Taxi fare rise gazetted, as bus drivers still wait

ENERGY and Transport Minister JoBeth Coleby Davis. Photo: Dante Carrer

ENERGY and Transport Minister JoBeth Coleby Davis. Photo: Dante Carrer


Tribune Freeport Reporter


ENERGY and Transport Minister JoBeth Coleby Davis said the long-promised ten per cent taxi fare increase for New Providence drivers has been gazetted, giving nearly 2,000 cab motorists the first increase in over six years.

She said the fare increase has been overdue, and her ministry is also completing the rate adjustment for taxi fares in the Family Islands.

Although drivers initially wanted a 25 percent fare increase, Wesley Ferguson, president of the Bahamas Taxi Cab Union, welcomed the 10 per cent.

“It might not be a big figure, but it is a shot in the arm for taxi drivers to make a little bit more on fares,” he said yesterday. “The beauty of the increase is that it is not coming out of the public’s purse. The general public will not have to bear the cost of this. This money strictly comes from tourists so it would not be a burden on anyone’s income because we have very few people in Nassau that catch taxis on a regular basis.”

“That‘s why we settled for only ten percent. With the new increase in taxis entering the industry, we thought it was fitting we get something to sort of defray or offset the increase in cab drivers operating in Nassau so everyone can make an honest day’s pay for an honest day’s work.”

Mrs Coleby-Davis did not offer similar good news for bus drivers who have been pining for a fare increase, saying the issue is still being examined.

She said a town hall meeting for the public, bus franchise owners, and public bus drivers is planned for early April. The meeting will discuss an increase in bus fares and measures to enhance the sector.

 She said because of population shifts in New Providence, her ministry must review existing bus routes, explore the need for new routes, and gazette bus stops.

 Last November, Mrs Coleby-Davis said a 25-cent bus fare increase for bus drivers would be rolled out in the first quarter of this year, taking bus fares up to $1.50.


hrysippus 11 months ago

Having a government proposal "gazetteered" is just about 300 year old technology. Why is this country still using such an outmoded vehicle? Oh, yes, it is a way of keeping the print media beholden to the government in power. Just ask the US Perry Family who used to own one of the "Daily's". in in the 1970's and 1980's.

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