LETTER: Is violence un-Bahamian?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

VIOLENCE…un-Bahamian? Where did our love of violence come from? Have you noticed murder but not robbing. Causes? It is easy to suggest but there is a raw reality…We have killed the family...heavy emphasis for years on single parenting (not saying there are not extra ordinary positive examples but).

Young men not brought up with the influence of a male influence...horrific quiet but real offensive abuse incidents creating an angry young person - marijuana (if an adult is smoking in a confirmed space their children are inhaling second hand marijuana smoke - might as well be smoking the weed. Does PM Davis intend legalising marijuana for personal use by election 2026?

Short term really there is little cure or correction it will take years - examine how we posture? Make believe we are a practicing Christian Nation less than 50% attend a church of their choice...adult disregard to Laws, paying legal Taxes al contributes to the whole and zero example from successive Governments - all the same. The people seem tired of both parties?



November 3, 2024.



hrysippus 3 months, 4 weeks ago

This letter writer seems to have a strong bias against people smoking marijuana. There is no evidence that I have ever seen linking "smoking weed" to violence. There is however an obvious link between drinking alcohol and violence. The simplest solution to any given problem is often the correct one. Alcohol abuse, not weed, is almost certainly at the root of much of the violence we see reported each day. Alcohol lowers inhibitions while weed just makes you lazy.

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