Leslier Miller 'respects' PM's decision to launch leadership bid

Leslie Miller

Leslie Miller


Tribune Staff Reporter


TALL Pines MP Leslie Miller says he respects Prime Minister Perry Christie's plan to launch another leadership bid at the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) convention in November.

Mr Miller was reported recently as saying that he was "bothered" that Mr Christie might not "move off" the political scene and "enjoy the rest of the time God may allow" him to be with his family.

He previously said he would support Deputy Prime Minister Philip "Brave" Davis for party leader, saying the Works Minister is the "go to" man in the PLP.

On Thursday, Mr Christie put questions about his future to rest when, at a North Andros PLP branch meeting, he declared: "I will go in (to the convention) as party leader and I will come out as party leader."

Asked on Friday whether he would support Mr Christie or Mr Davis if the latter makes a leadership bid at the convention, Mr Miller said "if they have a convention" he would think about the matter during the event.

He said he has heard rumours that the party may not have a convention, although his sourcing on the matter appeared thin.

When The Tribune contacted the party's chairman and asked him to confirm that a convention will still be held in November, an exasperated Bradley Roberts called the question "silly" and said he would ignore it.

Mr Miller said: "I don't know if we are going to have convention. Last time we had one was 2009. I have to see it happen before I know it will happen. It could always change and I have already heard rumours to that effect."

According to a source at the PLP branch meeting in Nicholl’s Town on Thursday, Mr Christie reportedly told the crowd to resounding cheers that he will go in as leader and will come out as leader.

The Prime Minister was in North Andros with area MP and Minister of Health Dr Perry Gomez along with a team from state broadcaster, ZNS.

He criticised those who have complained that voters are “tired” of him.

"(Someone) was on the radio station saying, ‘people tired of Christie'," he said. "He should have been here tonight with y’all, so y’all could tell him who tired,” Mr Christie said, according to audio of an excerpt of his speech. “We have no time to be distracted by foolishness. The government of this country is too important to allow us to be distracted by foolishness.”


ThisIsOurs 9 years, 4 months ago

I don't get it. It doesn't make sense to me so it must be about dollars to someone else. Everybody was so vocal this week, smiling and licking their chops. They're back peddling faster than Damian Gomez. Brave Davis is ill suited to lead this country, everyone talks about how he's the PLP go to man for this and that, but what they don't realize is, that's all he is, a wheeler and dealer. When it comes to running the affairs of the country, he's an abject failure, maybe because he's so busy "wheeling and dealing". It appears as if, if it doesn't personally enrich him, it doesn't get done. Can you imagine Brave as PM and Allyson as DPM?

My God have mercy on us. Send us a man to stand in the gap.

TalRussell 9 years, 4 months ago

Comrades, as I so predicated to wait for the Pot cake to activate yet another of his many loyalty and all other kinds sudden flip flops. Makes for an excellent flip on and flip off, of them master lights switches, over at BEC Chairman.
I thinks I will make application to Bahamaland's Humane Society, seeking a legal name change, from da "Pot cake", to "Flip Flops" Leslie.

MonkeeDoo 9 years, 4 months ago

Does anyone know if Brave resigned yesterday ?

MonkeeDoo 9 years, 4 months ago

It is highly rumored that he did yesterday after PGC announced he would be running. Emergency Cabinet meeting all day yesterday ! birdiestrachan what do you know.

ThisIsOurs 9 years, 4 months ago

I bet he did resign and calmer heads succeeded in getting him to take it back. But that's only wild speculation on my part. And it's so wrong!:) ."but", would be great if he did resign saving us the threat of him ever being PM

Nativeson 9 years, 4 months ago

The problem with the PLP is that it is a party of individuals....there is no unity.....everyone contradicts each other and it appears that no one has control over anyone in the party. This will continue to be the downfall of the PLP if it is not addressed.

TalRussell 9 years, 4 months ago

Comrades, you never heard the PM say, he was going to lead his party into the 2017 General, now did you?
I posted a week back that the PM had already made his decision about staying on and it was carved in stone.
I have not seen or heard of anything new over the past 72-hours, to make me believe the honourable PM Christie, has changed his mind.
The "Pot cake" ain't in the PM's circle of influence, but DPM "Brave" and Obediah, knows exactly what the PM's intentions were and 100% remain unchanged.
Stop believing, only what the Tribune wants their red readers to believe.
Please, give the PM some credit for being good at playing an excellent game politics.

sheeprunner12 9 years, 4 months ago

Leslie done get his hand greased ...........................he don't care who runs next time

banker 9 years, 4 months ago

Comrades, I say give the leadership back to Crisco Butt, and let every man, woman & illegal vote for him. Give him an overwhelming majority with no opposition. It will hasten the salvation of the Bahamas.

What this country needs now is a clean sheet of paper. We need to start from scratch. Electing Crisco Butt and his merry band of Krazy Kriminal Kleptocrats will get on on the road to salvation more quickly.

The effect will be like bulldozing an old structure. After a few more years, the Bahamas will be totally destroyed, as well as the cancer of the PLP will be fully excised from the country. A phoenix could arise from the ashes. As a matter of fact, anything that rises from the ashes will be better than what we have now.

Think of it. The Bentley-driving preachers will be gone. It will be a lawless frontier with roaming armed gangs, much like in the days of the pirate republic before Woodes Rogers. Except the armed gangs will eliminate each other, doing a complete urban renewal. What is left of Bahamians will get back the beaches and hilltops, and the Haitians will leave for safer places like Port-au-Prince. The Dark Ages will be over!

All of the sheeple will starve to death, and a massive depopulation of the island will ensue, bringing back the numbers to a sustainable amount. Someone will light a fire in the dump, that will sweep through the land, and it will be cleansed of the famine, pestilence and PLP for good.

I have seen the light. I fa Perry! Can't wait for the PLP rapture!


sheeprunner12 9 years, 4 months ago

Boy!!!!!!!!!! Ur a bitter beaten Bahamian!!!!!!!! ......... No we cannot bow to the Perryites this time ........... vote their wutless asses OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

John 9 years, 4 months ago

One of the reasons Perry Christie may try to hold on to the position of leader and PM is he may be in fear of his life. According to his press release earlier this year, he got threats on hid life that caused him to increase his security detail. If he is no longer PM whoever holds that position will determine how much security the former pm gets. If he is not, at least, leader of the opposition, he may get none. Serious times.

sheeprunner12 9 years, 4 months ago

Sooooooo, sooner the better ........ see what happened to SLOP????? He had no plans for his life after PM and died a broken, sick man ......... look at HAI ........ he is comfortable in retirement and is enjoying life ........ that is why everyone should know when to retire and not get pushed out the door to die an ignominious death .................. Perry has no class or purpose

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