Tribune Staffe Reporter
TALL Pines MP Leslie Miller yesterday urged the Christie administration “to get a grip on crime,” warning that escalating crime statistics could lead to a decline in the nation’s lifeblood – the tourism industry.
During a candid interview with The Tribune after the country recorded the 106th homicide for the year, Mr Miller insisted that his “gutless” colleagues are allowing the nation to continue on the course to financial ruin.
He suggested that politicians would not take murder seriously until one of them became a victim. He added that the entire executive branch of government is at fault for the nation’s murder toll.
“We got elected to make the laws needed to protect our people. We have failed at that, the murder count is proof,” he said.
Mr Miller, whose son Mario Miller was murdered in 2002, warned that the Bahamas, like Jamaica in the 1980’s, is allowing criminality to flourish despite its effects on tourism.
“Everyday, it seems like everyday, you wake up and read the paper you see the stories of murder, murder, murder,” the former Progressive Liberal Party Cabinet minister said.
“When are we going to get that these people – these damn heartless criminals – don’t give a care in the world for the lives they are ruining?”
The veteran politician said criminals are now operating without fear of punishment, often with the perception that the laws do not apply to them. He said the country’s “soft” approach to crime has opened the floodgates to a lawless society where people kill without regard.
“I am sick and tired of the culture of crime we see in this country. How many people have to die before we realise that this soft, weak, pathetic approach isn’t working? I guess a couple of (politicians) have to die before we get it.
“Maybe they need to kill a couple of us first before we build up the courage to look at the Privy Council and say that hanging is needed to save lives in the Bahamas.
“Why the hell are we so gutless?”
He added that the government is “missing the boat” on crime, which he said is the most important issue plaguing the Bahamas.
“We have 100 plus murders, a young couple just gunned down in Freeport – execution style. A couple of young fellas shot down or at this weekend. I mean all of that and we are still going to look at the public and say that 10 little white ‘fellas’ in the UK say we can’t hang.”
“Come on man. We are a sovereign nation dealing with an ungodly amount of murders, and you are going to tell me we can’t execute the laws on our books to save our people because those 10 little white ‘fellas’ want to hold us to a treaty?”
Although the death penalty is on the country’s law books, rulings from the London-based Privy Council have made it hard to carry out the punishment. The Privy Council is this country’s highest court of appeal.
He added: “You could put down 10 Baha Mars, it will not make a difference if people can’t come here and enjoy themselves and feel safe.
“All this we are working to set up, if we don’t stop these idiots running around with these guns trying to play God, all of this work would be in vain and we will be another broken country.”
Mr Miller stated that while his opinion may “rub some of them in the House (of Assembly)” the wrong way, he doesn’t see the need to point fingers or levy blame.
On Monday morning, 22-year-old Brian Francis Jr was shot dead in his car while on Mount Royal Avenue, becoming the sixth person killed since Friday.
The day before, married couple Barry and Sheila Johnson were found dead in their home in Grand Bahama. Both victims had a gun shot wound to the head.
Recently, the British and Canadian governments issued crime warnings for persons travelling to New Providence.
DonAnthony 9 years, 4 months ago
Another murder today, 107 year to date, on pace for 151 murders for the year an all- time record. After campaigning on having the solution to reduce the high murder rate in the last election, the PLP should hang their heads in shame. Where is the accountability? totally incompetent Minister Nottage should have been fired long ago, he has failed miserably and we need a new approach.
iamatruebahamian 9 years, 4 months ago
The way that we go wrong, if anyone paying any attention, the politicians with in themselves are not professional police officer or with a back ground of security strategies may be that is needed, so how do we hold government in the pass FNM or PLP now the government in some thing they do not know how to do. Yes of coarse they make tougher laws and amend laws but we complain about how it not getting better and there's a very simple answer to the question both the FNM and the PLP are expecting the people in charge of this task are qualified to do the job but the simple answer is they are not!! Think about it for a second who is in charge of ultimately of keeping us safe? this is why no matter who is the government it will get worse because we as a nation has not address the unlined problem, which is the "Police Commissioner"! Of which everyday get praises for doing a bad job, if this commissioner was working any where else in the world he would of being fired from the first record high levels in murders, because he is the go to person for crime prevention period! So the out cry should be we need him gone, he is the denominator for both parties.
TruePeople 9 years, 4 months ago
Bey on da real.... ise in charge of keeping me safe...... can't expect nuttin from none of them
MonkeeDoo 9 years, 4 months ago
At least Miller knows who to blame !
sheeprunner12 9 years, 4 months ago
Leslie Miller has been saying this from Day 1 and the senior Cabinet members are paying him no mind ................ that should send Potcake Miller and ALL of us a clear message
he needs to do the next best thing ........... move a motion of NO Confidence in the PLP PM/Cabinet ........... and wake those lousy suckers up
banker 9 years, 4 months ago
Potcake don't care anymore. He knows that he is on the way out, and not in anyone's circle, so he will criticise in spite of the veiled threats of Brad. Insiders already know that if Christie is forced out (and he is not even sure himself if he can stand the pressure bearing down on him to step down in 2017) -- anyway Christie has anointed his successor and that is Obie Wilchcombe. The webshop money that controls the party has already anointed Obie as well. So Potcake can rant and rave all that he wants, and no one is paying attention to him.
The interesting aspect is whether or not the rump of the party will go against Christie and go with their horse - Brave Davis. Christie has a whole cadre of stalwarts with votes.
DEDDIE 9 years, 4 months ago
Actually the death penalty is in full effect. The Bible did say, if a man takes another man life his life will be required of him. It never said who will be the executioner. Governments and laws are setup so that executions are carried out in a lawful and civilized manner. When governments refuse to exercise the right to execute then it is done in the manner we are currently observing.
TruthHurts 9 years, 4 months ago
I am so conflicted by your statement right now, because of fear it may just be true. lol
Wideawake 9 years, 4 months ago
Capital punishment is in full effect, or perhaps it should be called Capital Retaliation. They shoot one of ours, we shoot one ( or two) of theirs! Tit for tat, a life for a life!
Trouble is how will this ever end? The murderers in our midst have no regrets, they live fast and loose and many have scant hopes of living a long and fruitful life. Certain individuals may repent and mend their wicked ways, but there are plenty more young men "waiting in the wings", eager to " earn their stripes" and prove how " worthy" they are by ending a rivals life.
TruePeople 9 years, 4 months ago
Whatever you call it... the point is the judicial system is garbage, and Nassau is becoming increasingly tribal as a result. Perhaps the garrison system is the future of our island politics.... Lord knows the politrickians and the 'criminal' element already do business together..... Wonder why so many murders/ murdered are on bail and who and why they were let out?
sheeprunner12 9 years, 4 months ago
Whose side is Potcake on????????? Perry & Obie ........... or Brave & Galanis???????
Which group would support his capital punishment agenda????????????
My guess is none of the above ......... SMH
Time to support Greg Moss, Bran or HAM on that point
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