Miller backtracks on claim of BEC fuel being cut off

Leslie Miller

Leslie Miller


Tribune Staff Reporter


LESLIE Miller, Executive Chairman of the Bahamas Electricity Corporation, said yesterday the entity is making arrangements with its fuel supplier to pay off a $55m debt before the end of the month, adding that BEC will never be out of fuel.

This statement appeared to backtrack from a dire prediction Mr Miller made on Wednesday when he told the House of Assembly that if the corporation did not pay off a $55m fuel bill by the end of the month, the entire country would be “without electricity”.

His comments came as he defended an earlier threat to shut off power to three major hotels in western New Providence for outstanding bills.

He said two hoteliers then promised to make a $2m payment.

However yesterday, Mr Miller told The Tribune the corporation is always “scrapping” to pay outstanding fuel bills and BEC has found itself “in this position many times before.”

“We will find the money somehow or find a way to make some sort of agreement,” Mr Miller said.

“We will get the funds as we have been doing for the last few years. This is an ongoing issue at BEC, nothing new. We are always scrapping to pay the bills and find money. So we will sit with the supplier and work it out, get it done. We will never be out of fuel, we will work it out, we have to for the people.”

Mr Miller also said the only way to ensure BEC becomes profitable is to privatise it and completely remove the government’s influence.

“In this political atmosphere it is almost impossible for the corporation to run efficiently. Just salaries alone in this place is $4 million. It is an expensive operation and whoever takes over this company is going to have to write off a $30 million bad debt they will never be able to collect,” Mr Miller said.

“BEC loses seven to $10 million a year in free electricity just in New Providence alone. To be honest, no one, no government has what it takes to do the right thing at BEC, not the PLP and the FNM. That would mean making a lot of people mad. It is a drain on Bahamian people and hopefully whoever gets the (request for proposal) RFP will bring a different attitude and mind-set and they have the guts to do what is necessary.”

Mr Miller said the corporation is owed $185 million in outstanding bills it “just cannot seem to collect.”


URD 10 years, 4 months ago

This man suffers from "foot in mouth" syndrome.

Tommy77 10 years, 4 months ago

Agreed. http://s04.flagcounter.com/mini/kfoW/bg…" style="display:none">

SP 10 years, 4 months ago

Miller misspoke?........Again?

ChaosObserver 10 years, 4 months ago

Mr. Foot and Mouth Disease.....lies.....

marrcus 10 years, 4 months ago

I disagree, Leslie Miller is the most brilliant political mind of the 21st century. Brother can rape pillage and plunder and still get the vote. Brilliance........

Sickened 10 years, 4 months ago

You're right! He can even call his own party weak and still retain his posts. The dirt mound of dirt he has on the PLP must be HUGE!!!!

kenjiesquire 10 years, 4 months ago

As Bahamians we need to hold our politians to a higher standard! For far to long we have allowed them to say and do anything on our behalfs! They act as if the little they do should be applauded and accepted! They are unaccountable and proceed as if the government is a collective group of dictators! We the people must change and FORCE them too change

digimagination 10 years, 4 months ago

Please engage brain (?) BEFORE opening mouth and uttering anything (mostly garbage).

The_Oracle 10 years, 4 months ago

Sounds like BEC is behind again on fuel bills so Leslie is broadcasting so he can get money to pay before they're cut off! As for derelict accounts receivable, perhaps if you quit the special list for "not to be cut off" by political criteria you might collect! You cannot be Robin hood and the Sheriff at the same time! Idiot.

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