Police on the scene where a man collapsed and died after being shot, becoming the country’s latest murder victim on November 6, 2024. Photo: Nikia Charlton
Tribune Staff Reporter
A MAN was gunned down to become the country’s latest murder victim of the year.
Superintendent Devon Robinson of the Southern Division said the victim, a man in his “late 20s to early 30s,” was initially on Bowe Alley and fled north before collapsing after being shot.
Although The Tribune understands the incident involved one of the man’s relatives, Supt Robinson said he “could not confirm that at this point of the investigation.”
Asked about concerns over rising crime in the area, considering police were called to the same location two nights earlier, Supt Robinson said: “We have initiatives going on in this area, walkabouts, community checks, and we have a number of operations going on at this time. There’s no concerns at this time of the rising crime.”
MP for Bain and Grants Town Wayde Watson, who said he visited both recent crime scenes, commented on the impact of the incidents.
“One case, it was an uncle and a nephew, and the other case is two friends,” he said. “It’s just based on conflict, and as a result of that, we end up with two murders in two weeks, so we want to say to the young men, find alternative ways to resolve conflict, and it’s a sad situation.”
He added: “Everybody is grieving because it’s a tight-knit community, and these persons are really, really close, so it’s difficult, and you’re sympathetic.”
Mr Watson emphasised that up to four families have been affected by the violence.
realfreethinker 3 months, 4 weeks ago
There’s no concerns at this time of the rising crime.” Is he serious with that statement?
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