Gone Permanently

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bismark 10 years, 4 months ago on Bulldozers move in on shanty town

these people have lived free off of Bahamians for far too long,that is always their cry,no money'nobody loves money more than Haitians,they dont work for free ,knock everyone of those unsightly contraptions down,you want to live here go and pay rent and stop squatting on peoples land,they sure have money to send back Haiti every single week,just go in fidelity Bank.

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jackbnimble 10 years, 4 months ago on Bulldozers move in on shanty town

"Some were seeking refuge in the Family Islands and others were going back to Haiti...." Back to Haiti? Yeah. Sure. Who are we fooling here?

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jackbnimble 10 years, 4 months ago on ‘Frenzy’ over changes to immigration policy

Sweetheart, you are taking the sacred scripture out of context. Jesus said suffer the little children to come into Him. That DOES NOT translate into suffer the little children to enter another man's country ILLEGALLY for a free education and health care without paying a darned cent in taxes!

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Emac 10 years, 2 months ago on PM: Immigration backlash alarm

Actually, this is the first time in a long time that this man has said anything that made sense.

7 Vote

countryfirst 10 years, 2 months ago on PM: Immigration backlash alarm

More smoke and mirrors when are we going to see people hauled before the courts for hiring these illegals.

4 Vote

Regardless 10 years, 2 months ago on PM: Immigration backlash alarm

The local rep for Amnesty International should get his people straight. He has been living more than comfortably for years in this country off the estate of a relative who married into huge money. Having a hissy fit over the conditions at Fox Hill is one thing. Protecting our borders is another. If you are illegal, then you are not supposed to be here, including those who breed like rabbits.

3 Vote

Regardless 10 years, 2 months ago on PM: Immigration backlash alarm

What "racist undercurrents"? If anything, there may be religious innuendo regarding those who breed like rabbits. I know of no other nations of a few hundred thousand that have an immigration policy which allows tens of thousands to immigrate illegally, procreate and utilize health, welfare and educational resources. You are certainly no true "grassroot" for if you were, you would have a concern for this nation's culture, heritage and future.

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SP 10 years, 2 months ago on PM: Immigration backlash alarm

Amnesty International is a proven useless organization having failed to stop Syrias' Assad from slaughtering 200,000 of his own people.

Dominican Republics' decision to reject Amnesty International and others interference on their own Haitian invasion was the right thing to do.

Nobody is telling the dam Haitians to stop invading other countries!

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TalRussell 10 years, 2 months ago on PM: Immigration backlash alarm

C'mon PM it is crucial you don't treat what Minister Freddy has stuck his very political neck out on, as some kind popularity contest suck up to Haitian groups and the international bleeding hearts. How did the Haitians show their appreciation for the Dominican Republic, after having opened its border to allow for international aid to cross over into Haiti, after the earthquake that stuck Haiti in 2010? PM I will tell you how they demonstrated their appreciation. The number of illegal Haitians crossing over border into "kind-hearten" Dominican Republic doubled to 2 million. I said at time when Minister Freddy first announced pending action that none of his colleagues went public to stand with him. Not one damn Comrade PLP MP. Guess what PM you have just proven me right. How is Bahamaland being thanked. Threatening to slit citizens open like a Colombian necktie. And, if you're lucky enough survive that, them will boycott our tourism industry, back to dark ages. PM enough is enough. No more talk. Support the "legal and democratic" actions of your Minister Freddy, or pack your damn bags like your former law partner did. PM when was last time you personally paid a visit to one of our mainly populated by by Haitians slum Shanty Towns? All evidence is in front you PM?

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eden 10 years, 2 months ago on Human rights violations concern from Amnesty

If Amnesty International is so concerned about Haitians then it should help them to stay in Haiti,
and teach them how to make lives better in their own country! The Bahamas is a small nation with a small population we don't need to be invaded by these people. Let The USA take them they are far more financially equipped and Little Haiti Ms. Campbell will be able to get them all green cards! No other Caribbean nation wants Haitian in their country and nor should us. Dominican Republic did the same thing why didn't Amnesty International intervene? Let the Haitian government use all the money they got from around the world to help its citizen and be accountable for what it did with all the money to rebuild Haiti after the Tsunami. Haitians need to make their government responsible for their economic growth and well being in Haiti not The Bahamas! Our country is tired of the burden impose on our education and medical system due to the illegal migration of Haitians.

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asiseeit 10 years, 2 months ago on Mitchell firm over OAS concern on immigration policy

I love how all of these organizations want to give the Bahamas grief over the ILLEGAL immigrant situation here in the Bahamas yet they say nothing about the ROOT cause of said ILLEGAL immigration. Go deal with the injustices in Haiti. Deal with the Haitian government and THEIR mistreatment of THEIR people. Maybe if you did that we would not have the problem we have. Stop the immigrants and they will not have to be detained and repatriated. Stop the people smugglers and the Haitians won't die on the high sea's. Deal with the ROOT of the problem. If you expect Bahamians to stop protecting OUR country you can think again. Carry ya hip to Haiti and deal with that before you even come close to talking to The Bahamas!

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eden 10 years, 2 months ago on Mitchell firm over OAS concern on immigration policy

Our government should break all ties with Haiti! St. Kitts, Jamaica, Cuba and many other Caribbean nations don't allow them to enter. Haitians are not a friendly race they are systematically taking over every Island in The Bahamas we must deport all of them I support my government 100% to do whats right for the Bahamas we should turn them back from the seas thats what we have our defense force for to protect our country and stop giving them our money when we deport them. We have a good relationship with Cuba if we need migrant workers we can get them from Cuba as we all know the Cuban embassy controls their citizen migration where as the Haitian embassy encourages it citizen invasion of other nation. Cubans will not threaten our citizen with voodoo. Am certain the Cuban ambassador would be happy to help us with farm laborers who would be more respectful of our country and would not try to take our country by force or voodoo. I was told that in the 60's we had a lot of Cuban on Andros that worked on the various farms during certain seasons and that they would return to Cuba once their job was completed. We as a nation need to look into our past to correct our future, Treat the Haitians exactly how our neighboring Caribbean nations does and stop catering to these ungrateful, cruel and ritual country destroying Haitians! Minister Mitchel be a savior to us Bahamian be the Loftus Roker of the Bahamas and send the Haitians home! All Pure blooded Bahamians are with you 100%.

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Girly 10 years, 2 months ago on Mitchell firm over OAS concern on immigration policy

This is the same reason why we don't want people with YOUR type of attitude in our country.Stop being so sad.

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SP 10 years, 2 months ago on Mitchell firm over OAS concern on immigration policy

.......... History Will Repeat Itself. And It Will End In A Third Haitian Invasion & War ..........

Unless your country continue on the path of deporting illegal Haitian infiltration

To the victor goes the spoil. Protect & defend your country. We will do the same.

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duppyVAT 10 years, 2 months ago on Mitchell firm over OAS concern on immigration policy

I will be ashamed if Fweddy allows OAS or Amnesty etc to browbeat us over protecting our borders ....... we are acting very civilized towards an uncivilized group of people (Highshuns)

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Tease photo

Mitchell firm over OAS concern on immigration policy

FOREIGN Affairs and Immigration Minister Fred Mitchell yesterday said he was “not concerned in the slightest” about Organisation of American States Secretary General Jose Miguel Insulza’s “concern” about the Bahamas’ new immigration policies.

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SP 10 years, 2 months ago on New FNM Chairman Pintard sets sights on ‘rescuing the country’

The FNM ran the country into the ditch and now talking poop about "rescuing the country"?

Granted the PLP suck as well, but the FNM don't have a foot to stand on after 5 long years of absolute unadulterated political stupidity and outright indignation against Bahamians.

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birdiestrachan 10 years, 2 months ago on Moncur: Opposition must unite for sake of country

How can they unite when both Bran and the Doctor would like to be kings of the Bahamas. Neither of them has any vision for this Country going forward. They are both Papa's boys and they both belong to a party, that says no Bahamians need apply. Now remember the Bahamas was down graded twice under the FNM. I must say Moncur is the very best the FNM has. Need I say more??