UPDATED: Thousands of people take to Bay Street.

Thousands of Vote Yes campaigners participated in a march on parliament in support of a yes vote in the upcoming referendum.

Sebastian Bastian, owner of Island Luck, who was on the march, said he would shut down his stores if the majority of Bahamians vote no in the referendum. However, he said he would not shut down his website.

Mr. Bastian said: "I think Island Luck would do the same thing, we would close down the physical stores themselves. but the website will basically remain on through the mere fact that the website is not illegal.

"It is licensed by the isles of man, the servers are located in isles of man, and I have a gaming license to operate islandluck.com. It has zero to do with the Bahamas, it is just accessed by Bahamians from the Bahamas.

"So that makes my part of that business, perfectly legal. It has a bank account attached to it. and my practices on that site are perfectly above board and open and there no grey area there, it is perfectly legal."


Ironvelvet 12 years ago

This comment was removed by the site staff for violation of the usage agreement.

Ironvelvet 12 years ago

LOL I could see if I used an expletive, I guess constructive criticism for poor work is not appreciated. I suppose only favorable comments are allowed to stay. Feel free to remove this one also.

Foxie 12 years ago

You don't agree with The Tribune your commet is never posted...... I have tried to comment numerous times and they are very seldom posted.... A WAST OF TIME....

bahamian242 12 years ago

What are they marching for??? The elected Government is w/them!

WoodesRodgers 12 years ago

Mr. Bastian needs to read the legislation on gaming...his establishments receive money here in the Bahamas and pay out his customers here in the Bahamas...it is illegal. That's what we are really voting for in this "opinion poll"...To legalize ONLINE GAMBLING! You don't need 3000 employees for that, you don't even need 1 employee! Wake up Bahamians and vote NO!!!

TalRussell 12 years ago

PM you have succeeded at even making the numbers "bosses" be scratching they heads wondering; "what in the hell just happened to the PLP, only days away from what was to be the big 'Vote Yes' on the numbers rackets thing, come this Monday January 28?


tonymontana 12 years ago

A nation sold should be your caption come next week tuesday. Hopefully this should make way for the under ground strip club owners who by the way employ a ggodly number also . Your radio personalities in the morning seem to be on the take also . you can here them singing the praise of the illagal rackateers .

tonymontana 12 years ago

And how is it that the COP can give a permit for illegals to parade down town ?the referandumb has not been passed .

John 12 years ago

JUst HOPE the numbers bosses don't be like Cable and Wireless/ BTC. AFter they snatch the company from the Bahamian people (for little or nothing) they gone from paying vendors $1.00 commission on a $5.00 card to 20 cents on a card.. people stand up in the rain, the sun and heavy traffic to make less on a $5.00 card than they could make sellin the tribune or a pack of peanuts! (or even selling numbers i guess) But yet BTC brag about how much they give away to junkanoo, and sports and charity and other things. So they taking the money from hard working Bahamians, who struggling to feed their families, pocketing some or most of it and giving lil bit away to make themselves look good in the public eye.. Now they trying to stop Bahamian businesses from selling cell phones with their crappy commercial that say if the phone aint bought from them it my not work..Why don't they tell the Bahamian people that cell phone service or internet with BTC aint been stable or reliable ever since C&W take over. .Dont let the web shop dealers do the same..

jackbnimble 12 years ago

Dear God. The criminals have been given a license to rally in the streets. What have we come to as a country? And I suppose that the choreographed dancers are also web shop employees as well. Wow. Didn't know they had so many.

John 12 years ago

Can someone please contact Mr. Craig Flowers, Sebas, Foxy or one of the( presently illegal) gaming bosses and ask them to please send Mr. Perry Glastone Christie a few of the "yes" shirts (he needs more than one so he can have a fresh one every time he speaks for them) beacuse he is doing an excellent job speaking out in favor of the' yes' vote. He did say he didn't have a horse in the race..but i think he was meaning at hobby horse race track..maybe they need to re-open that too!

TalRussell 12 years ago

The policeman's must be too busy arresting others to venture over to Bay Street, but numbers folks they were comfy, being so close to cabinet room up in the Churchill Building?

PM Christie this is a far cry from the great PLP days, when Pindling and Milo grabs the speaker's mace and he hour glass and they toss it right the hell out of the House window, to the large crowd of Bahamians gathered below?

The late Androsian Clearance Bain would say; Great God Almighty what is these numbers folks doing taking over Bay Street and the PM say not a word?


242 12 years ago

The PM has no control over the country n not even his party members. Can you say Free For All

maryann 12 years ago

Ok so there are three thousand employees working in the Web shops as reported by the Country 's PM .so why it is only a little over seven hundred paying National Insurance payment .Is National Insurance visiting these establishment to investigate this recent report?

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