COB shortlist lists former head despite plagiarism row

FORMER COB president Dr Rodney Smith, who resigned his post amid a high profile plagiarism controversy, is one of the four Bahamians short-listed to head the institution as it moves toward university status.

Dr Smith, who stepped down in 2005 after apologising and admitting he used a portion of a speech by the President of New York University without proper attribution, is among those invited by the College Council to meet the COB community next month.

In his 2005 resignation letter, he took aim at the press, saying: “It is time to move on in an attempt to remove any further negative and damaging media frenzy from the doorsteps of this great institution by The Guardian, but more specifically The Tribune and The Bahama Journal and Mr Felix Bethel (COB lecturer).”

Admitting that he made “one mistake in the midst of many successes,” Dr Smith added: “Yet it was sufficient to signify my doom. Unwittingly, I neglected to give credit to where credit was due – the media showed no mercy and definitely is not prepared to forgive.”

The COB statement acknowledges his former presidency, but makes no mention of the plagiarism row, describing Dr Smith as the current vice president for administrative services, operations analysis and research at Hampton University, and noting his impressive academic career and fundraising successes.

Dr Smith is joined by Gregory Carey, PhD; Phillip Carey, PhD; and Olivia Saunders, DBA, on the short list.

Dr Gregory Carey is an assistant professor and director of student summer research and community outreach at the Centre for Vascular and Inflammatory Diseases at the University of Maryland.

Dr Phillip Carey is a full professor of Sociology and former Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at North Carolina A&T State University.

Dr Olivia Saunders is a professor in the School of Business at the College of the Bahamas, former team leader of the University Transition Secretariat and former Dean of Business, Hospitality and Tourism Studies.


ohdrap4 11 years ago

Dr. Rodney Smith is indeed a strong candidate. i believe he learned his lesson. If he sat down to write a speech without copying and pasting, and wrote down any quotes, the problem would be avoided.

In fact, i think all other speakers, do the same thing: When in doubt, ask google.

A commencement speech is not the Gettysburg Address: 1. You start by saying that you believe in philipians 4:13-- (But don't quote, PHDS speak in chapter and paragraph). 2. Mention how outstanding the graduating class is and remind then how they witnessed such and such developments while attending COB. 3. Now you quote some bromide from JFK or Obama. 4. say godspeed and good riddance.


ThisIsOurs 11 years ago

So the fact that they're considering scandal ridden Dr Rodney, means that he must have it in the bag. The other nominees are just for show.

How is he to keep his head up in front of the students.

Every action has a consequence, he may be well qualified, repentant, humbled whatever. The price for this faux pas should be, he loses his chance to ever be head of a university.

What does this say about our country? There was a hue and a cry that we HAD to have a Bahamian president, now we find that in the top four candidates selected we have someone guilty of plagiarism?? What does that say? Has anyone thought about that?

John 11 years ago

How comes they writer had so much to say about Dr. Smith but had little to say about the other candidates? After reading the article one still does not know much about them.

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