Skippings urges public, ‘stop being hotheaded’ after latest murder


Tribune Chief Reporter


CHIEF Superintendent Chrislyn Skippings has urged the public “to stop being hot headed” after another violent fight left a man dead on Wednesday.

The victim, believed to be in his late 30s or early 40s, was found shirtless on Kildeer Drive around 11 pm with multiple stab and gunshot wounds.

According to police, preliminary reports suggest he was confronted by an unknown man driving a white Japanese vehicle.

The two got into a heated altercation during which the suspect stabbed and shot the victim multiple times before fleeing the scene.

Police could not say what the argument was about.

His death brings the country’s murder count to 109 for the year, according to The Tribune’s records.

It is also the latest fight between two men to turn deadly in recent weeks.

Last week, Jeffrey Burrows was allegedly stabbed to death by a tenant on Saturday, according to his family.

Last month, two brothers-in-law died after their fight turned fatal.

Speaking to reporters on Wednesday, CSP Skippings called for an end to the senseless killings and urged people to resolve conflicts peacefully.

“Family members, godparents, close friends, girlfriends, boyfriends. It’s time for us now to stop being hot headed. Stop being hot headed. Recognise that you’re gonna argue with somebody. It will happen,” she said.

“You’re not gonna see eye to eye, but I want you to speak with them or find someone. Find an agency.”

She also appealed to men to “put their egos aside,” adding: “We don’t want to see another young man killed. We’ve lost enough already.”


bahamianson 3 months, 3 weeks ago

Ok mommy , I will listen to you.....this time. This is not a game.

TalRussell 3 months, 3 weeks ago

To the point of Comrade Chief Superintendent, do not take my words in a personal way but directed at someone in-uniform as a spokesperson, responsibility is to speak on behalf of the Policemans' and security minister. -- An individual is goin' about life, as is an everyday normal thing, minding they own business, when suddenly, they're stranger confronted by someone with a gun and driving the usual Japanese motor vehicle. -- And, you want them to ask the thug to postpone their deadly intent, long enough to drive you to go lookin' someone to chat with, in an non-existing govt agency. -- Call, which of the policemans' emergency numbers -- whilst crossing fingers - they'll actually pickup the phone and if lucky, there will be a mechanically operational car to respond to the scene of a crime in progress: -- Left alone with a gunman, are to remain cool headed, whilst dialing: -- Is it: (242) 323-0848 / 1 (242) 323-0854 / 1 (242) 323-0853 / 1 (242) 322-3816. -- Comrade Chief Superintendent, the system is both --broke and broken and stop pretending, otherwise. -- Yes?

ThisIsOurs 3 months, 2 weeks ago

"Three police officers have been committed to stand trial for manslaughter in 2021 shooting death of Azario Major." -Nassau Guardian, Nov-15-24, Krystel Brown

"stop being hotheaded:"

Show us how. Develop a new training regimen for police enforcement/engagement with the public

Porcupine 3 months, 2 weeks ago

And the list goes on, if we're paying attention, yes? What is the average education level of our police officers? Training in conflict resolution?

TalRussell 3 months, 2 weeks ago

​Given the power that police​mans' wield​. ​-- ​Transforming fathers, mothers, grandpas and grandmas into snitches..​ -- Yes?

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