Minnis won’t take a ministerial portfolio if elected Prime Minister

FNM leader Dr Hubert Minnis.

FNM leader Dr Hubert Minnis.

FREE National Movement Leader Dr Hubert Minnis said if he were elected as prime minister he would not assume a ministerial portfolio but instead be the “CEO of Cabinet to ensure that everything gets done.”

Dr Minnis also said his party would institute a primary voting system for candidates at the constituency level, similar to the political practice in the United States, and also create a recall system for non-performing members of Parliament.

The Killarney MP said he is advocating for a complete change of government with the involvement of the power of the people.

“I want to ensure that the people are involved. As prime minister I will not accept a ministerial post, I will be the CEO and oversee to make sure that everything gets done,” he told The Tribune yesterday. “I would institute a recall system for non-functioning members and constituency primaries to ensure that the people are intimately involved in the selection of representatives and (introduce) campaign finance reform.”

Dr Minnis said if elected, he would also appoint a press secretary to regularly address the nation about the government’s policies and actions.

Since becoming leader of the opposition party, Dr Minnis has also promised that he would push for legislation to limit a prime minister’s time in office to two terms.

“After two terms, it is time for new leadership, new ideas, new direction and new focus,” he said in September. “Young people are the future and stepping down allows everyone an opportunity to help guide the country. We cannot have another Pindling who served for 25 or more years. In order for this country to go where it needs to go, the leadership must be changed after two terms and the FNM will push for that.”

Former Prime Minister and FNM Leader Hubert Ingraham served from 1992 to 2002. Mr Ingraham was re-elected for a third, non-consecutive term in 2007 and served until the Free National Movement’s defeat to the PLP in 2012.

Prime Minister Perry Christie served one term as prime minister from 2002 to 2007. He was re-elected as prime minister in 2012. He has since said he plans to lead the PLP into the next general election.


cmiller 8 years, 10 months ago

These politicians would say anything to get elected.

Emac 8 years, 10 months ago

Those are some ambitious policies for a party to implement. The problem is, who in the political arena can ya trust these days to deliver on their promises. Hubert Ingraham, whom I consider to have been one the Bahamas' greatest prime ministers renegaded on his promise to run two terms. It happens all the time. When these politicians feel the sweetness of all of the perks that come with their position, they become drunk with power and all rationale gets thrown out the window. In the end who suffers? The Bahamian people. But whatever, even a pack of potcakes that roam the streets of Nassau can come together and run this country better than the PLP!

DDK 8 years, 10 months ago

It is up to the electorate to ensure the politicians keep their pledges. This is what Dr. Minnis is advocating and it's high damn time Bahamians stepped up to the plate!

Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years, 10 months ago

As I've said many times about Minnis, the devil does indeed come in different forms. Beware whatever this man may promise!

sheeprunner12 8 years, 10 months ago

He is quite right ................. look at how First World Westminster governments work and compare it to the banana republic foolishness that passes for a constitutional democracy in The Bahamas today ................... but it all started with Pindling's African influence ............ he was the architect of that faulty Constitution that we adopted at Independence and that made this country a glorified dictatorship wrapped in a democracy

Publius 8 years, 10 months ago

He cannot create a recall system on his own, that requires a Constitutional referendum. Is he a dictator, thinking he can create constitutional edicts simply by his declaration? These politicians will literally say anything to get elected because they know most Bahamians have no clue whatsoever of their country's system of government. As for candidates at the constituency level, if he would follow his own party's constitution, he would be far closer to having what he claims he is seeking. His problem is, the people in his constituency are telling the party who they want, but he is ignoring the people and forcing upon them candidates they do not want. And this is at the party level, so what do you think he would do if he became prime minister? Even worse is what he would do, since there would be no law to stop him.

sheeprunner12 8 years, 10 months ago

We will have to wait and see the 2016-17 FNM Manifesto and the policies that HAM will use to implement these grand philosophical ideas (that do require constitutional changes)

TalRussell 8 years, 10 months ago

Comrades what a bunch of red political Hypocrisy.
Minnis, right after he appointed his two PLP Shadow Cabinet Ministers and gets around to runs Dr. Andre and Renward in their PLP House seats, would institute a primary voting system for candidates at the constituency level, similar to the political practice in the United States, and also create a recall system for non-performing members of Parliament. Minnis is sounding and acting more likes he is the red party's reincarnated himself as Papa Minnis.
NOT a mere mention word about that Letter of Intent, why not?
PLP's come two or one at a time to join red party and be instantly forgiven of all things PLP past.
I got's news Minnis. The red party have had 15 years in power to have done the things his party now promises. The PLP 30 years.
Yes, Minnis served the previous red party regime as a substantive cabinet minister. Did he ever address these changes while serving under Papa Hubert?

Publius 8 years, 10 months ago

The subject at hand is that what Minnis claims he wants to do he cannot do constitutionally. For him to declare that he will do something even though the Constitution does not permit him to is a grave concern. It suggests this man either does not know the Constitution, or thinks he is above it. And why the Tribune did not make it clear that his stated intentions cannot happen without the consent of both Houses of Parliament and the Bahamian people via a referendum is yet another example of why the public remains at disadvantages as it pertains to knowledge and information from the press. Minnis or any other person can tell the press whatever he or she wants, but it is the press' job to add balance to whatever it is told.

Observer 8 years, 10 months ago

Is the Bahamas prime minister elected, or selected (after having being elected) from among the party that wins the majority of seats to the House of Assembly?

TalRussell 8 years, 10 months ago

Comrade Observer the answer is not as absolutely clear-cut in either of the two scenarios you offered.

Publius 8 years, 10 months ago

He or she is appointed Prime Minister if he or she leads the grouping that wins the majority of seats in a general election. We do not elect our Prime Ministers as happens in Republics, etc where the citizens directly elect their Presidents. The only Bahamians who ostensibly vote for who may become a Prime Minister are those who happen to live in the constituency represented by the leader of a political party or coalition group.

sheeprunner12 8 years, 10 months ago

Tell us Tal, how do we end up with a Prime Minister????? .......... an MP elected by ONE constituency but who gets carte blanche power to run a whole country ......... absolute bullshit

TalRussell 8 years, 10 months ago

Comrade while the party winning the most seats to the House of Assembly gets pick their point man or woman to be their choice for PM, it is but a recommendation.
Despite the PLP holding the majority of House seats as we speak - Christie too can be relived of his job as PM,. and it is possible for Minnis, or any other MP, Senator, or even an non-elected citizen, to become the nation's replacement PM -anytime prior to an General Election being called.

Publius 8 years, 10 months ago

That is incorrect. Should a Prime Minister either die in office, become incapacitated, steps down or ceases to hold the office due to stipulations outlined in the Constitution including a vote of no confidence, his replacement can only come from members of the Lower House (Parliament), once Parliament advises the GG of who commands the majority of support among them to be appointed as the new Prime Minister. No Senator or non-elected person can be appointed Prime Minister. And until the Parliament decides on a replacement, the GG shall appoint a member of the Executive (Cabinet) to Act as PM. If Parliament cannot decide on who commands the majority of their support, the GG must dissolve Parliament and call new elections. The Constitution is clear on this.

TalRussell 8 years, 10 months ago

Comrade even a citizen Publius can be appointed da PM by da still Royal as hell Viceroy living up in big pink house on hill.

Publius 8 years, 10 months ago

This is why the Constitution, among so many other things, needs to be taught in our school systems. Too many Bahamians have no clue of what is in the very document that frames the nation's existence. This is how politicians stay powerful for so very long; the citizenry's lack of knowledge and lack of will to act appropriately with respect to that knowledge.

TalRussell 8 years, 10 months ago

Comrade Minnis is not suggesting something ministerial new cause "Pop" Symonette never held a cabinet post during his tenure as our nation's first premier. I stand be correct but neither did premier, later prime minister Pindling, hold a cabinet post, or if he did it was for but a brief period during his many years as prime minister.

DEDDIE 8 years, 10 months ago

He is not a lawyer so he very well may be speaking the truth. I had my fill when it comes to lawyers.

DEDDIE 8 years, 10 months ago

I will vote for the FNM if they keep the blood sucking lawyers out.

Publius 8 years, 10 months ago

Interesting. So you prefer bloodsuckers of different professions then?

DEDDIE 8 years, 10 months ago

Lady Justice will tell you it was specifically the lawyers who had their way with her. The bloodsucking lawyers continue to stand in line each awaiting their turn.

Publius 8 years, 10 months ago

Was being sarcastic; though not about the bloodsucking element that indeed crosses all strata or profession in politics.

sheeprunner12 8 years, 10 months ago

The myth that lawyers know best when it comes to governance has been debunked long time ago in this country ............... the lawyers gave us this faulty Constitution that we are struggling with now ............... and as long as it will benefit them and their cronies, they will not change it ....................YES it is high time to put a businessman or physician in the PM Office ................. they will not approach governance from the same POV

sheeprunner12 8 years, 10 months ago

Come on guys and gals .............. its time to put together a HAM Cabinet (no more than 12 members)

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