
Rock Sound resident Angela Thompson said she hasn’t had running water in her house at night for months.
She said waking up to no running water had often made her 12-year-old grandson and daughter late for work.
She said her family now keeps an emergency stack of bottled water to combat the unpredictable water supply.
“We have like six five-gallon jugs of water and we always have those filled up for backup just in case there’s no water,” she said. “We use it for everything. We use it to flush the toilet and to bathe. Then we have water that we buy that we use for tea or to make breakfast.”
Ms Thompson noted some families aren’t fortunate enough to have spare gallons of water. She said the longest her water has been off in the day was about “four hours”, but it constantly turns off every night.
She said she misses taking a “proper shower” as bathing with jugs of water is not comfortable.
Dr Kim Young, a health practitioner at Mindshift Coaching and Wellness, said she has been living in Tarpum Bay, South Eleuthera, for two years.
She said there have been challenges with the water supply since starting her home-based business about a year ago. She said she bought a personal water tank months ago to operate her health practice safely.
She said in recent weeks, patients have been affected by the unreliable water supply, with some cancelling their appointments.
She stressed the importance of residents having a reliable water supply to cool during a heat wave.
“Water is not a want. It’s an essential need,” she said.
ExposedU2C 8 months, 2 weeks ago
The good people of Eleuthera really need to send this most corrupt Davis led PLP government a message he will never forget come the next general election.
SP 8 months, 2 weeks ago
LOL.....The PLP is, have always been, and WILL ALWAYS BE full of shyt!
This is the same group of bullshyters that promised the people relief on the campaign trail right before the last election with "FREE ELECTRICITY" for votes, then turned around and DOUBLED ELECTRICITY COST after winning power!
To add insult to injury they raised taxes on water, businesses, NIB, road traffic, business license, yacht charters, and are now working on taxing the Bahamian dream!
ANYBODY STUPID ENOUGH to vote for these deceitful, lying, crooked, pirates, deserves exactly what the DUCK got, and it ain't "RELIEF"!
SP 8 months, 2 weeks ago
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah......STFU and resolve the damn problem!
Porcupine 8 months, 2 weeks ago
Our water was out on Andros today, and will likely be out tomorrow judging by the heavy equipment in the road. This is Mr. Lundy's constituency. This is Bahamian Water & Sewerage. We have been complaining for years. Who's listening? Nobody! Mr. Sweerting and Mr. Lundy said, "The level of service provided by Aqua Design Bahamas Limited is unacceptable and does not meet the standards we expect in The Bahamas,” We have no standards, let's be real. We're not the only one's complaining. Most people who have any self-respect just quit complaining. Why? Simple. The government doesn't seem to care. Standards? Don't make me laugh.
ThisIsOurs 8 months, 2 weeks ago
Before the company was given this contract what major water development systems had they overseen?
There is nothing wrong with giving a new company an opportunity, but 3 things should be true, first, something should tell you that the major players have the potential to be successful, i.e., their base of knowledge in the field should be deep and extensive and they should have access to adequate funding. Being careful not to be fooled by the inclusion of a foreign "token" for name recognition (which is my major concern with the BPL deal, that this is a FOCOL who've overseen two major oil spills in our waters deal with the Pike name included to instill confidence.. but I could be wrong...). And conversely, not to give contracts to political cronies who know nothing essentially and outsource to a myriad of subcontractors hiking costs exponentially
Second, the company's history of engagement should demonstrate ethical behaviour (selling swamp land to thousands of fellow Bahamians in Pinewood without batting an eye, that's a serious black mark) and finally, the ecosystem in which that company operates should be different than that of one with decades of experience and success. The last being something the govt needs to oversee.
This problem on Eleuthera is spanning years, this is more than a "maintenance issue", this is breakdown and systemic failure. I'd say this calls for a public post mortem forum (with FNM and PLP equally represented) in what not to do. especially on family islands, you cant throw them to the wolves.
ThisIsOurs 8 months, 2 weeks ago
The PLP will balk at a public forum, but they must see at this point that what matters most to the public is transparency. You could do all the good in the world, if it looks shifty funded by public money, nobody cares. You could also complain about people focusing on an insignificant plane, part and parcel of what you got into.
Having had Christie, then Minnis and now Davis... what are we doing? Good PR will not save a govt
Porcupine 8 months, 2 weeks ago
Not only will a public forum not work, I can prove to you that anyone who dares speak out will be viciously attacked. First, they circle their own wagons, which are the politicians and their political cronies. The same ones who get the lucrative contracts no matter how badly and publicly they have failed in the past. Our politicians do NOT want anyone who speaks with any conviction or intelligence to tell them how badly they are screwing their constituents. They already know this and couldn't care less. That is precisely why the Family Islands are in the state they are in. The politicians say that the Family Islanders are too stupid and just don't care. When in reality the Family Islanders just got tired of complaining and seeing nothing done. Every election season big promises are made to the Family Islanders, just before the cash is handed out near the polling booths. Do ANY of the promises come true? See for yourself.
ThisIsOurs 8 months, 2 weeks ago
You have a point, we dont even need to go to the highest ranks in the country. I remember speaking up years ago at a former workplace about an injustice, when I looked behind me all I see was my shadow. A few months later one of the disappearing colleagues got targeted by the same authority and approached me about "this injustice!", my response, "who's going to say anything"? And that was the end of that.
But a way it could work is having a panel of justices oversee the process. You're basically following a factual trail, matching it to best practice. It either lines up or it doesnt. Because in 2024 when people cant flush toilets some questions have to be answered
sheeprunner12 8 months, 1 week ago
When the former WSC Chairman (who the PLP has in court) tried to get rid of this same company, Brave Davis dem hollered bloody murder in Opposition.
But this USA company is still screwing WSC today ...... The PLP is singing a different tune now.
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