School in shock after teacher dies

CHILDREN left Garvin Tynes Primary School early yesterday after classes were cancelled following the announcement that one of the school’s teachers had died. Photo: Lamond Johnson/Tribune Staff

CHILDREN left Garvin Tynes Primary School early yesterday after classes were cancelled following the announcement that one of the school’s teachers had died. Photo: Lamond Johnson/Tribune Staff


Tribune Staff Reporter


TWO TEACHERS at Garvin Tynes Primary School were rushed to hospital yesterday morning after learning that one of their fellow teachers had died the night before.

According to Julian Anderson, Superintendent for the Western district, a sixth grade teacher at the school, Mrs Rowann Thompson, died late Tuesday night sending shock waves through the entire school.

Because students and teachers were “visibly” traumatised, Mr Anderson said the primary school closed shortly after 10am and parents were asked to collect the children from the school’s campus. In the meantime, students and teachers were offered grief counselling by local pastors in the community, who volunteered their services when they learned what had happened.

“What happened was, yesterday evening one of the teachers at Garvin Tynes Primary School died and so the staff is distraught and the teachers are distraught and what makes it more impactful is this is the third death for the school for this calendar year,” Mr Anderson said. “So, some of the teachers were shaken up and we had to rush two teachers in a private car with the school nurse to the hospital because they passed out and their pressure was sky high.

“We were concerned for them and the mental health of the students so we thought it best to close school for the day. We also offered grief counselling services to the teachers and students. Angela Palacious and other members of the clergy came and offered their services.”

When The Tribune arrived at the school, some students and teachers were visibly shaken, many of them in tears. School is expected to resume today, with grief services being offered to students who might need it.


Well_mudda_take_sic 10 years ago

Like so many other Bahamians, this poor teacher probably died of an ailment caused by the every day extreme stresses of life caused by none other than the failed policies and tiefin' of Perry "Vomit" Christie.....rising food prices, power outages, smoke from public dump fires, crime every where you turn, schools without fresh potable water to drink or for restrooms, school children without necessary books and supplies, banks ripping you off with exorbitant fees for just about anything including making deposits, low water pressure and dirty rusty water out of home taps, unaffordable medical insurance, increasing cost or unavailability of necessary medications, and on and on and on! This poor teacher didn't stand a chance while the ruthless corrupt politicians like Christie, Wilchcombe, Davis and Maynard-Gibson live like Kings and Queens off of the backs of poor overtaxed Bahamians like you and me !!!!!!!!

Cobalt 10 years ago

Why did you leave out Hubert Ingraham, Shavargo Laing, and the rest of the FNM executives??? They placed a huge burden on the people too! It ain just Perry dem!

Altalk 10 years ago

Say it again..

Tommy77 10 years ago

@Well_mudda_take_sic I agree. http://s04.flagcounter.com/mini/kfoW/bg…" style="display:none">

themessenger 10 years ago

Don't forget the unruly, disrespectful,and dangerous children they're trying to educate and their equally unruly, disrespectful and ungrateful parents to boot.

Bahamianpride 10 years ago

Lets face it although i don't know the cause of death, the majority of our people have a poor diet and lifestyle routines. Eating greasy fried foods like fritters, fried Chicken, battered fried conch, french fries, McDonald's, B King, Wendy's, Pizza hut etc. Most of these things are cooked and fried in the most carcinogenic greases and oils. They drink high glycemic items like soda and other high sugary drinks raising blood sugar, causing insulin resistance or diabetes. We are constantly eating highly processed food and don't drink enough water. Then u factor in lack of exercise, poor medical care and our belief in some supernatural spell or voodoo that may have caused physical or mental health problems. Many of our people live stressful lives & suffer from high blood pressure, high bad cholesterol. To make matters worse Our people don't get yearly physicals and wait until health problems occur before seeking medical care. We have become Americanized without America's standard of health care. We have become a overweight, out of shape society, stressed out society.

Stapedius 10 years ago

Not sure how politics has become a topic for discussion here considering the circumstances. We should all just simply give our condolonces, offer prayers if you wish and move on. Stop finding every opportunity to run on with political crap.

Bahamianpride 10 years ago

Stapedius thats because many on these blogs are partisan Tribalist, more concern with party politics than bettering our nation. They will figure out one day that the FNM & PLP are all the same & politician from both parties have played major roles in screwing up this country.

Andrewharris 10 years ago

Ahhhh.... people are born everyday and they die everyday. Fact of life. I don't agree with closing school and sending children home. Maybe on Monday have an extended moment of prayer or silence in her honour but don't close the school.

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