Tribune Staff Reporter
CHIEF Medical Officer Dr Glen Beneby yesterday said no “final” decision has been made on whether the government will penalise those who do not to enrol for National Health Insurance, but stressed that officials are discussing ways by which to “encourage persons to comply” instead of creating a penalty.
Dr Beneby, in an interview with The Tribune, said officials are leaning more towards offering encouragement that “has to be sensible, has to be in the context of the law, and has to be something where people are not penalised.”
He stressed that officials are making every effort to ensure that there is no “negativity” attached to what is supposed to be a positive initiative aimed at providing universal healthcare for all Bahamians.
Dr Beneby also called for all parties involved in discussions over NHI’s implementation and administration to “pay attention” to each other and not behave “as if anyone knows it all” with regards to the introduction of the scheme. He added that the government is still committed to dialoguing with stakeholders over their various concerns.
Dr Beneby’s statements come almost a week after Damara Dillett, NHI Secretariat attorney and legal consultant, said officials were debating whether to impose a penalty for individuals who did not enrol for NHI. Last week, Ms Dillett said officials are seeking ways to come up with “some happy medium” to ensure that the plan isn’t jeopardised if many individuals do not sign up.
A draft version of the NHI Bill 2016, which was leaked to the media last month, contains a clause that further suggested that enrolling in NHI would be mandatory.
“Those discussions have been introduced,” Dr Beneby said when asked about this yesterday. “To my knowledge no decision has been made to penalize anyone. There is always in a system of this kind, (the question of) how can we encourage people to comply. But that encouragement has to be sensible, has to be in the context of the law, and has to be to be something where people are not penalised. Because you don’t want to create negative impact by doing something in which you’re seeking positive results.
He added: “There is no final decision on that at this moment, but it is proper that you discuss how can we encourage people to use the healthcare system better. How can we encourage people to understand what they are doing, the importance of their health? How can we encourage or incentivise people to come and be tested or to go for screening, and these are things that will over time be adjusted.”
To date, some of NHI’s key stakeholders, which include the Medical Association of the Bahamas (MAB), the Bahamas Doctor’s Union (BDU) and the Consultant Physician Staff Association (CPSA) have all condemned the way NHI is being introduced.
The Bahamas Insurance Association (BIA), another key stakeholder, has decided not to cooperate with the government’s NHI costing exercise, stating that the government has been “entirely ignoring” advice submitted by themselves and others.
On Tuesday, a group of Bahamian doctors wrote a lengthy letter to The Tribune to express their deep concerns and expert medical views over the government’s proposed NHI scheme.
“There has been some difference of opinion, and everybody is not saying the same thing, or they’re saying similar things in different ways,” Dr Beneby said in response.
“From our perspective we’ve always had an open door policy, we’ve always discussed with stakeholders. We appreciate that where there is change – even if that change is positive, because where you have a change, persons are concerned, and persons would like to know more details about what that change is.”
He added: “We will continue to have the dialogue (with stakeholders); it’s a journey. We have to pay attention to each other. We cannot behave as if anyone knows it all, but we have to be honest with integrity. If we know the answers we have to say the answers and be prepared to share it.”
TruePeople 9 years ago
Yep... Gov't = Clueless... who needs more proof?
cmiller 9 years ago
What they gonna do? Use that tear gas on us that the Chinese gave them????
sansoucireader 9 years ago
Yes, part of their new Policing Plan.
The_Oracle 9 years ago
Force you to pay for a "service" that to date has ben deplorable, a money sink hole, without any accountability. That we already pay for via existing taxation.
Well_mudda_take_sic 9 years ago
Money the corrupt Christie-led PLP government proposes to take from honest hardworking Bahamians under the guise of a NHI program would be squandered in the way our National Insurance funds have been squandered. The corrupt Christie-led PLP government have proven they are totally incompetent in running the country's finances.....just look at how Christie and his buffoons have run the Bank of The Bahamas, the Post Office Savings Bank, BEC, the Public Dump (and its fires), Water & Sewerage Corp., and just about every other government department, agency and corporation. Can you just imagine brain-dead Christie, whose robo-mouth seems to be forever on auto pilot espousing nothing but hot air tripe, and his moronic sidekicks running a government that will call all of the shots when it comes to your medical needs! All Bahamians should shudder at the very thought of this. No health care at all would be better than very poor quality health care that frequently kills, which is all that Christie and his fellow bozos would ever be capable of forcing on Bahamians and their children. Woe is me, shame on Christie and his political family of thugs!!
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