Much to do to secure second term

EDITOR, The Tribune.

GENERAL elections are scheduled for 2026, a year or so away. The year 2024 was a very challenging one for most Bahamians, in my opinion. While the economy has improved tremendously since the years of the pandemic, a large number of Bahamians are still faced with the high costs of living; inflation; crime and the fear of crime and, of course affordable housing. The Davis administration will have its work in 2025 cut out for it.

Since 1997, no administration has been able to secure a second consecutive term in office. In fact, Mr Hubert A Ingraham, has been the last PM to do so since the hey days of the late great and deeply lamented Sir Lynden Oscar Pindling. May I suggest that no administration is really able to complete its stated agenda in a single term in office. Time, while longer than rope, is too short to conceptualise and successfully implement meaningful programmes or projects. The Bahamian electorate, traditionally, has been very unforgiving for incumbent administrations.

Mr Davis, our current Prime Minister, has been preparing for high office, seemingly, all or most of his adult life. He had to literally “claw” his way to the leadership of the New Day PLP, against great odds and naysayers. It did not simply drop into his lap. While he is a likable and competent leader and PM, I suspect that uneasy lies the head that wears the crown. Along with this suspicion, I also suspect that there is a handful of individuals within the leadership ranks of the PLP who believe or feel that they would be able to do a better job in those dual roles as opposed to Brave.

Politics has been defined as war by all and any means necessary. Power is akin to an addictive drug and, again, I suspect that there are any number of persons who are hell bent on ensuring that Brave and his benign administration fails or implode. Whereas the past three years have been more about recovery and reconstruction, this year is really the last one, realistically, for the Davis administration to ramp up its messaging and actual achievement on the ground. Some of those areas include those suggested above.

Tens of thousands of Bahamians have publicly expressed the view,

whether valid or not, as having been “forgotten” by both of the major parties. The fringe assorted political groupings, may be capable of generating headlines but it is highly unlikely that any of them would be able to galvanise a majority of the electorate so as to come to power and govern. Bahamians are fickle but they are not fools when it comes down to their retail poli- tics. 2025 will be the year when the New Day PLP must stand, firmly, and deliver for the “forgotten” Bahamian.

At this juncture, in my view, the FNM and its leadership cadre, with the stark exception of Shanendon Cartwright (FNM-St Barnabas), the Deputy Leader of that “coalition”, is not a real threat to the Davis government. This could change at the drop of a pin unless the delivery on promises made back in 2021 are met with positive results. How can this be done?

The PM is the chief executive officer of the nation. As such he is the front man to whom most Bahamians look to for concrete solutions. People have often questioned me about my political leanings. It has been said/suggested that media personalities should not reveal where their political heart is. I am, for the record, an adherent of the PLP. But by the same token, I am a firm believer in solid leadership. Brave, in my view, is such a leader But there may be associates and fellow parliamentarians who are “jealous” of his ascendency and may well feel that now is their time. I may be wrong and I hope that I am but politics is a hybrid creature which is often difficult to contain or control. There is, of course, a time and a place for everything But now is definitely Not the time to seek to make the PM look bad in a bogus and meritless attempt to take him down. The New Day PLP Must demonstrate solidarity and cohesion. A house divided among itself cannot stand or inspire confidence.

Like Sir Lynden was forced to do decades ago Brave Must read the riot act to disgruntled and possibly disruptive so-called PLP’s. Pindling at an historic national convention of the PLP bluntly told some “rebels”, inclusive

of the late Sir Cecil Wallace-Whitfield; the late Carlton Francis and James “Jimmy” Shepherd, et al, that either they should fish; cut bait or get the hell out of the proverbial boat. Those gentlemen and their followers did just that... they abandoned the PLP and formed what was then referred to as The Free PLP. Sir Lynden went on to retain leadership of the PLP and continued to vanquished Sophie and his crew at the polls for decades, until the arrival of Mr Ingraham, a former acolyte of Sir Lynden.

In 2025, Mr Davis and right-thinking members and supporters of the New Day PLP will have no time to waste as we strengthen the brand and roll out tangible achievements. NIB stipends must be increased to keep up with inflation and the costs of living. The new Sir Lynden Oscar Pindling Hospital must be successfully rolled out, if only a highly publicised ground-breaking exercise and immediate construction. Larger clinics here in New Providence must be modernised and upgraded into mini hospitals, especially in the larger Family Islands. Affordable housing via private/ public partnerships must be explored along with multi-storied residential apartments for singles and families. An additional endeavor must be to get a firm grip on crime and punishment.

Yes, 2025 will be the year when the New Day PLP cements the possibility of successfully contesting the 2025 general elections. Unlike in the case of the premature calling of a general election by Dr Hubert A Minnis (FNM-Killarney). There is much work yet to be done and either you are a bona fides New Day PLP or simply part company and leave us alone. There are options for disgruntled so-called PLP’s and parliamentarians.

In fact, the PM, may well consider the necessity of “cleaning” house now rather than later. Yes, 2025 will be, I predict a year of very heavy lifting by the enlightened PM and his core supporters and team. There is too much at stake to permit “doll hose” and hybrid so-called PLPs to short-circuit his potential legacy. To God then, whom we thank for another year above ground, in all things, be the glory!



Nassau, January 1 2025.


birdiestrachan 2 months ago

the brent over there giving his fnm party advice he said they should make the people angry attack and wound the PLP. their theme song bread basket items with no mention of them increasing VAT 60% flour and cooking oil do not benefit poor people it benefits bakaries and hotels.; The Bahamian people must think for themselves and not allow those who think very little of you tell you lies. the school breakfast is very good for the children and their parents.

Porcupine 2 months ago

Funny how those talking politics are not the ones suffering from the horrible leadership our country is saddled with. Mr Bodie lost his marbles years ago. Now, it is a waste of ink and time to read his ramblings. Things get worse and worse for the average Bahamian, yet a politician will fix it? The PLP seems as if it is a criminal organization. The crap we have witnessed these last few years should cause any thinking person to call for a complete political overhaul, with NONE of the current politicians allowed anywhere near a government office. Only then, after the chaff is separated from the wheat, may we possibly move forward. Davis is not fit to lead a boy scout troop, honestly.

birdiestrachan 2 months ago

Wisdom is better than all else out of the mouth of the wise comes wisdom for the law of God is in his heart. A true liar is one who lies to one self . The PlP party has do much good even the breakfast alone is good 10 percent VAT over all alone compared. To 60percent increase and VAT of items that do not help the poor. There is freedom of speech the right to lie and make up stuff so just lie on

hrysippus 1 month, 4 weeks ago

Marked safe from reading any of Mr. O. Bodie's sycophantic letters for four years now. This man should get a job, although perhaps not as an attorney. LOL....

sheeprunner12 1 month, 1 week ago

Bodie has a ZNS job. Courtesy of his old friend Brave.

He's on at 4pm every weekday trying to sell Brave as the best thing since slice bread to rule 242.

ZNS has really gone to the dogs under this New Day regime.

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