PM questions mental health of developer


Prime Minister Perry Christie with Baha Mar CEO Sarkis Izmirlian during a tour of the site last year.

PRIME Minister Perry Christie last night questioned the mental health of the chief executive of Baha Mar, Sarkis Izmirlian.

In a statement issued shortly before midnight, he first said that this was a time when rationality and cool heads were required, before going on to say that he had “grave concern for the state of Mr Izmirlian’s mind”. According to the Prime Minister he was disappointed in “both the intemperate tone and incorrect content of Baha Mar’s press statement” issued yesterday.

He said: “It is particularly regrettable, that at a time when rationality and cool heads are required to deal with the current crisis at Baha Mar, the company’s leadership appears to be going to pieces under the mounting pressure.”

The statement continued: “The Prime Minister said that today’s statement from Baha Mar has given him grave concern for the state of Mr Izmirlian’s mind.”

Mr Christie said: “As recently as yesterday (Sunday), Mr Izmirlian was calling me, completely unsolicited, to give me his private assurances and to express confidence in me but now, just one day later, he issues a public statement saying the exact opposite and in tones resonating with gross disrespect for the elected authority of this land. Indeed I am at a loss to recall any previous instance of a foreign investor who took it upon himself to publicly excoriate the government of the day in such a shrill and belligerent manner.”

According to the statement Mr Christie said Mr Izmirlian should “cease and desist from trying to fool his own workers and the general public”.

“He must stop playing fast and loose with the facts to serve his own ends. He ought to know full well that the delay in effecting payment to the workers had absolutely nothing to do with any stalling or obstructive action on the Government’s part. Instead, I am advised, that it was the result of normal informational requirements of the Government’s bankers and necessary account information exchanges between Baha Mar and the Treasury.”

The statement continued to say that the Prime Minister reminded Mr Izmirlian that the workers and the country at large are only in the present predicament to begin with “because of his own unilateral decision to go into Chapter 11 proceedings in a foreign country”.

“Be that as it may,” said Mr Christie, “this is no time for Mr Izmirlian to buckle under the pressure and lose his balance. He needs to keep his nerves steady, stop talking nonsense, and join with the government and all other interested parties in reaching a speedy and definitive resolution of the current crisis. That is where my focus is and that is where Mr Izmirlian’s focus should be as well.”

China Construction American (CCA) – the North and South American subsidiary of the China State Construction Engineering Corporation, listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange (CSCEC) – also issued a statement shortly after midnight.

The statement was issued in response to the filing for bankruptcy protection last week.

The statement said: “Baha Mar Ltd’s decision to file for bankruptcy protection is the direct result of its failure to secure adequate financing and its mismanagement of the design of Baha Mar resort project. This mismanagement includes replacing the principal architect after construction had commenced, the late and incomplete delivery of design packages and over 1,300 Construction Change Directives. The vast majority of the Baha Mar debtors are organised under the laws of The Bahamas, the Baha Mar project is located in The Bahamas, and the Bahamian people are deeply invested in the future of the project. Baha Mar Ltd.’s decision to file for bankruptcy protection in the United States was, therefore, misplaced and calculated to benefit the project’s developer over the interests of the Bahamas and its people.

“Baha Mar Ltd.’s recent public attempt to shift responsibility away from itself and blame CCA Bahamas and our subcontractors for the delays in the project’s completion is misleading and dishonest. It is insulting to the many talented and hardworking employees and subcontractors that work for CCA Bahamas and harms the interests of the people and government of The Bahamas that are represented by this landmark project.

“Since February 2015, CCA Bahamas and our subcontractors have performed nearly $72m of contract work for which we have received no payment. Our aggregate investment in and commitment to the project, including money advanced by CSCEC on behalf of the developer, approximates $220m. We have continually acted in good faith in the performance of this work reliant upon the belief that Baha Mar Ltd. would fulfil its responsibilities as the owner.

“CCA Bahamas is committed to holding Baha Mar Ltd accountable for its improper actions and failed commitments to the Bahamian government, the people of The Bahamas, and all of its creditors. We look forward to working with the financial community and the Bahamian government in order to complete this important project.”


banker 9 years, 6 months ago

It's the Prime Minister who is not right in the head. He has proven that.

It is not very Prime Ministerial to accuse an investor of being mentally deranged, even if he is (which he isn't). Christie has no decorum, and no idea how to act as a PM. I think that he is the one who went crazy. After all, his medical records do show stroke and head valve damage, and his cognitive abilities totally decreased after the incident.

lionfish 9 years, 6 months ago

No matter his opinion he should never have said that. Not very statesmanlike.

newcitizen 9 years, 6 months ago

You know what, the investors were deranged to think that the government wouldn't bend over when the Chinese came knocking and sell the investors down the river.

Publius 9 years, 6 months ago

No mentally stable national leader would make this statement the Prime Minister has made. And does the Prime Minister really want to go there about one's mental state?

Economist 9 years, 6 months ago

Wait a minute, did not the Prime Minister say that he was not going to take sides?

Hogfish 9 years, 6 months ago

wutless resorted to name-calling on the kindergarden playground.

duppyVAT 9 years, 6 months ago

This does not portray proper statesmanship ............. Perry should not question Izzie's mental stability ................. especially not after the utter nonsense that comes out of his mouth like walking on eggshells and floating on clouds etc ................... Perry don't do it

duppyVAT 9 years, 6 months ago

Perry's supporters are saying that he is "swinging for the fences!!!!!!"

realfreethinker 9 years, 6 months ago

He may be swinging for the fence,but he only hit air. He been missing the ball the past 3 years

bahamiangal 9 years, 6 months ago

I think Perry Christie has officially lost HIS mind. This is so embarrasing to read. Hopefully he will realise he's no longer fit to run our beloved country and ring da bell.

duppyVAT 9 years, 6 months ago

Agreed ............... we need an election by November ......... he should resign as PM

Gladiator 9 years, 6 months ago

PC is smoking his crack pipe again.

TalRussell 9 years, 6 months ago

PM Christie - Hold On Comrade Izmirlian, I'm Comin' Ya Rescue


Stapedius 9 years, 6 months ago

Sometimes it is best to say nothing and let things unfold. Not certain that this public back and forth is getting us anywhere. Both parties are wrong. The tone of these communications are really not at a level expected of a government or an investor. So both morons need to keep their cool.

asiseeit 9 years, 6 months ago

This sort of language may be tolerated in our most infantile HOA but in the mature world of business (of which 99% of or politicians know NOTHING) this language has no place. Our lackluster P.M. comes across like a child throwing a tantrum. Most unseemly and certainly not the language of a senior statesman.

TalRussell 9 years, 6 months ago

"PM Christie learns a hard lesson after posing for too many photo ops, before Baha Mar - got's officially finish the race open its resorts doors to paying tourists." ----
My, my da PLP Cabinet's looks they faces tells the real story of their cockiness all coming back haunt them, that showboating by beginning spend da taxes anticipated from Bah Mar, was never a good idea, particularly when Izmirlian be's sneaking-up right up behind you, whilst saying one thing ya faces and doing he own bankruptcy thing behinds ya backs over in Delaware.

shortpants 9 years, 6 months ago

That's what he get for trying to screw a straight man. PM gone crazy.

sansoucireader 9 years, 6 months ago

Typical PLP move. Didn't they question the mental state of someone else who was opposing them recently? Can't make this stuff up. After a week of this ridiculous back-n-forth why is the PLP still the government?

Well_mudda_take_sic 9 years, 6 months ago

Christie and his cohorts (Maynard-Gibson, Wilchcombe, Davis, etc.) are beholden to the racketeering foreign mobsters and their local front-men behind the 'illegal' web shop gaming houses on just about every street corner of our country, and he has the audacity to say that something is mentally wrong with Sarkis Izmirlian! Christie is a deranged, delusional, self-infatuated, corrupt arse-hole of the most grandiose kind! No amount of Viagra can help this lunatic ever get it up again in the eyes of even the most D- educated amongst us! What a pathetic cry-baby who's clearly beside himself (like Maynard-Gibson who's now in one constant humongous hissy fit) that all the goodies he has ever wrongfully received and packed away in his goody bag are about to be taken away from him with a serious dose of retribution by the Bahamian people. A wealthy fellow Bahamian (Sarkis) goes all out to do something amazingly good for the Bahamian people and our country's tourist product.....something that would lead to the creation of many well-paying jobs.....and because Christie and his cohorts greedily decide to climb in bed with the Chinese (as they did with the numbers' bosses).... thereby putting the entire Baha mar project at risk of failure by giving the Chinese the belief they could rob Sarkis blind....we Bahamians find ourselves grossly embarrassed by Christie's totally unwarranted disparaging remarks about Sarkis. I really am ashamed to be a Bahamian right now!

Reality_Check 9 years, 6 months ago

One only has to remember the occasion when Christie stood on the floor of the House of Assembly and carried on (in the conversational third person) a long waffling, rambling, in-coherent conversation between himself as Prime Minister and himself as Minister of Finance. I actually recorded that occasion and had a friend of mine with a Ph.D in Psychology (McGill) and M.D. in Psychiatry (Johns Hopkins) view it for laughs. She found it hilarious and stated that Christie definitely exhibits the symptoms one would expect of a certifiable mad man! The next day I began liquidating and converting whatever assets I had in the Bahamas to U.S. dollars for export elsewhere.

ED 9 years, 6 months ago

No one is fooled Christie! We all know that YOU are the broken link that can't get our country to a better place. You're not an honest negotiator and you don't know how! All we can do is cringe at the incompetence with which you run our country.
Who voted them in again? So sad, but so true, there are that many dummies/ ignorant among us! When, I wonder...will Bahamians stand up to ALL politicians that put our country in danger. I don't care what party you come from, if you are dishonest and incompetent, we don't want you! When will we oust the incompetence from the highest office of the land.... Sadly, perhaps...our people are some of the weakest and most complacent people on earth with no drive to demand better. Few dare to speak up, when I do in public places, I so often get the stares of disbelief. Crickets!

duppyVAT 9 years, 6 months ago

The PLP is a minority vote government ............. more people voted for the FNM and DNA combined .......... but you wont believe it in the 30 to 8 MP outcome.

When Doc Rollins pointed out that 14 PLPs were minority vote winners, they cringed at the thought ............. but it is so true .......... What ever happened to run-offs????

asiseeit 9 years, 6 months ago

Who was it that styled themselves a Chinese emperor for Junkanoo with a straight from China costume? Not taking sides, LOL, bought and paid for!

duppyVAT 9 years, 6 months ago

Yep .............. we all remember that spectacle on Bay Street ......... chickens coming home to roost (AGAIN)

Christie is a Chinese puppet ............................. lock .... stock . and barrel

birdiestrachan 9 years, 6 months ago

It is interesting that there is only one person on this site besides myself, who say that they have both said things they should not say. They are both under extreme pressure, and I suppose like most Bahamians who would be uttering a whole lot of FIVE Pound words, to release their stress. these two man are unable to do so. Bahamians sure do know how to cuss. drunk or sober.

realfreethinker 9 years, 6 months ago

Bullshit Birdie. The PM is the leader of the country and acting like a spoiled child,a thug on the play ground. Now you understand why the country is in the toilet.

HarryWyckoff 9 years, 6 months ago

Little Birdie....

One of these men is a businessman, facing the loss of billions of dollars of investment and years of hard work.

The other is (allegedly) a world leader, supposedly above this kind of stuff.

I guess when the communist Chinese you have sided with have paid your corrupt a$$ millions to give them what they want, you get a bit panicky when it looks like it may not work out the way you'd hoped.

Why exactly IS PGC selling major Bahamian developments to a communist country anyway?

ThisIsOurs 9 years, 6 months ago

I completely agree. The way they panicked last week was the most scary part of this whole episode. What was that panic about? Then begging Minnis to come in and help... that was unbelievable.

banker 9 years, 6 months ago

How is your Bahamian life going Birdie? Are you one of the paid ones enjoying the good life, singing the praises of the PLP while the majority of Bahamians suffer? Or are you the kind of PLP follower that Jim Jones had at Jonestown Guyana, and proudly march up to drink the cyanide-laced purple kool aid that he was dishing out, because you are true follower? If you are of the latter, haven't you suffered enough? Doesn't your rationale mind tell you that the words you write are not true, and you can't pray a lie? Are you that cognitively impaired?

Well_mudda_take_sic 9 years, 6 months ago

Stop being so gullible "Banker". Both "Birdie" and "TalRussel" are full time employees of Bahamas Uncircumcised who have been trolling The Tribune comments for years now. Their mission is to inject as much confusion as possible and too many of you take the bait to engage them. Please simply ignore them!

ThisIsOurs 9 years, 6 months ago

I said the same to a friend on the weekend, I said this birdie person is too stupid to be real...and I cringe at calling people stupid. "The birdie VAT diet plan-maybe VAT will help me and my children lose weight"

banker 9 years, 6 months ago

Understood about them being PLP operatives and or sympathizers, just like (or perhaps) Elcot Coleby and that filth of a piece called BananasPress that kicked off Facebook. If you compare them to the other ones like Bahamas New Ma Bey, you will see a difference in outlook, non-negativity and a general microcosm of the Bahamas.

The PLP kool aid drinkers however fall into two categories of either the guttersnipes of BananasPress who revel in exposing the sexual peccadilloes of their so-called enemies (I don't go there anymore, because I feel like I need a shower and a dose of religion after absorbing the evil karma they exude from every pore with their scum of every negative & evil thing possible in a human being. Their disregard for the truth is on an order of magnitude greater than Fred Mitchell's coupled to a laughable illiteracy in the use of the English language).

I understand a deep emotional attachment to the concept of PLP, who were an empowering force among Black people who were marginalised by a white, rich minority. It must have been as powerful to them as it was for me to see Barack Obama elected president of the United States. It was validation for people with pigmented skin like myself, in a world where you know there is very little validation in general.

However, because they were supposed to give us a leg up, and got majority rule for us, doesn't mean that we have to subsume our moral compass and hide and accept the criminality that they embraced and the evil human beings that they became and still are.

In that way, I try to appeal to the rationality (against hope) and patriotism of the PLP partisans to see the truth about their beloved party, because if they don't, they are part of the problem and not part of the solution. And they are just as culpable as the party they support in the retardation of our beautiful country as a developing nation. They have to understand, that their continued support of the PLP will regress us further as a Third World country, and they have no one to blame, but themselves.

You can't keep putting lipstick on this pig forever and calling it a beautiful woman. But oh, they try so hard. It's just frustrating that the path to enlightenment for them is a Herculean and impossible task.

realfreethinker 9 years, 6 months ago

Well written Banker. You are spot on and I wish I could have said it as well as you did

newcitizen 9 years, 6 months ago

You know what Birdie, I for once have to agree with you. They both need to be more diplomatic with their releases to the press. Regardless of your or my position on this, the public relations story of this is not good for anyone.

HarryWyckoff 9 years, 6 months ago

He's getting desperate.

He received a LOT of money from the Chinese to take their side and help them squeeze our Sarkis so the Chinese can claim the development as fully owned by the communist country of China.

But Sarkis isn't going down without a fight, and PGC is running scared.

banker 9 years, 6 months ago

One thing that Sarkis Izmirlian has learned, is that you can't trust the Chinese, or the PLP government. Both are lying, conniving, cheating sub-humans who will say anything to save face.

Well_mudda_take_sic 9 years, 6 months ago

And it doesn't take too much to prove that Allyson Maynard-Gibson is very much prone to corruptly influencing the Bahamas judiciary for the greedy selfish self-interests of Christie, herself and the PLP.

asiseeit 9 years, 6 months ago

Birdie, The very sad fact is the majority of Bahamian people do not TRUST our P.M. or his corrupt government. What have they done to endear themselves to the Bahamian people? Have they governed in a fair and balanced manner. Have they governed in a manner that benefits the entire Bahamas or just their corrupt tribe? Has he listened to the Bahamian people or just his wealthy benefactors? Simply put, the Bahamian people want this bumbling, corrupt, greedy, lying, overspending, overtaxing, showboating government to GO, GET, CARRY IT"S HIP!

Baha10 9 years, 6 months ago

I know this is exciting stuff, but please do not lose sight of the fact that this involves "our" Prime Minister whether you voted for his party or not and as such, we need to unite as a Country behind him as Leader of "our" Country until he resigns, retires or is otherwise removed from Office. Given the disrespect showed to date by not being previously informed of the Chapter 11 proceedings, I personally think he has shown "real" fight and maneuverability to protect the interests of the Bahamian people in the days that have followed for which he should be encouraged to continue, as his success is ultimately "our" success as a Country and Lord knows the World is watching this.

SP 9 years, 6 months ago

Least anyone forgets, it was the FNM that lead the country to the brink of economic collapse. The PLP sat in total agreement when the FNM told us we and our children have to learn Creole, so any contemplating voting any of them back in is a non-starter.

Corroborated corruption with this PLP and FNM friends, family and lovers monopoly has destroyed our country.

All this talk about getting rid of Christie and the PLP has to be balanced with the serious question of how we resolve the leadership and party options vacuum.

We need to concentrate on creating other viable political party(s) and making the leadership race between at least two or even better three entirely new parties, DNA being one.

Cobalt 9 years, 6 months ago


What the hell are you talking about???? You must be high from sniffing your own hip! What a bag of rubbish coming from your mouth.

ThisIsOurs 9 years, 6 months ago

I'm not gonna unit behind foolishness just because he's "OUR" PM. It's that very same thing that has us in this position.

duppyVAT 9 years, 6 months ago

We don't elect a Prime Minister ............ one is picked for us by the majority party in the House of Assembly .................. some democracy .......... whatever happened to the idea of the "right man for the job" ......... the PLP should not have chosen Perry Christie then ........ they should have chosen Glenys Hanna Martin .............. her pedigree is the best of that bunch

newcitizen 9 years, 6 months ago

This is not a dictatorship! A loud and informed opposition is the basis on which democracy was built. Dissent is a right, not an insult!

To stand behind a leader who's actions you do not believe in is to accept fascism. Leaders are to be judged on their actions and intentions, not on their position.

Your fundamental misunderstanding of democracy is one of the roots of the problems we face in this country.

themessenger 9 years, 6 months ago

Everyone knows Christie is delusional, not as delusional as Birdie but delusional nonetheless. "Never in the history of the Bahamas has there been a government to compare to this one!" The ignorant and delusional make up to much of our population for any positive change; why just this morning Ortland Bodie, ya gotta love him, was proclaiming in the Tribune to anyone delusional enough to take him seriously that our next political messiahs will be Brave Davis and Shane Gibson. Dr.Minnis has again clearly demonstrated that he's NOT Prime Minister material so to whom do we now turn? Perhaps we should invite the British to reclaim us or the US to bestow Statehood though I seriously doubt either of them would want us. God help our poor little country.

Well_mudda_take_sic 9 years, 6 months ago

Trust me...."Birdie", as a Fred Mitchell operative, is not delusional, but rather a cunning conniving fly on the wall for Bahamas Uncircumcised.com

Economist 9 years, 6 months ago

Bana10 you need to read what has been said.

pm says he was talking to China Construction AMERICA not China Construction Bahamas. China Construction America OWNS China Construction Bahamas.

This means that if they were about to shaft Izmirlian, which is quite possible and the fact that the pm and his clan ALWAYS KEEP SECRETS that the best thin Izi could do was go to the court that could control China Construction AMERICA - the US Courts.

The Bahamas got sidelined because we don't operate with transparency. Bahamas court could not tell China Construction AMERICA what to do.

OMG 9 years, 6 months ago

One only has to have dealings with the Ministry of Health ,Ministry of Education or National Insurance to realize the gross inefficiency and time wasted with the simplest of tasks. I am sure that this work (or lack of it) ethic extends into all aspects of this Hotel debacle. Added to which the Prime ministers outburst is an International disgrace. Think what you may but do not make it public.

TalRussell 9 years, 6 months ago

Comrades here's what I don't get about Izmirlian. If any local business owner, a taxpayer or even a Baha Mar worker, does go out to obtains other peoples things or services on credit and you don't pay your obligations as agreed, da Repo Man's steps-in to repossess "they" damn stuffs?
I knows couple guys will go in there remove everything that he ain't had chance nail down.
Is Izmirlian of Greek mentality? Maybe that's what PM was trying get at.

banker 9 years, 6 months ago

The obligations of the Chinese were to build the thing for a fixed price, and they kept billing and over-billing and not producing. It was a bill for $70 and no firm opening date that broke the camels back for Izmirlian. Enough was enough. He was being held hostage by the Chinese.

duppyVAT 9 years, 6 months ago

What about the 1000 change orders????????????

banker 9 years, 6 months ago

Did you ever hear of configuration control and a configuration control board? Whenever a project is begun, the plans are created (usually on Computer Aided Design & Engineering Terminals) and the construction document set is created.

As a project progresses, the plans are fleshed out in detail drawings, again on CAD terminals. The designers specify material lists and then the estimators and buyers go and procure them. If for example, they need 4 inch bolts and only 4.5 inch bolts are available, then the builders generate and ECR or Engineering Change Request. The ECR goes to the Configuration Control Board which is populated by management, engineers, costing estimators, and accountants. Once approved there, it becomes an ECN or Engineering Change Notice that goes to upper management on both sides to sign off, and then becomes an Engineering Change Order. It goes back to the designers, and the drawing sets and plans are updated. The plans are the theory, and the change orders represent the necessary changes to make the plans reality. One cannot imagine everything when drawing up the plans, including material availability, parts lists, etc.

On a multi-billion dollar project, the Gartner Group, which collects such information, estimates that 2,000 - 5,000 change orders are about the average number, and for complex projects (bridges, electronics) the number jumps to 10,000. They range from trivial stuff like the bolts example to major things like adding a new structure.

The change orders are costed and approved when they are introduced, and cannot be randomly introduced by the client. The Construction Company has to agree to the change orders before they become orders rather than requests.

TalRussell 9 years, 6 months ago

Comrade Banker, oops there i was starting thinks you were on your way becoming a good and proud Bahamalander Nationalist's.

banker 9 years, 6 months ago

Sorry, Chinese is a too difficult language to learn for me, and I don't find the taste of bullsh*t appealing.

I can't for the life of me, figure out that over 5,000 years of civilisation, that they have not come up with nothing better to eat rice than two sticks.

TalRussell 9 years, 6 months ago

Comrade Banker, don't you think it might be smart move, if your friend Izmirlian, was takes two them chop sticks along with him, if and when the proposed negotiations re assume - cuz they is perfect for reaching into pots full of hot boiling water.

banker 9 years, 6 months ago

So why do you think that Simms (Baha Mar lawyer) agreed so fast to a postponement to go to China. Have you ever read The Art of War? Strike unexpectedly at your opponent, and while they are trying to figure out the ramifications of your surprise move, you parley with them. You have their complete attention because they still haven't figured it out about your first surprise move.

The Armenians may not know engineering and such, but business is in their DNA. First of all, they are here and they are rich, and they own big pieces of London real estate.

My aunt's godmother dated an Armenian from New York, and ended up marrying him and moving to Jersey. The Armenian had a brother who "worked" on Wall Street. Never had a job. Sold brief cases, white shirts, ties and shoes out of his car trunk to the stockbrokers on Wall Street. They would buy his essentials at a huge markup on the sidewalk, on their way to impress a new client by freshening up. Made more money than the stockbroker.

Sometimes stereotypes work. It does for the Chinese and Armenians -- and it certainly works for the Bahamians.

a2z 9 years, 6 months ago

are these men seriously having a public pissing competition while MY and YOUR future hanging in the balance?!? WTF?

a2z 9 years, 6 months ago

Make the foreign white man look like evil $h*t so all the poor black and uneducated people who voted you in can take your side.

How many idiots will fall for this performance?

banker 9 years, 6 months ago

Many apparently. It's a good strategy if you the facts paint you as a loser.

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