A lack of faith is what hinders us

EDITOR, The Tribune.

IN view of the recent national address by Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis, KC. MP, I would have preferred to critique and compliment him on the same in short order. I need more time, however, to continue my analysis of the same and to actually get into the PM’s head and heart to “flesh” out the full import of the same. This will be done later in this week, The Lord willing.

What I would like to offer comments on is the fact that long before and since Independence in 1973, we have not had men and women, beyond a very small number of individuals, who profess to know and to actually love The Lord Jesus Christ and seek to build the Kingdom of God right here on Earth, in accordance with Our Father’s prayer. This is the primary reason, I submit, that our wonderful nation has yet to come into her own, for the sake of the unwashed masses.

It has been said, ad nauseam, that politics is “a dirty game”. Yes, politics as practiced by our run of the mill politicians and their dubious advisors and allies, may well appear and even be, ‘a dirty game’ but where and when there are ‘righteous’ men and women, in the halls of parliament and within any administration, any nation or people will be happy and at societal peace. The biggest problem is that a large majority of those who are selected; nominated and actually get into the hallowed halls of parliament do not subscribe, publicly or even privately to the advancement of the Kingdom of God.

We are a relatively small nation and we have no know external adversaries or challenges save and except for boat loads of our brothers and sisters from Haiti; trafficking in illegal drugs and people; crimes of assorted degrees and, of course, Crown Land issues; affordable housing and, of course, inflation and the ever escalation in the costs of living. The problem comes in from our elected leaders, across the board, who often seem to govern as if God does Not fit into the equation.

No, I am not suggesting a theocratic administration or government but politicians are supposed to be be in place to assist the electorate, regardless of partisan positions to make a better life for themselves and family, not the other way around. After 52 years of Independence we still have deep pockets of poverty and the disparity between the haves and the have nots continue to widen even as you read this.

We still have outside toilets and many Bahamians still tote water from “government” owned pumps. Hosing here in New Providence and most of the large Family Islands is Beyond the reach of tens of thousands of unwashed Bahamians. The system which has been in place immemorial , still relegates some to instant wealth and influence, depending on who you are or who “know” you, while the majority eke out a most miserable existence!! We have all seen this same movie; carton and serial before. Seemingly, very few people in politics are really checking for the rest of you.

I would invite and encourage God fearing Bahamians to solicit nominations from the major parties and, if The Spirit so leads you, the perennial ‘fringe’ groupings for the House of Assembly, during the next general elections. Politics is Not a ‘dirty game’, even if some of the players may not be above board. We need people to lead us who first and foremost Know; Love & Respect God. It is God who sets up governments and it is God Who takes them out.

Do you think that God is or could be pleased to see our jails filled to the brim with Bahamians, who if the ‘right’ policy initiatives were in place, could be or become productive citizens? Look at how we treat our battered and abuse vulnerable fellow Bahamians. Persons who are obviously suffering from mental illnesses roam our streets and actually live where ever the elements may catch them and we crow that we are a Christian nation? We have web shops and bar rooms on every block...the ineffective and semi “useless” churches abound all over the place. Instead of trusting in the lord Jesus Christ, we trust in the “number man/woman” and even, sometimes the Obeah practitioners! God has become inconvenient and passed.

We have 39 members of the House of Assembly, far too many in my opinion for a nation of less than 500,000 souls, Our legal and judicial systems; secular authorities; “fake” churches and outwardly “pious” individuals have a strangle hold on the bulk of our people and have absolutely scant vision for themselves much less the average Bahamian.

The Word of Jehovah Rafa is clear: “Where there is no vision, the people perish”. We are focused on the wrong things. Most of us will live for the proverbial three score and ten. Do you think that God designed it in such a way that we live the allotted time But survive in poverty; lack and a basically useless life? I think not. The Lord Jesus stated boldly that He came that we might have life and have it more abundantly....no more...no less. The time to have more Saints than apparent Sinners in Parliament is now rather than later. To God then, in all things, even this, be the glory.



January 12, 2025.


sheeprunner12 3 weeks, 1 day ago

Best letter that OHBJ has ever wrote.

After writing this, I hope that he can't support his lodge brothers & the New Day PLP anymore. That would be disingenuous of him.

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