PM: NHI is about saving lives, not winning votes


Prime Minister Perry Christie


Tribune Staff Reporter


THE Christie administration’s push toward implementing National Health Insurance has nothing to do with whether it could cause the Progressive Liberal Party to win the next election, but with saving the lives of the 700 Bahamians who die unnecessarily each year because they do not have access to healthcare, Prime Minister Perry Christie said.

During an impassioned contribution yesterday in the House of Assembly, the prime minister questioned what critics of the new health plan expected the government to do when those who are disadvantaged did not have what was necessary to save their lives.

He spoke to the healthcare scheme while concluding debate on a resolution to borrow $33m from the Inter-American Development Bank for a Public Financial Management and Performance Monitoring Project.

“Do you know that when a prime minister says out of his mouth that 700 Bahamians die unnecessarily, what are the severe implications of that to the system that we operate in? What do they expect governments to do when we know that the people of this country, who are the disadvantaged, are the ones who need the intervention of National Health Insurance?”

“It has nothing to do with whether it would cost us to lose the general election. For those of us who are spiritual, it has to be God. There is no need to compromise. That is why doctors have agreed with it. So it’s the process, it is the system, it is the amount of money in different areas.

“Then let us sit down and debate and discuss those things with a view to agreeing to help the people of this country, Mr Speaker.”

He then took a swipe at those who have publicly criticised the government over its estimation that there are 200,000 Bahamians without health insurance.

Mr Christie said the fact remained that too many people were uninsured.

“In so far as we are concerned this is not a little childish debate. It’s about people’s lives. The statistics, that is vital to me, Mr Speaker, is whether we are the worst in the Caribbean when it comes down to diabetes. What is our position when it comes to non-communicable diseases? That is what I want the doctors in here to debate and the doctors in the country to debate. What is our approach to that?”

Last Friday, the prime minister made an emotional plea for residents and stakeholders to trust him. It came after a rough week which saw doctors condemn his administration over its handing of the NHI process.

Weary of stakeholders’ anxiety, he said he has requested that a group of health care experts with a footprint in “Canada, United Kingdom and the United States” come quickly to the Bahamas to examine his efforts on NHI.

The group is separate from the government’s current consultants, Pricew aterhouseCoopers(PwC) and Sanigest Internaçional.

He did not reveal the identity of the group, nor did he indicate if the timeline for NHI implementation would be affected by their expected participation. Currently, the primary health care phase of NHI is scheduled to be implemented in April.


TruePeople 8 years, 12 months ago

I find that the opposite of what this guy says tends to be the case.... take the headline and translate accordingly.

In all seriousness though. If it really was about saving lives, why the secrecy about key details, why the refusal to discuss with relevant stakeholders, why the rush to implement, why the rush to punish those who don't sign up? And now in the face of all that, hiring a secret foreign consulting company .... for ..... ????? well we don't know what for, because we're all out of the loop on this.

If this wasn't about election, then the FNM and PLP (and the DNA) would be working TOGETHER with the relevant stakeholders to introduce through stages a viable healthcare plan that would be able to not just function at the moment, but over the long term.

This guy keep bawling for us to 'trust' him. You been caught in ya lies too much and continue to obscure the truth, why the hell should we trust you? You think we stupid aye?

jackbnimble 8 years, 12 months ago

NHI is about creating another tax (a.k.a.slush fund). Like NIB we will never get back what we put into it... and if the Government is managing it, it gets worse!

sheeprunner12 8 years, 12 months ago

Well ........ we should not hear them utter one peep about NHI in their election campaign ......... can you imagine that????????????? ................... what a joke

asiseeit 8 years, 12 months ago

Our Grand children are going to hate us when the bills catch up and they are paying for our mistakes. That is if there is a Bahamas in 20 - 30 years that they want to live in.

TalRussell 8 years, 12 months ago

Comrade As i see it, according Guardian Talks Radio there must be some kinds crisis of House Renters who ain't catching up to paying they's rents obligations landlords on time?


Economist 8 years, 12 months ago

Let's see, $100 million waste in the Ministry of Health.

700 people who die unnecessarily.

PM if you stopped the waste you would have $142,857.14 for each of your 700 patient.

That should save more than 700 lives.

No need for NHI.

TalRussell 8 years, 12 months ago

Comrade Economists there can be no humour to be exploited by one of the redder of the reddest when the PM reminds the nation about the 700 Bahamalander's who die unnecessarily each year because they do not have access to healthcare.
If so, you have one sick sense humour.

themessenger 8 years, 12 months ago

No graveyard humour in that Tal. The Governments chief medical officer himself admitted the $100 million wastage in this current budget but they can't say where the holes are.Economist is correct in pointing out how many more Bahamians could have been treated/cured with that money. Strange, but I never figured you for a Birdie type mentality.

Economist 8 years, 12 months ago

Tal, my point is that the PM is playing politics.

If he really wanted to save the lives of those who can't afford the health he can and he can do so by taking the necessary steps in plugging the corrupt health system that loses 25% of the money allocated to it.

But he is not serious or he would have already done something about it.

He is just playing politics.

TalRussell 8 years, 12 months ago

Comrade Themessenger no one is disputing healthcare expenditures require better financial controls. Wasn't it the government who were the ones responsible for this waste coming to the attention of the taxpayers?
So what I think you see as the best options for healthcare are those most aligned to the red shirts healthcare methodology. Even greater rationing of healthcare services provided - or as Papa's red cabinet colleagues viewed the healthcare of thousands - let's just provide people with less or no healthcare outside what is provided for by the profiteering - forever increasing deductibles - insurance companies.

TruePeople 8 years, 11 months ago

Only essential care is covered in Canada.... They've had public health care for decades. There are aspects of healthcare that are still private pay for services however, as it is unfeasible for all health services to be covered (it will fail).

Maybe rationing is what is needed, so that we can focus on the most important specific issues, and resolve them successfully. Maybe we can start small, and then expand healthcare as the gov't is able to manage and fund it with out undue financial strain on the citizens (who are already being hit with the shocking rise in the cost of living).

This gov't acting like they miracle workers, but we dun know how dey 'miracles' dem does pan out

themessenger 8 years, 11 months ago

Tal, I'm not sure what you're referring to as MY options being aligned with the red shirts healthcare methodology as I'm (a) not aligned with anyone red, yellow or green and (b) have not expressed an opinion on the matter other than to say fix the problems with the system we have first instead of throwing more good money after bad. You know the old adage, when you find yourself in a hole stop digging.

sealice 8 years, 11 months ago

buddy there's humor everytime that man opens his mouth.... that is if you can laugh at a liar!

Bahamianpride 8 years, 12 months ago

Whether it's about votes or not he is on the right track. FNM vs PLP in this scenario from an objective perspective. Imagine if u were stranded in the desert without water or any resources needed to live. The FNM & PLP van pulls up next to u. The FNM people say the PLP people are no good lyers and theives which they are right but the FNM pulls away and offers u nothing and leaves u to die. The PLP thieves gives u water, food and offers a ride to the next town but u gotta vote for dem to get this. I don't know about anyone else but I'm taking the PLP theives offer. That's what decisions about NHI becomes about. The stockholders don't care about poor people, especially those in the insurance industry that are no better than the mob. They want ya money but never want to pay out claims. For to long who lives or dies in terms of receiving good health care has been primarily about family economics. Health care is a national issue that should not be left to individuals with a for profit only motive. He gets my vote if he gets NHI running even though I don't like most of his politics. The P.M is doing the right thing for the people.

sansoucireader 8 years, 12 months ago

If they are so sure they're "doing the right thing for the people" why are they considering fining people who don't want to sign on?

TruePeople 8 years, 11 months ago

short term thinking like one second thinking... or minus 30 years thinking

Emac 8 years, 12 months ago

This man really think he talking to his dumb ass constituents. Perry, grab a life, cause ain no one does take you serious. No one!

Bahamianpride 8 years, 11 months ago

National Health Insurance is a global conclusion, what are u guys fighting. The current system is corrupt, and inadequate in terms of serving the entire population. Health care and education are two things u can never afford not to fund. Whether it be genetic disorders or health problems that are the result of lifestyle habits proper treatment or prevention should not only be for the rich. In life he who feels it knows it and until a person is in a situation where they need a life saving medical procedure and doesn't have insurance or resources they don't care. Keep thinking these insurance companies are going to pay out when u need them the most. To hell with tribal politics health care is to important and bigger than Perry. The rich can and usually fly to Miami or New York for treatment and for their wives to give birth so if this is your situation that's great but for many NHI is a necessity.

TruePeople 8 years, 11 months ago

It is not that we don't want healthcare... it is that we are highly suspicious of what seems to be a poorly planned, uniformed, and highly rushed political initiative that threatens to create more harm than good.

Economist 8 years, 11 months ago

But it has to work. All the current NHI will do is pour more money into an already failed system. No one is going to benefit.

The country will be downgraded, as the "international rating agencies" have already said don't do it yet, the cost of borrowing for the country will double and the poor will get even less than they get today.

The health system must be fixed first.

Bahamianpride 8 years, 11 months ago

It does have to work, the current system doesn't work. The Bahamas is going to be downgraded regardless because of all the reckless borrowing and thievery by both political parties over the last 2 decades. The current system as it stands is backed by an insurance industry that doesn't even honor its claims many times. Insurance in general in the Bahamas whether it be property or health it becomes a battle to get them to pay out, it doesn't matter how good a consumer u have been with paying your premiums. If u can afford doctors hospital and the cost to be their u can get decent care, but unless u have some political pull and can get in a private ward at PMH the chances of your death is high especially if u r poor or old. The system needs a complete overhaul and the standard or care raised. Decisions about life or death treatment should not be based on whether u can raise enough funds at the fund raising cookout or get some sponsorship. Many of these international rating agencies are in countries that provide good healthcare to their populations. They take care of their population, we however could care less if people die because of poor healthcare as long as its not us, a friend or family member.

senseandsensibility 8 years, 11 months ago

Why the rush to implement NHI then? This isn't about PLP and FNM or DNA. This is about the people of the Bahamas. So how about they take the 33 mil they are going to get to learn how to manage the country financially, how to do a budget that works, how to report to the people on where the money is going, how to forecast spending, and use that knowledge to re-design the NHI with experts in the field? Often times in this administration we as a people are left feeling like we have no choice or even a voice in this country. Take the time and do it right, regardless of who is in power at the time.

BMW 8 years, 11 months ago

40 years 40 mutha #$/£@&(£^ years and they gotta borrow 33 million to figure out how to manage the finances of the country???? Now that is an F average. They really think Bahamians are dense.

Islandgirl 8 years, 11 months ago

In addition to an overhaul of the available health care resources, such as imaging, quality medications, etc., christie would have done better to run an educational program on proper diet and wellness (which would go a long way towards alleviating the chronic non-communicable diseases overwhelming the health care system), promoted exercise, made it easier to afford the healthier foods by reducing taxes, and focused on catastrophic health care insurance. It is that last issue that causes the most problems, and acts as an impetus for the cookouts and sponsor sheets. By essentially recklessly and criminally instigating a hostile takeover of the medical, pharmaceutical and insurance industries to suit his fancies, he is doing nothing to solve this. He is forcing these people to his will, and taking away their choices. Who would spend so much of their youth, time and money schooling and then sacrifice time spent with family during their professional careers just to be dictated to, and essentially forced to be a civil servant under this corrupt government? All the professions should be nationalized this way then, because realize that no service is free, and pillaging from one group to give to another is certainly not the answer. Be gone, lazy buffoon. He is a bane upon the survival and existence of this country.

sealice 8 years, 11 months ago

Progressive Liberal Party to win the next election, but with saving the lives of the 700 Bahamians who die unnecessarily each year

but you did nothing to stop 150 of them from being murdered last year?

DisgustedBahamian 8 years, 11 months ago

Hope you go to PMH Perry & tow the line like Bahamian's have do. See what you will say then

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