‘If Izmirlian is back, who needs their mental health checked now?’

Dr Hubert Minnis

Dr Hubert Minnis


Tribune Staff Reporter


WITH Baha Mar developer Sarkis Izmirlian back in the equation having submitted new proposals to open and complete the resort, Bahamians should now decide who needs a mental check, FNM Leader Dr Hubert Minnis said yesterday.

Speaking to The Tribune, Dr Minnis repeated that he has always firmly believed that Mr Izmirlian should have been allowed to continue the project, as “no one on earth” knew it like he does.

He was asked his opinion of the harsh criticism that was last year directed at Mr Izmirlian from Prime Minister Perry Christie, who at one time said he had “grave concern for the state of Mr Izmirlian’s mind.”

Dr Minnis said: “Bahamians can make their own determination as to who needs the mental check now and I’ll leave it at that.”

He added: “Remember I had said whatever is required to open Baha Mar he should be allowed to come back and be the driver of his dream.

“And then we could do preferential financing that Bahamians could invest their monies to complete the project which means it would be classified as new money and it would be protected and it would be the first to be repaid. Bahamians would also be able to obtain equity within the project and have ownership.”

Last July, Mr Christie released a statement questioning the mental health of Mr Izmirlian. It came after the developer filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy in the United States the month before.

The prime minister had previously said that rationality and cool heads were required, before going on to say that he had “grave concern for the state of Mr Izmirlian’s mind.”

He said in a statement last year: “It is particularly regrettable, that at a time when rationality and cool heads are required to deal with the current crisis at Baha Mar, the company’s leadership appears to be going to pieces under the mounting pressure.”

Mr Christie said: “As recently as yesterday (Sunday), Mr Izmirlian was calling me, completely unsolicited, to give me his private assurances and to express confidence in me but now, just one day later, he issues a public statement saying the exact opposite and in tones resonating with gross disrespect for the elected authority of this land. Indeed I am at a loss to recall any previous instance of a foreign investor who took it upon himself to publicly excoriate the government of the day in such a shrill and belligerent manner.”

Last summer, Minister of Labour Shane Gibson also hit out at Mr Izmirlian, saying the government should now begin performing “psychological evaluations” on all foreign developers seeking to do business in this country.

However, the differences between Mr Izmirlian and the prime minister appear to have improved.

On Monday night, Mr Christie said Mr Izmirlian was “deserving of every consideration” regarding his newly submitted plans to the Export Import (EXIM) Bank of China as he eyes regaining control of Baha Mar.

He further suggested that despite public frosty relations between Mr Izmirlian and the government, he was ready to move on and let bygones be bygones.


proudloudandfnm 8 years, 6 months ago

Why is Minnis acting all proud like he did something?

Um Doc. Izzie's proposal has not been accepted yet buddy. And neither the Chinese nor the PLP want him back so don't go getting your hopes up. Don't let Perry foll you. His bosses in China do not want Izmerlian back. Mout could say anything...

Economist 8 years, 6 months ago

Minis, for God's sake man, how much more irrelevant can you be. There is a National Report (State of the Nation) and you don't speak at length on that.

You are always talking about what you would do. These are REAL problems that affect us all. So how will you fix our youth and our civil service????????

cmiller 8 years, 6 months ago

I am exhausted with all of this petty push and pull of politicians. Is this our new reality? They carp at each other while the country falls into pieces??????

Publius 8 years, 6 months ago

Speaking to The Tribune, Dr Minnis repeated that he has always firmly believed that Mr Izmirlian should have been allowed to continue the project, as “no one on earth” knew it like he does.

That is certainly not what Minnis was saying at the beginning of all this.

“And then we could do preferential financing that Bahamians could invest their monies to complete the project which means it would be classified as new money and it would be protected and it would be the first to be repaid. Bahamians would also be able to obtain equity within the project and have ownership.”

I'm done.

Franklyn 8 years, 6 months ago

Update - Re: CCA Bahamas trying to scam their way out of paying Bahamian contractors by saying (works completed at the Baha Mar Site failed to satisfy contractual agreements.) The scammers at CCA not only extorted payments from Bahamian contractor while on the site, but now they want tief monies owed to Bahamian contractors now over a year.

CCA has its reputation on the line, for sure; and it's proving itself to be a dishonest investor in the Bahamas ...is this a prelude to how Bahamian workers will be treated at their planned new hotel?

Tarzan 8 years, 6 months ago

What Bahamian workers?

SP 8 years, 6 months ago

“psychological evaluations” should be mandatory for all Bahamians for supporting blatantly obvious and known PLP and FNM pirates for 43 years!

Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years, 6 months ago

Repost - If Minnis remains leader of the FNM that party's candidates will all be spurned in the next general election and I for one will not be voting unless an independent candidate of good reputation and standing in the community is running in my constituency. I suspect such individuals who run as independents stand a good chance of being elected no matter which constituency they may choose to run in. Most Bahamian voters are now simply too fed up with all the corruption and nonsense in both the PLP and FNM parties. These two political parties are dysfunctional beyond redemption or repair and, if allowed by Bahamian voters, will cause untold and irreparable harm to our country and the way of life for all Bahamians for many generations to come. As for the DNA party......well, let's just say they continue to have very great difficulty in attracting candidates of a calibre that will be needed to fix the mess created by both the PLP and FNM parties over the last 35 years or so.

truetruebahamian 8 years, 6 months ago

Minnis, just resign and let a real leader guide the FNM. You do not have the capacity to adequately handle the position which you now hold and your vision of guiding the FNM to victory is completely unrealistic.

Reality_Check 8 years, 6 months ago

Repost - The fact that only Sidney Collie and Rodney Moncur were in the running for the chairmanship of the FNM party, and that the party's central council members would even consider accepting either one of these two losers for that position, speaks volumes about the shambles that pig headed Hubiggity left the party in when the voters forced him to go "cut bait". Like Poodling and Vomit, Hubiggity was so fearful of political competition within his own party and the likelihood of his many weaknesses and shenanigans being exposed that he simply refused to identify and nurture a competent successor to himself; one who would serve the interests of all of the Bahamian people well, not just party supporters. The true test of any political leader is their willingness and ability to plan for their succession by someone who possesses all of the core competencies to win elections, run a government well and serve the best interests of the people. On this front Poodling failed, Christie is clearly failing, and Hubbigity failed miserably. Yes, the FNM party is indeed now history and the last person leaving the party's headquarters after the next general election will need to turn the lights off for good. Such is the legacy of Hubbigity and such will be the legacy of Christie with respect to the PLP party if he does not soon identify and nurture a competent successor to himself - someone not presently in his cabinet of corrupt morons and looney tunes.

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