NATIONAL Insurance Board Director Algernon Cargill was yesterday “terminated” as Director of the National Insurance Board, a post he had held for the past four years.
Mr Cargill was told of the Board’s decision when he received a telephone call from NIB’s new chairman, Rev James Moultrie, who shortly after 4pm yesterday invited Mr Cargill to pick up his “termination letter” from NIB. Mr Cargill asked that the letter be sent to the chambers of his lawyers, Sears & Co.
However, when officials arrived at the lawyer’s Market Street office, they claimed that two women at the firm refused to open the door.
The letter was then taken to Mr Cargill’s home after 7pm where it was received by his wife. Mr Cargill was not at home.
The letter of termination was drafted not long after Board members met on Wednesday afternoon.
On the previous day, his co-accused, Raymond Wells, who with Mr Cargill had been put on administrative leave over the rental of an apartment from Mr Cargill’s brother, was reinstated on Tuesday as NIB’s deputy director and vice president of information technology.
Mr Wells had arranged a lease agreement for the apartment to accommodate his project staff. As he had his own budget, he did not have to consult Mr Cargill, who was later informed of the transaction, but took no part in it. A letter from the Davis law firm confirmed to the auditors that Mr Cargill had no interest in the company, which was wholly owned by his brother. The Davis firm later confirmed to Mr Cargill’s lawyer that nothing had been executed to make Mr Cargill a director of the company, which had completed the apartment transaction with Mr Wells.
Persons were today questioning why if Mr Wells had been cleared of any wrong doing in this transaction, was Mr Cargill not also cleared.
It is understood that the Board has accused Mr Cargill of breaking confidentiality rules by NIB affidavits filed in the Supreme Court to defend himself against accusations made by then Board Chairman Gregory Moss.
A source close to the case felt that the confidentiality breach was a flimsy excuse for his firing. “NIB leaked a November 8 letter smearing Mr Cargill’s name, and publicly put him on leave. Of course, he was forced to defend his reputation, so how could this be a breach of confidentiality? The confidentiality had already been breached by the ‘leak’ to the public of the Moss letter.”
It is understood that Mr Cargill will be allowed to keep his cell phone, but has been ordered to return his car by 10 am today. His car was supposed to have been a part of his compensation package on the completion of his contract. He was also told to collect his vacation pay on Tuesday, May 21.
However, while government supporters consider the turn of events a step towards ending a smear campaign that has gone on for months, reliable sources close to Mr Cargill have vowed that the matter is far from over.
One insider said: “The Board has made their recommendations but the government now has several things on its hands. By terminating, they will have to pay him out of his contract which still had two years left. In addition to that, they are also faced with allegations against NIB Minister Shane Gibson.
“The allegations against him are not pie in the sky ones, they are very severe. The whole matter of Greg Moss still needs to be addressed as well and, unlike what Mr Gibson has said, the audit report on him (Moss) does not leave him unscathed.”
Another Board member questioned how Prime Minister Perry Christie could allow Mr Gibson to continue on as the Minister of NIB having again found himself the subject of scandal.
“Shane should be removed and not be allowed to come near NIB. The Prime Minister should remove him. But we suspect that this situation will be drawn out because Mr Christie does not have the audacity to do anything about it,” the member said.
mynameis 11 years, 9 months ago
So, despite all the sound and fury, and allegations of every sort, Mr. Cargill is actually fired for "breach of confidentiality" based on his affidavit and not for misfeasance in performing his job? Hmmmm...
B_I_D___ 11 years, 9 months ago
The price you pay for doing your job by the book and not bending to every MP or PM saying let's spend some money on this project, or pay this supporters medical bills, or give this person a free car...stand up against people putting their hands in the cookie jar and you get fired. Basically what it comes down to. Maybe Mr. Cargill should turncoat on the PLP he supports and join ranks with the FNM...they obviously have more common sense then the people who just stabbed him in the back.
Ironvelvet 11 years, 9 months ago
Pathetic! Why wasn't Cargill fired back in October 2012 if this reaason of breach in confidentiality is legit? Why pay him a full salary all this time? Mr. Cargill please take these people to the end of the world and back! May the masses take notice that victimization and fear mongering must stop! This has now added to the lawsuit. Mr. Cargill your season will soon come, keep fighting!
TalRussell 11 years, 9 months ago
Did the payment of bonuses suddenly disappear? Both Hubert as the minister for NIB and his trusted state minister for fiance Zhivargo, have publicly stated that they were unaware of such bonuses. What has changed? Members of the board have also claimed to not have had any say in the payment of the bonuses?
Is the public now to understand that there never was any payment of "questionable" bonuses? Were Hubert and Zhivargo called to answer questions before the audit committee? The public has a right to know who said what or who wouldn't say what they know?
Was there never no madness going on over at NIB? Are we to now believe it was all lies?…
JohnDoe 11 years, 9 months ago
Unfortunately this is bigger than PLP or FNM. Serious allegations were made against Cargill and an audit was performed to review these allegations which will cost the Bahamian people over a million dollars. Minister Gibson claims that the audit report substantiates the validity of the allegations against Cargill, yet Cargill was terminated by the NIB Board for breach of confidentiality, a charge that was not even investigated in the audit as far as I am aware. There is a major unsettling disconnection here and this actual opens up a whole new Pandora’s Box. Serious questions should now be raised about potential conflicts of interests, the terms of reference, the appointment and execution of this audit and its impact on why the NIB Board decided to disregard its findings. In addition to the questions above, Mr. Gibson should also be made to publicly explain the criteria that he used to select and appoint Grant Thornton and why after spending over a million dollars on this audit, the NIB Board totally disregarded and ignored its findings and conclusions. Further, the PM must now show the same vigor in investigating the charges against Mr. Gibson and Mr. Moss, otherwise he will be planting the seeds again that will eventually lead to the downfall of his party… again. This is a classic case of fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. This audit appears to be just another case of blatant political patronage. Enough is enough, just as we should hold Cargill accountable where misfeasance can be independently validated, we must also hold the PM, Gibson and Moss accountable for wasting our money to enrich their family, friends and supporters.
B_I_D___ 11 years, 9 months ago
@ doubt Cargill needs to answer to the bonuses...can't remember the full swing on the employment contract, but we know the pay increases were legit and contractual. What I will be very interested to see is this...Under the previous PLP administration NIB operated at a loss...under FNM and Cargill it turned a profit. Will be VERY interested to see if when the PLP get kicked to the curb in 2017 what the true financial status of NIB is...willing to make a bet they'll be losing money again while some croonies are getting their pockets lined with taxpayer $$. Any takers?? Let's go to a numbers house and start up a bet!!
TalRussell 11 years, 9 months ago
Like the gambling referendum, this was poorly handled by the government. This report will do little to satisfy the gut feelings held by many Bahamians, that something was go'in on over at NIB, under both PM Christie and Ingraham?
Should Shane have been the in charge of getting to the bottom of whatever has been alleged to have happened over at NIB? That's the question many Bahamians are invariable asking themselves. I for one believe the way this audit was conducted and its release handled, it has only magnified the curiosity of many?
B_I_D___ 11 years, 9 months ago
Magnified...LMAO...more like blown up in their faces!!
concernedcitizen 11 years, 9 months ago
it is plain an simple ,Cargill made Finlynson ,Jones ,Rithcie and other PLP,S pay their NIB ,ttherefore he should be punshihed ,,i always thought PGC was honest just too kind hearted to bbe a good leader ,the minute he put S Gibson in charge of NIB i changed my mind PGC is the leader of this band of thieves ,,,,,,,
TalRussell 11 years, 9 months ago
Comrade BID, PM Christie went over Shane's head and "fired" Moss. Right? Hubert never fired his minister of tourism? Why not?
Let me remind you that PM Christie didn't fire Moss, for wrongdoing. He was fired by the PM for having a big mouth.
How big is Cargill's mouth?
concernedcitizen 11 years, 9 months ago
simple Comrade ,HAI is gone ,we talkin bout Shane and PGC throwin one of thier own to the wolfs ,,,,,,,,,,,
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 9 months ago
He was fired for personally attacking the PM...and the PM was right to do so. It had 0 to do with anything at NIB
concernedcitizen 11 years, 9 months ago
cargill was fired for making , baby tiger ,jones et all pay the hundreds of thosands they owed NIB
TalRussell 11 years, 9 months ago
Oh I see. The public only needs to stick their noses into what transpired over at NIB, since PM Christie retook office, some 12 months back? Hubert and Zhivargo get a clean pass?
According to media statements attributed to Cargill, he seems to be comfortable over the amounts of the bonuses he received, and his acceptance of the bonuses, being that he had the approval from NIB's Human Resources Committee and the then NIB Chairman Ward for payment approval of the bonuses
Comrades since it's the premiums of hard working Bahamians that were used to payout these bonuses, don't they have the right to disagree with Mr. Cargill? Isn't it up to them to decide when too much, is too damn much bonuses money?
B_I_D___ 11 years, 9 months ago
Agreed on the bonus aspect...should be held responsible...still waiting on that wager though as to NIB in negative profits SOON...
realfreethinker 11 years, 9 months ago
But one would get the impression that only Mr cargill got a bonus. dont forget that more than 70% of the bonus in question went to other people. how come they are not required to answer I smell a huge RAT. something stinks to high heaven with this whole thing
mynameis 11 years, 9 months ago
I would say the payment of the bonus is a non-issue unless it can be shown that it was improperly paid. Notice that I do not use the word "illegal" which is a criminal term. As this is an employment issue, an improper payment would only occur if the employment contract either did not permit the payment of bonuses or did not permit the amount of bonus to be paid. I say it's a non-issue because whether or not he was entitled to a bonus goes to what is contained in the employment contract; and, as he didn't employ himself, then the "employer", i.e. the National Insurance Board would have negotiated with him and agreed to pay him a bonus.
mynameis 11 years, 9 months ago
Who should be held responsible?
TalRussell 11 years, 9 months ago
Maybe they did begin with the simple forensic rules, or maybe they didn't? Step one was to begin with the forensic evidence, pointing them in the direction of; Who are the person(s) who first originated the discussion over bonuses? The justification behind each of the bonuses? Whom to be paid out to? The amount of each bonus to be paid? The mandate to authorize said bonuses. Examine all minutes and emails over say a five year period leading up to the dates in question, having anything to do with any and all bonuses paid out at NIB, regardless if these particular bonuses were mentioned on not?
Forensic evidence should paint a picture, if these bonuses were given preferred treatment and if so. Why so?
concernedcitizen 11 years, 9 months ago
SP 11 years, 9 months ago
Both PLP & FNM are skinny dipping in the cookie jar.
Too many quarterbacks in this game....I prefer to wait for the end game when Cargill starts exposing others getting away with being just as crooked as he is.
Vincent Vanderpool Wallace is another one the PLP is afraid to deal with for the same reasons.
The plot thickens as pirates head for non existent shelter.
B_I_D___ 11 years, 9 months ago
@ SP ... I'm starting to think that the cat is out of the bag so to speak...the PLP came in with such bravado and audacity and went so over the top, they triggered alarm bells in even some of their strongest supporters...heck, even some of their own colleagues...they promised the mortgages, no crime, employment, gambling, etc, etc...the oblivious bought it...the realists played along with reservations because it was their party...once all the stupidness started to play out, even their own party members have been vocal about it. Now the general masses are catching on to just how corrupt and disorganized they are...there is zero intent to better the bottom line for the households in's all about raiding the cookie jar to repay election debts and line the generals fast as they can before they get impeached so to speak... Thankfully their are independent news agencies in this country because obviously ZNS integrity is 100% jeopardized for an unbiased view on the political front of this country...but that's like they like to keep it...a party for the people...but we are not going to tell the people the truth we will spin them lies to make them happy and believe we know what the heck we are doing....won't be long now before our dollar is devalued, tourist go elsewhere...foreign investors leave...and we can miraculously 'export' our resources and balance our GDP with VAT as per mr. Pinders comments earlier. Perfect...everyone on board...lets do it, lets make it happen...bring it on...
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 9 months ago
Too many quarterbacks is right...I feel sorry for Perry Christie, everybody wants the top job, and i mean everybody. Each one believes his power is absolute. It is impossible to build a team under these conditions. That is why all of their actions to date seem so Helter skelter.
Go to the ant though sluggard, consider her ways and be wise
PKMShack 11 years, 9 months ago
Tal, ,,,you back lol
TalRussell 11 years, 9 months ago
You can't possible read the red shirts postings on here and not understand why they were ushered out of power. So much emotions for this man Cargill, who just happened to be taking home a paycheck from NIB (excluding his questionable bonuses) of $684.90 PER DAMN DAY).
Comrades we have families moving out of they residences to sleep in they damn cars. Where were your emotions, for the tired, down and out of paycheques natives, when you held power?
Please. It's that time to give Tribune readers a break. Time to bring out those S***Begone tissues and hand them out to all you red shirts posting such crap on here. Time to get real with the mess you red shirts left behind, for PM Christie to deal with. Granted he doesn't have best bunch of our natives in positions around him, but still Bahamaland ain't ready for a Hubert return.…
concernedcitizen 11 years, 9 months ago
we are not talking bout the red shirts ,,news flash PGC is now the PM ,,,Cargil made tiger them pay NIB ,he gone ,,,,people voted no to numbers ,,so the numbers man gonna get a casino ,,OHW worried our morals our gone cause men are sellin themselves for sex ,,geez Tals you can,t make this stuff up my brother ,,,,,
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 9 months ago
The emotions were clearly displayed on May-7 last year. We have 40 (going on 41) yrs of mess to clean up.. we need those rolls wholesale
TalRussell 11 years, 9 months ago
Even though you y'all still recovering from PM Christie running Hubert out of office, still you red shirts can find time to be so radiant over Cargill getting fired. Let me asked you red shirts something. When was the last time any of you collected a paycheque for a whopping $684.90 (plus them bonuses) for a days work?
Comrades do you think Cargill needs you to be defending him? You can only dream do as well financially as the man.
Washington "Attache Ozzie B" must be weeping every time he opens he little pay envelope? And we all know how he likes to cry over red, and gold shirt things.
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 9 months ago
~$200,000 per year? It's called an education. If he were working in the private sector he could probably make more. Internationally even more. I am not going to argue about his right or wrong at NIB, I'm speaking to how a good education can propell a career. Our young people need more examples (you can argue better examples) of what's possible if you can read, write, add, subtract, reason, mix in some hard work and good habits between the ages of 5-20.
Alot of our young men and women do the things they do because never in their wildest dreams ( as you pointed out) would they believe they could legitimately and ethically. make this salary or higher. If they had that hope, this country would be transformed.
An educated populace brings better questions, better questions means better candidates, better candidates - better politicians, better politicians - better management. No more votes given for tvs, junkanoo tickets or free kentucky fried chicken...well one can only hope anyway
ThisIsOurs 11 years, 9 months ago
and I do not mean to suggest that everyone who works hard will reach this salary, hope is the key. Only one person can win the race, but everyone who gets in that ready position BELIEVES they will win. Someone will come 8th, but they run their personal best, just as good in my opinion.
Stapedius 11 years, 9 months ago
Yep, no cohesiveness at all it seems. If the PLP would fix simple things we would be happy. I still can't understand why they try to do so much. Target 2 or 3 big projects and run with it. They trying to tackle a million things all at once to seem busy. As I've said before these scandals are a distraction to the work we need to do in this country. Let's quickly deal with it and move on.
concernedcitizen 11 years, 9 months ago
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