Paul Carl Gibson


  • Gender: M
  • Hometown: Inagua
  • Location: Matthew Town
  • Occupation: Author


A temple of politics.
The Bahamas House of Assembly, that failed to keep up with change, parliament the symbol of the Bahamas status as a nation generations the Caribbean basin epic financial center, has to erect a new and awesome parliament complex to respect the growth of the country and people. What is your view? Maynergy?


Ammadou Gibson.
Copyright (c) 2021 by PCGibson. All rights reserved.


Maynergy 11 years, 10 months ago

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Maynergy 10 years, 5 months ago

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Maynergy 11 years, 3 months ago

Imagine Bahamas beyond 2017 (IBB2017) with a patriotic nationalist government that set up and establishes a functional people oriented regime with the following for the betterment of the people: a) S.O.R.S (Strategic Oil Reserve Supply) The minimize the lack of petroleum throughout the territories and the maintenance /regulation of fair pricing & market stability.

b) B.M.T.S (Bahamas Maritime Tracking System) I.e. Installed I all mailboats etc plying the national waters. c) N.C.M (National Cellular market – deregulation and opening cellular services to competition. d) I.I.A.T (Inter island Air Transportation. e) I.I.T.B (Inter island tourism board. f) New postal rates for mass mailers/advertisers/bulk mailers. g) Housing department that renders residents a helping hand not a hand-out. h) B.T.A. (Bahamas Transportation Authority) A semi –quasi agency that administers the mass movement of people in New Providence island and throughout the island nation. i) National prescription drug plan (npd) to ensure the pricing of imported drugs may be cost effective and stay reasonable.

Imagine Bahamas Beyond 2017 with a Control and Command Center 3C’s). Control and Command Center (3C’s) under the direct authority of the Prime Minister (National Security Council)

Imagine Bahamas Beyond 2017 with the gentrification (revamping) of historical sites to preserve the past/ relics/ customs/others. Imagine Bahamas Beyond 2017 with a new national photo “Non-drivers card Here we go again for the children and the future of the islands of the Bahamas

Maynergy 11 years, 1 month ago

A temple of politics, the Bahamas House of Assembly, that failed to keep up with change, Parliament the symbol of the Bahamas status as a nation for generations the Caribbean basin epic financial center, has got to erect a new and awesome Parliament complex to respect the growth of the country and people. What is your view?

Maynergy 11 years, 1 month ago


Please note that simply hanging a heinious thugs is not going to bringback civil order in the islands. Focusing in on gang hot spots in New Providence may be long over due. Sometime ago in Kennedy sub-division ( 2006) I too was subjected to the lawlessness of these mutants simply I was taunted as having on colors of the "Raiders." The police could began to focus in my opinion on a number of locations, whether it is a residence or a location where these mutants hang out. Again my concern is that politically we're becoming a reactionary people, just putting out fires. I would like to have sure we have enough gang detectives doing proactive work in the schools, churches, streets before we need a task force and have a crisis.

Another point to consider:

Crime has reached a level unacceptable to rational civil order in New Providence as District police Commanders has yet to be held accountable for how they deal with crime in the area(s).
Community tolerance of crime in Blue Hill, Fox Hill, Yellow Elder, Bamboo town,Kennedy Subdivision, Bain Town, Coconut Grove and Carmicheal could be lowered and a dramatic upsurge in residents' awareness levels increase while acceptance of sober social norms returning. Basically how members of the community began to deal with one another should be a strategy of great concern to the Commanders.

The immediate installation of street cameras throughout the island of New Providence in pivotal hot spots and major streets would undoubtedly be useful in crime reduction.

Another area where street cameras would be helpful to the country would be where drivers increasingly run traffic lights.

With the installations of the above, tickets may be assigned to the offenders without having to be written up by a standing policeman/woman, with fines attached to the same to be paid within a set period of time

This is my humbly opinion. Whats you view?

Patriotic Nationalist Front Bahamas (PNF)Bahamas Support (S &AED) (i.e) Shock & Awe Economic Development) for the Bahamas. " The Commonwealth of the Bahamas (known as the Bahamas); since the birth of independence July 10th 1973, is urged to established "Comprehensive public transportation" system (cpt) to benefit and safeguard the integrity of mass transportation for ALL the people." Ammadou Gibson


Maynergy 11 years, 1 month ago

" Now we can Bahamas!!!" A temple of politics, the Bahamas House of Assembly, that failed to keep up with change, Parliament the symbol of the Bahamas status as a nation for generations the Caribbean basin epic financial center, has got to erect an new and awesome Parliament complex to respect the growth of the country and people.

Maynergy 11 years, 1 month ago

Recommended HLLN Links:

Haitians, the most abused, hated and exploited peoples in the Western Hemisphere and the most courageous, valiant and determined (Haiti Forum 2009 http://www.margueri telaurent. com/pressclips/ dessalines. html#forum)

Haitian Migrant Decapitated in Dominican Republic, May 5, 2009 http://abcnews. onal/wireStory? id=7512894

AFTER A GRISLY DECAPITATION: HAITIANS AND HAITIAN-DOMINICANS FACE GROWING INSECURITY IN THE DR, Wadner Pierre, May 16, 2009 http://wadnerpierre .blogspot. com/2009/ 05/after- grisly-decapitat ion-haitians- and.html

Protesters decry Haitian decapitations in DomRep, Associated Press, Oct. 23, 2009 | http://www.etaiwann news_content. php?id=1089009&lang=eng_news - Police says it has located the killers of 4 Haitians near border http://www.dominica dr/local/ 2009/10/23/ 33638/Police- says-it-has- located-the- killers-of- 4-Haitians- near-border - Dominican Government condemns "abominable" killing of 4 Haitians http://www.drsol. info/newsroom/ index.php? a=comment&id=36373 - The Dominican ambassador condemns the killing of 4 Haitian nationals (See French original below - L'ambassadeur dominicain condamne l'assassinat de 4 ressortissants haïtiens. Radio Metropole, Oct. 23, 2009 http://www.metropol metropole/ full_une_ fr.php?id= 15980)

Maynergy 11 years, 1 month ago

" Now we can Bahamas!!!" Creating a new portfolio thats right for the Bahama islands beyond 2013. Taking a fresh look at a new tourism strategy. What's the right view of light industries (Bahamas) including Outsourcing attraction. Another view of crime in New Providence and how to resolve it forthrightly? What about the usage of street cameras in all of New Providence to eliminate traffic infractions and the immediate way to gain funds for local government ? How about the amalgamation of some schools and make mega High schools so school children can be centered in a known location ?

Maynergy 11 years ago

Whereas the greatness and national kindness of the people of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas be it as it is, that factual matter(s) relating to " People with Disabilities" in the land have not had an Advocate on any level since Sir Randol Fawkes pleaded the case of the unorganized workers of the 1950's. Again as patriotic nationals, Bahamians believe in achieving congenial and harmonious unity and co existence between and with all of its diverse inhabitants, be it racial, religious and or ethnic backgrounds throughout the islands of the country, seeks national consensus or actions on how "People with Disability" coexist in the country who strive with aspirations and recognize the natural interdependency of all the inhabitants of the land to reach their full potential.

Some of the area associated with People with Disability and the conscience of the Country Disability Theory and models Education Therapy Societal implications Personal / physical assistance Socioeconomic assistance Groups and organizations· Disabled sports culture

Disability is the consequence of an impairment that may be physical, cognitive, mental, sensory, emotional, developmental, or some combination of these. A disability may be present from birth, or occur during a person's lifetime.

Disabilities is an umbrella term, covering impairments, activity limitations, and participation restrictions. An impairment is a problem in body function or structure; an activity limitation is a difficulty encountered by an individual in executing a task or action; while a participation restriction is a problem experienced by an individual in involvement in life situations. Thus disability is a complex phenomenon, reflecting an interaction between features of a person’s body and features of the society in which he or she lives.[1] An individual may also qualify as disabled if he/she has had an impairment in the past or is seen as disabled based on a personal or group standard or norm. Such impairments may include physical, sensory, and cognitive or developmental disabilities. Mental disorders (also known as psychiatric or psychosocial disability) and various types of chronic disease may also qualify as disabilities. Some advocates object to describing certain conditions (notably deafness and autism) as "disabilities", arguing that it is more appropriate to consider them developmental differences that have been unfairly stigmatized by society

As this government (current or in the future) deals with matter of a national security policy and concern for the welfare of the people.

(To be continued)

Maynergy 11 years ago

Whereas the greatness and national kindness of the people of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas be it as it is, that factual matter(s) relating to " People with Disabilities" in the land have not had an Advocate on any level since Sir Randol Fawkes pleaded the case of the unorganized workers of the 1950's. Again as patriotic nationals, Bahamians believe in achieving congenial and harmonious unity and co existence between and with all of its diverse inhabitants, be it racial, religious and or ethnic backgrounds throughout the islands of the country, seeks national consensus or actions on how "People with Disability" coexist in the country who strive with aspirations and recognize the natural interdependency of all the inhabitants of the land to reach their full potential.

Some of the area associated with People with Disability and the conscience of the Country Disability Theory and models Education Therapy Societal implications Personal / physical assistance Socioeconomic assistance Groups and organizations· Disabled sports culture

Disability is the consequence of an impairment that may be physical, cognitive, mental, sensory, emotional, developmental, or some combination of these. A disability may be present from birth, or occur during a person's lifetime.

Disabilities is an umbrella term, covering impairments, activity limitations, and participation restrictions. An impairment is a problem in body function or structure; an activity limitation is a difficulty encountered by an individual in executing a task or action; while a participation restriction is a problem experienced by an individual in involvement in life situations. Thus disability is a complex phenomenon, reflecting an interaction between features of a person’s body and features of the society in which he or she lives.[1] An individual may also qualify as disabled if he/she has had an impairment in the past or is seen as disabled based on a personal or group standard or norm. Such impairments may include physical, sensory, and cognitive or developmental disabilities. Mental disorders (also known as psychiatric or psychosocial disability) and various types of chronic disease may also qualify as disabilities. Some advocates object to describing certain conditions (notably deafness and autism) as "disabilities", arguing that it is more appropriate to consider them developmental differences that have been unfairly stigmatized by society

As this government (current or in the future) deals with matters of National Security policy When and how is Public Hearing going to be heard and where is that going to be? Sept. 27th, 2013.

Maynergy 11 years ago

Sir Stafford sands

Bahamian Hero or not? Whats your view?

Maynergy 10 years, 11 months ago

Now we can...Bahamas. Imagine Bahamas beyond 2014 with a patriotic nationalist government that set up and establishes a functional people oriented regime with the following for the betterment of the people:

a) S.O.R.S (Strategic Oil Reserve Supply) To minimize the lack of petroleum throughout the territories and the maintenance /regulation of fair pricing & market stability.

b) B.M.T.S (Bahamas Maritime Tracking System) i.e. Installed in all mail boats etc plying the national waters for a minimal fee. c) N.C.M (National Cellular market) – deregulation and opening cellular services to competition. d) I.I.A.T ( Inter island Air Transportation). e) I.I.T.B ( Inter island tourism board). f) New postal rates for mass mailers/advertisers/bulk mailers. g) Housing department that renders residents a helping hand not a hand-out. h) B.T.A. ( Bahamas Transportation Authority) A semi –quasi agency that administers the mass movement of people in New Providence island and throughout the island nation. i) National Prescription Drug plan to ensure the pricing of imported drugs may be cost effective and more reasonable. Now we can Bahamas.

PWGenesis 10 years, 11 months ago

Imagine Bahamas beyond 2014 with a patriotic nationalist government that set up and establishes a functional people oriented regime with the following for the betterment of the people:

a) S.O.R.S (Strategic Oil Reserve Supply) To minimize the lack of petroleum throughout the territories and the maintenance /regulation of fair pricing & market stability.

b) B.M.T.S (Bahamas Maritime Tracking System) i.e. Installed in all mail boats etc plying the national waters for a minimal fee. c) N.C.M (National Cellular market) – deregulation and opening cellular services to competition. d) I.I.A.T ( Inter island Air Transportation). e) I.I.T.B ( Inter island tourism board). f) New postal rates for mass mailers/advertisers/bulk mailers. g) Housing department that renders residents a helping hand not a hand-out. h) B.T.A. ( Bahamas Transportation Authority) A semi –quasi agency that administers the mass movement of people in New Providence island and throughout the island nation. i) National Prescription Drug plan to ensure the pricing of imported drugs may be cost effective and more reasonally priced. Now we can Bahamas.

Maynergy 10 years, 10 months ago

" How to stick it to the poor: A Parliamentary strategy; 2012 - 2013 measures tabled in Parliament by the Perry Christie government that will not give Indigenous Bahamians and people in the islands of the Bahamas a fair share of the excesses and or the new excesses that will be accrued in Tourism, Trade, Foreign investments, infra structure(s) and other capital developments that will follow 2013 -2017.". Coming soon..

Maynergy 10 years, 10 months ago

Imagine Bahamasbeyond 2017 with a Patriotic Nationalist government that set up and establishes the following:


1.S.O.R.S (Strategic Oil reserves Supply)

To minimise the lack of petroleum throughout the territories and the maintenance /regulation of fair pricing & market stability

  1. B.M.T.S Bahamas Maritime Tracking System

Installed in all mail boats/etc plying the national waters with a minimal fee paid for usage.

  1. N.C.M. (National Cellulars Market - deregulation - opening cellular services to competition, while lowering the cost of the same.

  2. I.I.A.T (Inter -Island Air Transportation)

  3. Inter-island Tourism board setup.

  4. New Postal rates for mass mailers / advertisers.

  5. Housing ministry that renders residents a helping hand not a hand-out.

8.Bahamas Transit Authority (B.T.A) A semi-quasi- agency that administers the mass movement of people in New Providence island.


With a Control & Command Center (3C's)

Control & Command Center (3C's) under the direct authority of the Prime Minister (National Security Council)


With the gentrification (revamping) of historical sites (settings) preserving the past/relics/customs/others.

Imagine Bahamas with a new photo "non-drivers" card?

-- MICAL!!!


Support MICAL!!!! Help make the Family islands a more connected place for inter-island tourism.

Maynergy 10 years, 7 months ago



When the definitive history of the Bahamas is written many years from now, the chapters devoted to the 20th century will, in large measure, represent a biography of Lynden Oscar Pindling.
Whether it was the struggle for majority rule; or the crusade against racial, social and economic injustice; or the victorious march to National Independence; or the massive educational programme which catapulted thousands of Bahamians to the top echelons of our society, spawning in the process a new middle class to backbone the country’s long-term stability; or the policy of Bahamianization which put Bahamians first in their own country; or the creation of a modern social security system to provide for the sick, the elderly and the indigent under the umbrella of National Insurance; or the creation of national institutions as varied as the Royal Bahamas Defence Force; The Central Bank of The Bahamas; Bahamasair; and The Broadcasting Corporation of The Bahamas; or the major role he played on the international scene in securing the release of Nelson Madela and in furthering the cause for freedom and majority rule in South Africa - in all of these things and scores of others, it was Lynden Pindling who led the way for the Bahamian people over a span of forty years and more. No one has had a greater and more enduring influence on the creation of the modern Bahamas.

​ Sir Lyndon Oscar Pindling 1930 -2000

We Give Thanks for Sir Lyndon Oscar Pindling

Maynergy 10 years, 7 months ago

With a large bowl of conch salad, a cooler of ice and two shopping bags loaded with soft island beverages.

I looked out from the second floor balcony of a beachfront hotel in New Providence, Bahamas; and heard the noise in the marketplace from the political voices belching phrases like, "Things have never been better " or " Everyone is doing fine just fine you know?"

You still hear some say; “Look even America have the same problems too ...even worst!”

While 'clear out of nowhere', another hollered; “We funded temporary unemployment benefit." Then someone coughed out; "Give us another chance."

True story as their motive seems clear.

These are muttered so often to diminish the pressing need to answer direct questioning of party officials and key cabinet ministers on issues relating to economic, cultural, national security, mental health, physical disability and elder care along with public transportation, agriculture and infrastructure development throughout the islands from being aired or drafted.

Frankly the myth of "Keeping the islands like it always been," has been a verbal assault on island-wide consistent progressive growth.

Examples are numerous:

Maynergy 10 years, 7 months ago

March 07,2014 "We’re here for a purpose, not by accident, we each are skilled in different areas. Our combined skills are the keys to our freedom and independence.

No one person, idea, organization or effort is going to undo 5 centuries of physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual damage. It is we… us together who have to prepare the earth and plant fertile seeds." - Madu

Maynergy 10 years, 7 months ago

The "Sovereign", has to seriously consider the needs of the people as a whole and advance a "Comprehensive mass transit" system which will benefit all the people of the country with the introduction of the Bahamas Transit Authority (BTA): This system will be able to pay for itself in a matter of 3 -5 years years or less and could render the family or privately owned buses obsolete and other services deemed vital to the needs of the people: e.g : a. Public education (b) People with disability and c. Health & hospital funding d. senior citizen

Maynergy 10 years, 7 months ago

Support a National Patriotic Organisation. For the good of the children. NOW WE CAN BAHAMAS."

"Support a National Patriotic Organisation. For the good of the children. NOW WE CAN BAHAMAS."

Maynergy 10 years, 7 months ago

ImagineBahamasbeyond 2017 with a Patriotic Nationalist government that set up and establishes the following:

BAHAMIANS FIRST!!!! BORN ANYWHERE IN THE BAHAMAS.. YOU BAHAMIAN!!!! Support the following for 2014 and beyond....

1.S.O.R.S (Strategic Oil reserves Supply)

To minimise the lack of petroleum throughout the territories and the maintenance /regulation of fair pricing & market stability

  1. B.M.T.S Bahamas Maritime Tracking System

Installed in all mail boats/etc plying the national waters with a minimal fee paid for usage.

  1. N.C.M. (National Cellulars Market - deregulation - opening cellular services to competition, while lowering the cost of the same.

  2. I.I.A.T (Inter -Island Air Transportation)

  3. Inter-island Tourism board setup.

  4. New Postal rates for mass mailers / advertisers.

  5. Housing ministry that renders residents a helping hand not a hand-out.

8.Bahamas Transit Authority (B.T.A) A semi-quasi- agency that administers the mass movement of people in New Providence island.


With a Control & Command Center (3C's)

Control & Command Center (3C's) under the direct authority of the Prime Minister (National Security Council)


With the gentrification (revamping) of historical sites (settings) preserving the past/relics/customs/others.

Imagine Bahamas with a new photo "non-drivers" card?


Help make the Family islands a more connected place for inter-island tourism.

Maynergy 10 years, 7 months ago

Support (S &AED) (i.e) Shock & Awe Economic Development) for the Bahamas. Also support Comprehensive Public Transit for the islands of the Bahamas.

" The Commonwealth of the Bahamas (known as the Bahamas); since the birth of independence July 10th 1973, is urged to established a "Comprehensive public transportation" system (cpt) to benefit and safeguard the integrity of mass transportation for ALL the people." Patriot Ammadou Gibson (ImagineBahamasBeyond2017

Maynergy 10 years, 7 months ago

March 24th 2013

Blacks in Mexico: A Forgotten Minority

The first town of freed African slaves in the Americas is not exactly where you would expect to find it — and it isn't exactly what you'd expect to find either. First, it's not in the United States. Yanga, on Mexico's Gulf Coast, is a sleepy pueblito founded by its namesake, Gaspar Yanga, an African slave who led a rebellion against his Spanish colonial masters in the late 16th century and fought off attempts to retake the settlement. The second thing that is immediately evident to vistors who reach the town's rustic central plaza: there are virtually no blacks among the few hundred residents milling around the center of town.

Mirroring Mexico's history itself, most of Yanga's Afro-Mexican population has been pushed to neighboring rural villages that are notable primarily for their deep poverty and the strikingly dark skin of their inhabitants. Mexico's independence from Spain and new focus on building a national identity on the idea of mestizaje, or mixed race, drove African Mexicans into invisibility as leaders chose not to count them or assess their needs. Now many blacks want to fight back by improving the shoddy education and social services available to them and are petitioning for the constitution to recognize Afro-Mexicans as a separate ethnic group worthy of special consideration. ...

.... Many of the country's mexicanos negros (black Mexicans), as they are called, know that their ancestors arrived in chains on boats that docked at ports in the sultry, steamy state of Veracruz. But they don't know much else.. Indeed, Afro-Mexicans say that much of the history of los mexicanos negros is untaught or ignored by the rest of the country. Apart from Yanga, Afro-Mexicans claim Vicente Guerrero, who served briefly as President in the early 19th century and gave his name to the state of Guerrero, as one of their own, as well as revolutionary Jos Mara Morelos, who was executed by the Spaniards in 1815.

Black Mexican activists estimate the population of Afro-Mexicans at about 1 million, but there are no official figures. Earlier this year, they petitioned the National Institute of Statistics and Geography to include the Afro-Mexican population as a separate category in the next census, in 2010. Official statistics do not recognize blacks as a separate ethnic group (56 indigenous groups are officially accredited, the largest ones being the Nahuatl and the Maya, numbering more than 2 million each). As a result, Afro-Mexicans say they have been left out of institutional programs and are without a cultural identity. The group Mexico Negro A.C. is linking with similar Afro-descendant organizations in Latin America that have achieved success in securing better treatment. "We no longer want to be detained by security agents in our own country who say that in Mexico there are no blacks," says Rodolfo Prudente Dominguez, an activist with Mexico Negro...

Maynergy 10 years, 7 months ago

March 24th 2013

" Let freedom rule. " Memorable Reading(s): Mellanby, Alexander L. " James Watt." ( An oration delivered @ the University of Glasgow on Commemoration Day, June 17, 1936.) Glasgow; Printed by the University 1936.

Maynergy 10 years, 6 months ago

FNM (or) PLP
These are some pivotal matters the children need answers for: Creating a new portfolio thats right for the Bahama islands beyond 2013. Taking a fresh look at a new tourism strategy. What's the right view of light industries (Bahamas) including Outsourcing attraction. What's another view of crime in New Providence and how to resolve it forthrightly? What about the usage of street cameras in all of New Providence to eliminate traffic infractions and the immediate way to gain funds for local government ? How about the amalgamation of some schools and make mega High schools so school children can be centered in a known location ? ? ? " Its Better in the Bahamas ?"

Maynergy 10 years, 5 months ago

Re-Introduce the Honor System to Bahamians again:

Looking to track "quality of life crimes, namely in Nassau ever likely? Police Commissioner, has yet to pledge to get tough with quality of life offenders. Now, how could he hope for trust alongside the history of rising crimes of terror in part to the invasive drug incursions of the recent years in a number of localities namely New Providence and other urban cells in the northern Bahamas. In what maybe a first crime initiative since Sept 11, 2001, Police Commissioner could began in the climate of political intrique and electioneering, crack down on so called nuisance crimes as does the department with more serious local ordinance violations and infractions. believes a map of quality of life hot spots around the islands could began to track trends of shootings, robberies, burglaries, car theft, crimes associated with gambling, vehicular homicides and domestic violence. Further to garner reasonable results, publicizing a crime hotline, available nationawide as a totally free telephone number, 24/7, could very well loan to community participation in tactling the menace. Crime has reached a level unacceptable to rational civil order in New Providence as District police Commanders has yet to be held accountable for how they deal with crime in the area(s). Community tolerance of crime in Blue Hill, Fox Hill, Yellow Elder, Bamboo town, Carmicheal could be lowered and a dramatic upsurge in residents' awareness levels increase while acceptance of sober social norms returning. Basically how members of the community began to deal with one another should be a strategy of great concern to the Commanders. No doubt aggressive street hookers, peddlers, panhandlers may be notorious throughout town, loud and excessive rowdiness,wilding-out and music, irate citizens have become less likely to seek police assistance, due in part to residents overall confidence in the police machinery has faded over the years. Police Commissioner has yet to pledge a tough and reasonably community based police approach to crime stoppage and prevention with legitamacy and resolution to bring down the high blitz-levels of quality of life crime and fear in the metro Nassau area. Murder, manslaughter, vehicular homicides, cargo theft, domestic violence and widen drug incursions throughout central Nassau is a known fact, statistics has been alarmingly high for 12 years, compared to cities with population of less than 500,000 people. Police Commissioner and the Prime Minister have yet to repeatedly stress whether strict enforcement would be forthcoming. believes quality of life crimes should become more a targetted plan for crime reduction and public concern in 2014 - 2016. - An email address utilitize(d) for public information & other FYI materials. Copyright © 2005 All rights reserved.

Maynergy 10 years, 5 months ago

A temple of politics, the Bahamas House of Assembly, that failed to keep up with change, Parliament the symbol of the Bahamas status as a nation for generations the Caribbean basin epic financial center, has got to erect a new and awesome Parliament complex to respect the dignity and growth of the country and the people.

Maynergy 10 years, 5 months ago

Good Morning Family; How are you all doing this day?

ImagineBahamasbeyond 2017 with a Patriotic Nationalist government that set up and establishes the following:

1.S.O.R.S (Strategic Oil reserves Supply) To minimise the lack of petroleum throughout the territories and the maintenance /regulation of fair pricing & market stability 2. B.M.T.S Bahamas Maritime Tracking System Installed in all mail boats/etc plying the national waters with a minimal fee paid for usage. 3. N.C.M. (National Cellulars Market - deregulation - opening cellular services to competition, while lowering the cost of the same. 4. I.I.A.T (Inter -Island Air Transportation) 5. Inter-island Tourism board setup. 6. New Postal rates for mass mailers / advertisers. 7. Housing ministry that renders residents a helping hand not a hand-out. 8.Bahamas Transit Authority (B.T.A) A semi-quasi- agency that administers the mass movement of people in New Providence island.


With a Control & Command Center (3C's) Control & Command Center (3C's) under the direct authority of the Prime Minister (National Security Council) ImagineBahamasbeyond2017 With the gentrification (revamping) of historical sites (settings) preserving the past/relics/customs/others. Imagine Bahamas with a new photo "non-drivers" card?

Maynergy 10 years, 4 months ago

There are competent people that has known ways to bring down the " Crime Levels" in the island of New Providence better known as Nassau. The Commissioner of Police must be responsible for Better results and the Prime Minister and his government has to know such record does no good for the " Its Better In The Bahamas" tourism campaigns. Evidence Based prac·tice (ebp) that works but only with open mind and greater involvement of the community with enchanced block by block infiltration of skilled community leaders to work with assigned operatives from various agencies in the execution of peace and order.

Maynergy 10 years, 4 months ago

What the Beloved Prime Minister Sir Lynden O. Pindling did was governed. The facts remained clear. The governing processes was articulated and well understood. It is again known to the people of the Bahamas that Sir Lynden O. Pindling set and established order and the instruments of governing for and by the people. The ways and formula(s) that Sir Lynden O. Pindling established is not the norm at this juncture in the history of the islands of the Bahamas..

Maynergy 10 years, 2 months ago

Peace Be to you.

"You cannot change the world, but you can present the world with one improved person, yourself. You can go to work on yourself to make yourself into the kind of person you admire and respect. You can become a role model and set a standard for others. You can control and discipline yourself to resist acting or speaking in a negative way toward anyone for any reason. You can insist upon always doing things the loving way, rather than the hurtful way. By doing these things each day, you can continue on your journey toward becoming an exceptional human being." Hope everyone had a good weekend and here is to a productive week take care and be safe.

Marvin, RN-APN

Maynergy 10 years ago

The present status quo of MICAL ought to be looked at again and Mayaguana /Inagua should be joined back together while Acklins - Crooked island and Long Cay should become one again. One Member of Parliament cannot truly be responsible for the five islands. What do you think about this issue?

Alternate title: decentralization Written by Charles Hauss devolution, the transfer of power from a central government to subnational (e.g., state, regional, or local) authorities. Devolution usually occurs through conventional statutes rather than through a change in a country’s constitution; thus, unitary systems of government that have devolved powers in this manner are still considered unitary rather than federal systems, because the powers of the subnational authorities can be withdrawn by the central government at any time (compare federalism).

Maynergy 9 years, 11 months ago

The truth remains clear that a more compelling and convincing argument have to be given WHY, children (i.e) Haitian birth in the islands of the Bahamas has to be treated like they have been treated for the last thirty years.

These children must be given full national status and accepted in the mainstream.

Bahamian man or woman consciously knew what they were doing when they had intercourse.

That's a fact.

The "Children" must be taken cared off soon or then; there could be other unintended consequences developing that would be unfavorable to the Bahamas at large.

What does that mean one may asked?

There is no need for a "Commission" to be set up to establish to see and know the unfavorable attitude that would be shown towards Haitians by Bahamians and "West Indies" people.

The continued "disdain" Bahamians have for other peoples of the west Indies has to be wiped out and people should be encouraged to embrace and celebrate our collective cultural linkages.

Maynergy 9 years, 11 months ago

There are no Rational Reasons for People who practice Jihad to own Land on MICAL islands

Talk about :"Fueling Resentment?" Yes there are many people in Mayaguana and the MICAL islands of the Bahamas and elsewhere who feel resentment from their national leaders.

There are no Rational Reasons for People who practice Jihad to own Land on MICAL islands

That is a #%$^%&^*( Mistake) made by Prime Minister Ingraham or PM Perry Christie.

Please remind the National leaders that their job is to protect the indigenous residents of Mayaguana and people whose property was confiscated should be return as soon a likely.

"The unspeakable calamity this poor province suffers from pirates obliges me to inform your lordship of it." Gov. Robert Johnson 1717.

The islands of the Bahamas will be subjected to outside maneuvers from China or any one else once they have access and control of the waterway.

Jihad (English pronunciation: /dʒɪˈhɑːd/; Arabic: جهاد‎ ǧihād [dʒiˈhæːd]), is an Islamic term referring to a religious duty of Muslims. In Arabic, the word jihād is a noun meaning "struggle" or "resisting". A person engaged in jihad is called a mujahid, the plural of which is mujahideen.

Maynergy 9 years, 11 months ago

Good Day: The many faces of the suffering among the privileged political personalities that roam the landscape called the Commonwealth of the Bahamas, is not easily noticed by those who are in the non target population, while our school children cry out even silently for help as the crime rates exceeds the norm. I am seeking immediate relief for our children with an In House Mental Health program to deal with any and all " post traumatic stress" relating to this menace
that has taken over the islands of New Providence and other islands. I believe it is now necessary that the government make this an urgent concern and deal with the same as soon as possible. Thank you.

Maynergy 9 years, 11 months ago

The many faces of the suffering among the privileged political personalities that roam the landscape called the Commonwealth of the Bahamas, is not easily noticed by those who are in the non target population. It is heart wrenching to be awakened to the pain of the struggling people who have to scrap up, fish or cut bait for their daily survival and find that many who are the privileged do not show care or empathy for those who are helpless, hungry and may have "given-up" on getting ahead in this country.

This is visible with the VAT ( Value Added Tax) discourse(s) and displayed intoxicatingly well by the privileged and political elites who even with a "Civil Service" weekly or monthly paycheck can never identify with or even understand why some people worry about how to feed their empty stomach calling out for food daily.

In the islands of the Bahamas there is little talk about the bias, disrespectful or even the perjurious politicians, preachers, boss men and women who go about their business knowing full well that the unfair way so many people are treated is not "Godly" and never could or even say a word of rebuke.

No matter the xenophobic higher-ups, coworkers who display occasional behavior not defined as conducive for cohesive national honor of fair-play, decency and partnership that as natives to this land are all endowed with rights that are not always equal as we would like "rights" to be;but still many exhibit the "better than thou" disposition that is pervasive throughout the country.

Of course many people have been working on these traits and leanings and seek to eradicate the nurtured xenophobic attitude.

- A Maynergy ORIGINAL Sept 2014. Copyright (c) 1975, 1979, 2000, 2010, 2014 by Carl St.Paul (Gibson) All rights reserved.

Maynergy 9 years, 11 months ago

Summer 2014

Talking Points Nassau:

Creating a new portfolio thats right for the Bahama islands beyond 2013.

Taking a fresh look at a new tourism strategy.

What's the right view of light industries (Bahamas) including Outsourcing attraction?

What's another view of crime in New Providence and how to resolve it forthrightly?

What about the usage of street cameras in all of New Providence to eliminate traffic infractions and the immediate way to gain funds for local government ?

How about the amalgamation of some schools and make mega High schools so school children can be centered in a known location ?

???? " Its Better in the Bahamas !"

Maynergy@gmail - aggregates, curates and amplifies the island conversation online - shining light on places and people other venues often ignore.

Patriotic Nationalists Bahamas (PN) Bahamas

Support (S&AED) (i.e) Shock & Awe Economic Development) for the Bahamas.

" The Commonwealth of the Bahamas (known as the Bahamas); since the birth of independence July 10th 1973, is urged to established "Comprehensive public transportation" system (cpt) to benefit and safeguard national security and the integrity of mass transportation for ALL the people."

An Original Maynergy (Imagine Bahamas Beyond 2017),© Copyright 2009, 2013, Carl St.P (Gibson) All rights reserved.

Maynergy 9 years, 10 months ago

Good Day:

The many faces of the suffering among the privileged political personalities that roam the landscape called the Commonwealth of the Bahamas, is not easily noticed by those who are in the non-target(ed) population.

Unfortunately at this juncture in the history of Independence; our school children cries out loudly while the irrational political exuberance thrive on obliviously even with the frequency of crime in our communities are frighteningly unchecked and seemingly perpetuated with impunity.

I am seeking immediate relief for our children with an " National Mental Health" program to deal with any and all " post-traumatic stress" relating to this menace that has taken over the island of New Providence and other islands of the chain.

I believe it is now necessary that the masses or general public petition for relief from the government to make this an urgent concern and deal with the same as soon as possible, granting the citizens the right to file law suits in the country against the gun manufacturers and importers for the carnage and bedlam on the youth of the nation.

Beside can the government tell the people where and how is these ammunition and guns are being offloaded in the islands? Is there a Database of all the guns that has been used in crime in the last ten (10) years been available?

Thank you.

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" Let freedom rule. " Memorable Reading(s

Maynergy 8 years, 6 months ago

Title: Wounded Children: Faces of Triumph Written By: Carl Gibson Date: April 9th, 2016 E-mail:

                                            FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

The Bahamas and its standing in Caribbean affairs; the financial position, cultural and legal systems and its developing struggles are incomplete since independence. The government and peoples’ character and current political leadership are all interwoven with the nature of world politics. The Bahamian model or rather the Pindling model, featured economic inter-activity and various political foreplay and contradictions geared generally through outside models while the Family islands un-natural political linkage and isolation, suffers from normal and un-natural stresses generated from mis-management and or mis-calculations of the economy and the lack of procreated post independence economic viability to offset severe trends, typical of smaller island nations. Though the model did earlier did eliminate some disparities and inequalities, forced upon the people by the old regime(s); (i.e.) 1956 – 1983. The Bahamas was discovered on 12 October 1492, during Columbus first voyage, but was settled by Spaniards during the first decades of the sixteenth century. The islands had no real usefulness to Spain, other than used as a staging ground for other expedition throughout the West Indies, but the role was greatly enhanced during the American civil war and later with the rum running period through North America and the Caribbean. With the English occupation of Havana 1762 -1763, new opportunities for trade emerged and with Nassau ’s’ linkage to Britain , North America and the Caribbean contributed to the influx of new political ideas, customs and other forms of organizations. The prevailing mercantilist philosophy was grounded in the belief that the accumulation of wealth was a necessary ingredient of natural power, giving rise to influential groups of people, promoting capitalist ideas and productions, while slavery and colonialism did not impede efforts to improve the emerging Bahamian cultural life.

© 1975, 1980, 1983, 1993, 1999, 2005, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011,2016 Carl Gibson. All rights reserved.

Maynergy 7 years, 4 months ago

Read the classic essays on fate and the chilling in depth dissection of the crime blitz invading the Bahamas (1975 - 2016). Centuries ago they (i.e.) the Caribs, The Loyalists from the Carolinas, Andrew Jackson, George Washington and even the Arawak Indians marked the island of New Providence, Bahamas. No one knows why for sure ... until now. P. Carl Gibson believing that government is a monopoly of force to protect and enforce rights for all the people even while it had become fashionable to advance the interest of oneself instead of the country, many patriots known in the islands of the Bahamas embraced the future together with strength and the belief that the greater good of the country would prevail for all the children of the July 10th independence revolution. Behind Grey Curtains is a clear view of where the country should be headed for growth and prosperity for all. Available on, Kindle, Barnes & Nobles, iTunes and Google play TODAY!

Maynergy 5 years, 11 months ago

Behind Grey Curtains - Google Books Result… P. Carl Gibson - 2017 - ‎Biography & Autobiography P. Carl Gibson. grey Čurtains # o P. CARL GIBSON P. CARL GIBSON. Front Cove

Maynergy 5 years, 9 months ago

Imagine Bahamas beyond 2019 (IBB2019) with a patriotic nationalist government that set up and establishes a functional people oriented regime with the following for the betterment of the people: a) S.O.R.S (Strategic Oil Reserve Supply) The minimize the lack of petroleum throughout the territories and the maintenance /regulation of fair pricing & market stability.

b) B.M.T.S (Bahamas Maritime Tracking System) I.e. Installed I all mailboats etc plying the national waters. c) N.C.M (National Cellular market – deregulation and opening cellular services to competition. d) I.I.A.T (Inter island Air Transportation. e) I.I.T.B (Inter island tourism board. f) New postal rates for mass mailers/advertisers/bulk mailers. g) Housing department that renders residents a helping hand not a hand-out. h) B.T.A. (Bahamas Transportation Authority) A semi –quasi agency that administers the mass movement of people in New Providence island and throughout the island nation. i) National prescription drug plan (npd) to ensure the pricing of imported drugs may be cost effective and stay reasonable. MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT FOR EACH ISLAND OF THE BAHAMAS EFFECTIVELY GUARANTEEING EQUALITY OF NATIONAL RIGHTS FOR ALL ISLANDERS

Maynergy 5 years, 9 months ago

Jan. 01.2019:

Things are not always what they seem to be, but with wisdom like Solomon of long ago; Sir Lynden O. Pindling the great and awesome patriot drew back the curtains and opened the windows of progressive growth and crushed the myth of the islands of the Bahamas as beholding to the monarchy seeing the natives as “subjects” any more.…

Maynergy 5 years, 2 months ago

A temple of politics, the Bahamas House of Assembly 2019, that failed to keep up with change. Parliament the symbol of the Bahamas status as a nation for generations the Caribbean basin epic financial center, has got to erect a new and awesome legislating complex to respect the growth of the country and people emerging economic powerhouse. What is your view?

Maynergy 4 years, 3 months ago

Bahamas Fact 101A

MICAL islanders are not going to be silenced by this government or any following. MICAL islanders vehemently opposed what former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham (FNM) did when violating the right of the autonomous inhabitants, by combining five (5) islands together while taking away their elected Members of Parliament from the same. MICAL islanders disputes the constitutionality of what was forced on their backs by this apparent peremptory action. Therefore the people seek relief from the hardship while recognizing the islands' right to have a vote in the national assembly of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas.

Maynergy 4 years, 2 months ago

The Nassau Guardian The Bahamas 2020 Purveyor of Xenophobic island news. "The Haitian done do that....." " Also a Jamaican jumped the...." " A middle aged Polish man washed the.."

Maynergy 4 years, 1 month ago

Behind Grey Curtains: P Carl Gibson: 9781635682571: ...… Behind Grey Curtains [P Carl Gibson] on FREE shipping on qualifying offers. As a product of the enlightened mail boat era 1959-1975…

Maynergy 4 years, 1 month ago

Behind Grey Curtains - Google Books Result"> P. Carl Gibson - 2017 - ‎Biography & Autobiography P. Carl Gibson. grey Čurtains # o P. CARL GIBSON P. CARL GIBSON. Front Cove…

Maynergy 4 years, 1 month ago

The Bahamas:

Medical malpractice is a problem. Women infected after birth? Simple surgery is problematic. Lack of medical insurance by the national government? High levels of hunger in the southern and central islands of the Bahamas.……

Maynergy 4 years ago


The EU has finally given the AG what he wanted. He did not convince a soul of his seriousness to get the islands of the Bahamas of that "Blacklist" AG said; "This pandemic has totally derailed our efforts to get off this blacklist,” Seriously Carl Bethel is a not an advocate for the people of the Bahamas and should be terminated as AG fort the people of the islands of the Bahamas. Bethel kept saying; :"The Bahamas has made major strides to bring the country into alignment with FATF regulations, improving from having met only 18 of 40 requirements in 2017 to having met 30 by the end of 2019' The truth remains clear as an advocate for the people of the Bahamas Bethel was hardly convincing at any of the sessions and therefore the ministers viewed him as a lite weight on the world stage for the people of the Bahamas.

Maynergy 4 years ago

(Supported by Bahamians in diaspora for change) (

Maynergy 4 years ago


Right now in Nigeria it is apparent that the economy has been ruined completely. At first the Government do not care for the masses, and the case is worse for the youths. The level of insecurity has become horrible and so is the level of police brutality. We the youths of Nigeria need help, especially the queer community. LGBTQ community members suffer more because many of us get setup, beaten, maimed, blackmailed and some jailed . I have a friend who was setup and the guys that set him up after beating him got his family involved demanding for ransom and after the family paid the ransom they ejected him and ostracized him, he went about homeless for many months. At some point he attempted suicide but some friends encouraged him and he stayed alive, not just him, lots of people have similar experiences. Him for instance, said if he could get help he would leave Nigeria for Canada. Just last week, on the 20th of October 2020 the Government ordered the Military to shoot young protesters, they hired hoodlums to attack peaceful protesters and to cause wreckage to businesses and firms. Now the situation has become more terrorizing and fearful; foods on the hike, we have to stay indoors to stay away from attacks. So many of us has been rejected by family for being queer; homeless, starving and some dying because of lack of proper medical aid. No health insurance, no food nor social security. No Education aid. The Government lie on everything; they lie on medical, yet they travel abroad for their medicals, they lie on Education yet their children study overseas, they lie on Economy yet they siphon the Nation's treasury and launder money into overseas Banks.

We queers pass through terrible experience. Just like guy I mentioned in the above article. I pitied him because his experience was traumatic. I wish that some day we could have international aid/assistance. Thank God for you Mahmoud, it's only you that has been helping us. I am grateful 😭😭😭 You have been the hope for many hopeless among us, you have been a father, a friend and a helper to many of us and we will keep praying for you.……

Maynergy 3 years, 11 months ago

Centuries ago they (i.e.)the Caribs, Andrew Jackson, Lord Proprietors, the 3,000 Black Loyalists from British America and even the Arawak Indians marked the islands of the Bahamas.No one knows for sure or why until now.……

Maynergy 3 years, 8 months ago

Baby Ammadou music style

Enjoy and see the unity in diversities

Maynergy 3 years, 1 month ago

Bahamas Sept. 16, 2021 Election day: Bahamians in the diaspora hope the next government would promote agribusiness, skills acquisition, partnership of tourism ventures and acceptance of all people while discouraging xenophobia and the promotion of private initiatives and local technological inventions. Also the encouragement of people with families in foreign countries be readily welcome to join in the continuing development of the islands of this commonwealth. The FNM government has accomplished 1. An acute awareness that COVID19 is not going anywhere and 2. For a normal environment to be reached islanders must be vaccinated to avoid widespread elimination of the people like the Caribs and Arawaks' banishment by diseases and buccaneering led by piracy and monopoly. The PLP or DNA and any other political groupings, have had no management of a pandemic at such a massive scale and could present much headaches going forward having to learn the intricacies that awaits a new House of Assembly configuration. Therefore we encourage staying the course so the country may leap into a better future for all as a nation. For more info email:

Maynergy 2 years, 6 months ago

Bahamas 2022? "Patriots & citizens Peace be upon you. Did you know Perry Christie, Hubert Ingraham Hubert Minnis and the acolyte cohorts, watched gleefully as they chaired the 'dismantling committee', of the Bahamas islands' heritage? Patriots and citizens."

Maynergy 2 years, 3 months ago

Bahamas 2022 ?????

Weed in the Bahamas.

The government could add to the national treasury another $250 million to bring about new and orderly designed bridges and highways for the islands of the Bahamas.

The Bahamas are an Archipelago that consists of more than 700 islands. It is located between Cuba and Florida in the Atlantic ocean. Besides countless beaches and resorts, the islands also have a rich history. For thousands of years, there have been native people living there and the islands were also colonized by the British. Each year millions of people visit the Bahamas, most of those tourists come on a cruise. Weed is illegal but easily available. You should not have any problem getting marijuana in the Bahamas. Cannabis laws in the Bahamas is fucked up. Weed is grown all over the island yet they still lock people up for growing weed

Maynergy 2 years, 3 months ago

Bahamas: My hope is with moderate ideas, advancing for the growth of the country, each island having the same voting right in parliament to advocate for continuity and balance for the indigenous folks who are becoming a vanishing minority, in a country where our fatherfathers and mothers paced and paid for, against the invading merchants, colonial masters and the political imposters. "We the people" have to start somewhere, unequivocally to jostle the hate and sorrow over the pain the people have been allowed to suffer, for these many years. Let the the people live with dignity and economic fairness to florish.. Thank you

Maynergy 2 years ago

National bulletin:

Since no deference was shown to the people of this nation. You, will be hunted until the peace of the nation is restored.
Turn yourself in to the police immediately. Your rights will be outlined unlike what was done to the victim. Reward is given for information leading to the arrest of the person or persons responsible for this murder. 911 today

Maynergy 1 year, 12 months ago

In 2004 I coined a word "Maynergy" after looking at "energy" I used "nergy" from "energy" and "May" from Mayaguana" from where my mother had built a farm house in 1943. I came up with the word "Maynergy" and at the same time opened an email called and gave the word the description of "a concept of inclusion" made that the meaning of "Maynergy" the word. I am now being told by Google that they want to make sure I am the one that is the owner of the email "" I am the orginator of the word "Maynergy" I find this outrageous and disrespectful as the creator of the word. There is no word in the English or any Dictionary that is "Maynergy" I searched the dictionaries and have never find a word spell "Maynergy" so I coined the meaning as "inclusive of island flavor" as a meaning which took into consideration the island of Mayaguana which has been denied development for the last 100 years by the national government of the PLP and before by the British and before that the Lord Proprietors from North Carolina in the USA 1640. I need my email back and rest my case as the creator of the word and orginator of the term Maynergy I am P. Carl Gibson AKA Ammadou Gibson. I seek Google to cease and desist from using this intimadation tactic against me the orginator of this email and term "Maynergy" 10.29.2022

Maynergy 1 year, 11 months ago

A temple of politics. The Bahamas House of Assembly, that failed to keep up with change, parliament the symbol of the Bahamas status as a nation generations the Caribbean basin epic financial center, has to erect a new and awesome parliament complex to respect the growth of the country and people. What is your view? Maynergy?

Maynergy 1 year, 11 months ago

An extrajudicial killing (also known as extrajudicial execution or extralegal killing)[1] is the deliberate killing of a person without the lawful authority granted by a judicial proceeding 2021 to 2022.

Maynergy 1 year, 11 months ago

The goal of eliminating or diminishing crimes in the country won't either be achieved through summary executions. These will just make crime rates go up and even worsen. The courts must get a hold of this madness and bail should not be set for certain types of crimes.

Maynergy 1 year, 11 months ago

$10.5 billion spent to execute the Bahamas Foreign mission since independence since July 10th 1973. What was gained with this cash? This is a list of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Bahamas:[2] 1973–1984: Paul Adderley 1984–1989: Clement T. Maynard 1989–1990: Charles Carter 1990–1992: Sir Clement T. Maynard 1992–1994: Orville Turnquest 1994–2002: Janet Bostwick 2002–2007: Fred Mitchell 2007–2012: Brent Symonette 2012–2017: Fred Mitchell 2017–2021: Darren Henfield 2021–present: Fred Mitchell Which one of the aforementioned names did an unsually remarkable job for the advancement of the people of the Bahamas on the world stage so far?

Maynergy 1 year, 11 months ago

The pressure is hot to say something. Bahamas Foreign Affairs is ripe for advancement of progressive growth. Who can do that?……

Maynergy 1 year, 11 months ago

The pressure is hot to say something. Bahamas Foreign Affairs is ripe for advancement of progressive growth. Who can do that?…

Maynergy 1 year, 11 months ago

http://tribune242.cThe pressure is hot to say something. Bahamas Foreign Affairs is ripe for advancement of progressive growth. Who can do that?om/users/photos/2022/nov/15/79271/

Maynergy 1 year, 11 months ago

Bahamas 2022: Presently: Article 70 of The Constitution of the Bahamas. Should this Article in The Constitution be changed (ammended) so every member of the Senate may be duly elected by the people of the
islands of the Bahamas and not the Governor General an Imperial Representative of King Charles of England? YES (X) - NO ( ) Should the House of Assembly be downsized?
YES: (X) - NO: ( ) Should each island have its own Member of Parliament to advocate for the people's development and progress thereof? YES: (X) - NO: ( ) Should New Providence island, have immediately a duly elected Local government body effectively giving the the people a voice in the islands future? YES (X) - NO ( ) Rethink "DEVOLUTION."

Maynergy 1 year, 7 months ago

Bahamas 2023: Google: Maynergy Bahamas, a history of the people of the Bahamas. Copyright (c) 2022 P. Carl Gibson. All rights reserved. The stories as it is written is the recollection of the author and may not be what others may remember. No intent to defame and or rewrite the history of the time is intended. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or any event may be purely serendipitous.

Maynergy 1 year, 2 months ago

Bahamas 2023 & island territories

Mayergy Bahamas,

A history of the people of the Bahamas. The stories as it is written is the recollection of the author and may not be what others may remember. No intent to defame and or rewrite the history of the time is intended. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or any event may be purely serendipitous

Copyright (c) 2022 P. Carl Gibson. All Rights Reserved.…

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