
2 Vote

CookieCutter 12 years ago on No bail for Wrinkle

The law provides for a Magistrate to have discretion when deciding to grant bail to an offender, but with the negative public opinion and under the circumstances of the case at least an order for Mr. Wrinkle to surrender his passport ......even ordering him to sit in the BEC lobby from opening to closing hours would be a harsh bail condition......yet a more understandable decision than an outright denial of bail. ..........there is a Vendetta element in this matter, made clear from the failure of the Magistrate to order the repayment of $15K to BEC. It is obvious that BEC's energy has no value to the Magistrate, yet he denies bail for a breadwinner and an owner holding responsibilities to a number of employees....The laughable thing is that BEC doesn't care about losing $15K because their energy wastage amounts to hundreds and thousands of dollars on an annual basis.…

2 Vote

B_I_D___ 11 years, 2 months ago on Cable Bahamas founder dies

You all are ruthless...the guy died and all you can do is talk SH!T about the company he started and no longer has a part in. If you don't like Cable, go to dish or some other alternative. If it is that bad, then go back to the big aerial antenna and a dial up modem. THANK YOU Mr. Keeping for having the vision to introduce Cable to the Bahamas on a grander scale than just the basic stuff that Freeport had. May you R.I.P.

1 Vote

TalRussell 11 years, 2 months ago on LARRY SMITH: Saying farewell to P Anthony White

Comrade Anthony what a pleasure to have known you over so many years. Sleep on dear Comrade. Sleep on.

  • Death may refer to the end of life as either an event or condition. ... death has for us no terror; it is not a shadow, but a light; not an end, but a beginning! ... That's why we can come to the conclusion that everyone wants to have the eternal life, .... John Wilkes -
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CommonSense 10 years, 10 months ago on '$1m of marijuana' seized

Waste of energy. $1m that could've contributed to the government if this was taxed and regulated. What a waste.

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newcitizen 10 years, 10 months ago on '$1m of marijuana' seized

The amount of money wastes on the 'war on drugs' is astounding. We could reduce court costs, reduce prison costs and overcrowding. Police could focus on the violent crime that plagues our nation. Gangs would lose power and revenue derived from the sale of it. It could be taxed and could be used to even drive tourism. There is no common sense behind it. It's the same as alcohol prohibition and will soon be a thing of the past. Then we can look back and see how much money we gave up and how many lives we ruined in a failed attempt to controls people's private lives.

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Cobalt 10 years, 9 months ago on The day The Tribune knocked on the door of the N.I.A.

NIA??? Don't make me laugh. I'm guessing that this is suppose to be the Bahamian version of the United State's CIA??? It's more like an inversion! What a joke. In case people haven't realized, there is nothing about this country that exemplifies intelligence. Especially coming from a branch of government. They can't even get a dump fire under control. Thanks for another good laugh Perry.