Nygard faces the wrath of Farrakhan


Tribune Staff Reporter


NATION of Islam leader Minister Louis Farrakhan said he was not looking for “sport” or “play” when he accepted an invitation to an event hosted by Canadian fashion designer Peter Nygard.


Peter Nygard


Louis Farrakhan make remarks at College of the Bahamas. (Photo:Kyle Smith/Tribune Staff)

Addressing over two hundred students, college faculty, and members of the public at his lecture held in the Performing Arts Centre at the College of the Bahamas, Minister Farrakhan said he was not interested in the invitation’s affairs, including the Junkanoo show put on for him by the Lyford Cay millionaire.

“You know I’m a very simple man, my staff can tell you,” he said.
“When I go, I come to do a job to teach my people what God has blessed us to have. I to teach them and go back to my hotel. I aint looking for sport and I’m not looking for play. So you can’t send no woman to me except to learn.”
“And I don’t mean sex education,” the 79-year-old minister said.
Minister Farrakhan’s comments about his experience at the Canadian fashion designer’s home stemmed from a subject in his lecture concerning Bahamians and land ownership.
“This is a paradise for everybody else but you and we sit back and we allow ourselves to be put in a condition! And it’s not other people’s fault,” he had said before his reference to Mr Nygard.
“I was at the home of Mr Nygard way out somewhere, a gated community, some black people can’t even go in there except as a servant, a cook, a butler, to care for the lawn.”

“Last night (Tuesday), they had something there that I was invited to that was amazing to see all the black people that came and they put on a Junkanoo show for me.

“You know I’m a very simple man, my staff can tell you.

“When I go, I come to do a job to teach my people what God has blessed us to have. I to teach them and go back to my hotel. I aint looking for sport and I’m not looking for play. So you can’t send no woman to me except to learn.”
“And I don’t mean sex education,” he added.
Minister Farrakhan continued his tale at this point, noting the number of “black people” allowed past the gate at the request of Mr Nygard.
“Mr Nygard, wanted them there on that piece of ground that most black people just keep on driving by, don’t even go that way. And when white people come and own the land, the first thing they do, they make it a gated community. They don’t want no riff-raff. You come, you do your work and get out.”
“When night time come, go. And there’s always somebody to ask you ‘what are you doing here?’ In your land.”
Farrakhan said either you’re the owner of the land or you’re not, “but you pay a price.”
“And the land is being sold right up from under your foot,” he said.


Understandfacts 11 years, 6 months ago

I get the message, but this was very poorly written.

Deepdrop2 11 years, 6 months ago

OMG!! Who is this man? He needs to get I life. Who brought him here?? He came to teach "his people"?? He is a RACIST!!!!! For his education: you can't drive by nygards place you have to drive through Lyford Cay to get to it. And there are black Bahamians people living there,who own their on homes. This is just what we need right? another racist a$$ coming here to rile up the people. This is 2013 people!!!! We DO NOT need this bulls***!!!!!!!!!

MrMuhammad 11 years, 6 months ago

You act as if 2013 is the year oppression stopped and racism is now perpetrated by the victims. White colonial oppressors are tearing up the earth. The wars and rumors of wars are set up designed and performed by white European oppressors in 2013

RUKiddingMe 11 years, 6 months ago

MrMuhammad - you are an a** sir! You actually believe that the only people perpetrating racism are white people? You need to take the cotton out of your ears and listen to the way we black people speak of each other. It has never been my experience to feel like I am being opressed by any white person here in The Bahamas or anywhere else in the world - the large majority of cries of oppression continue to come from those individuals who seem to think that they can attribute their slackness to being oppressed. Get your head out of the sand and grow up!

jt 11 years, 6 months ago

This is just inflammatory garbage. Farrakhan has no idea what he is talking about (and neither does the writer of this word casserole of an article). Black people live in Lyford Cay. So thanks, Farrakhan, between you and Nygard I choose to side with absolutely nobody.

MrMuhammad 11 years, 6 months ago

You must be one of the Whites who dominate the natives

concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago

what whites dominate the natives ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,we have had majority rule for 40 yrs ,,ask F Wilson ,B Davis ,the Hannas a barefoot boy from coopers town if any one dominates them ,,,,,,the whites are 10 percent ,don,t blame your place in life on white people ,,,,,,,,,,,

bahamianadvocate 11 years, 6 months ago

I do think that Farrakhan is a racist and the fact that he made referenced to a community where mainly foreigners reside is simply naive. No matter where you travel in the world, in a society which strives on tourism, there will ALWAYS be places in that land where foreigners would love to live. For him to see Lyford Cay as a place that has been stripped from the Bahamian people is fairly stupid because it is Land a resource than cannot be physically taken by foreigners. If Bahamians want the land back after the millions of dollars which these same (White) foreigners leased/purchased, Bahamians can get it back if they want. So for him to make such a statement just demonstrates that he does not know what he is talking about. Where do they find these idiots who think they know everything??

MrMuhammad 11 years, 6 months ago

Yes we saw what happen to Saddam when he wanted his land back. And we saw what happened to Ghadafi when he try to befriend the universal oppressors get out of the denial Whites never give anything back they kill and even if they leave they put a native look-alike in position to run a whithe agenda

concernedcitizen 11 years, 6 months ago


TalRussell 11 years, 6 months ago

I don't what even lower my level of intelligence to discuss anything this terrible man has to say but this is as good of a time as any to use Nygard's star Junkanoo attraction at his house party, as a reminder to my Comrade Bahamians, that hyphenating Bahamians as being anything other than Bahamian is not the Bahamian way, be it African, Haitian, jewish, Jamaican, Greek or British-Bahamian.

Besides how can you call yourself a Bahamian, hyphenated or not, when you've sworn your citizenship allegiance to some far way British Monarchy?

"The Jews don't like Farrakhan, so they call me Hitler. Well, that's a good name. Hitler was a very "great" man." Louis Farrakhan


MrMuhammad 11 years, 6 months ago

You repeat the same inaccurate lies with a have truth. Farrakhan said that, "...Hitler was a wickedly great man." When you study language you will find great doesn't always mean good as used in common American vernacular.

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