Minnis: I’ve never felt so good

Dr Hubert Minnis

Dr Hubert Minnis


Tribune Staff Reporter


DESPITE the Free National Movement parliamentary caucus’ attempt to remove leader Dr Hubert Minnis from the helm of the organisation, he insisted yesterday that he “has never felt so good” and was not concerned about the “noise in the market”.

Despite the fact that it appears as though the majority of his parliamentary team want him gone, the embattled Killarney MP told The Tribune that he had no “bad blood” with any of them. Dr Minnis said his focus remains on the social ills plaguing the country, adding that like other Bahamians, he was only concerned with crime and unemployment among other challenges facing the country.

However, he would not directly respond to the turmoil that is gripping his party.

Asked about the likelihood of the organisation convening an earlier convention than was originally planned, the FNM leader said “anything is possible”.

“What made me feel so good, when I watched TV yesterday,” Dr Minnis said referring to the US presidential race, “I was watching (Bill) O’ Reilly interview (Donald) Trump and he said to Trump, you don’t have the black support, how are you going to turn that around and the economy is not doing well?’

“Trump’s response was this has been the worst period (economically) for the blacks even with a black president and to stimulate and help the middle class I will introduce tax free zones.”

Dr Minnis said this showed him he was on the right path because introducing tax free zones in the Over-the-Hill area is one of his key ideas.

When pressed to respond to the criticism from his own members of Parliament who have lost confidence in him, Dr Minnis said: “All I can say now is I have never felt so good in my life. I spoke to all my grandkids and they made me feel even better.”

He said he intends to spend some time with his grandchildren before Parliament meets to debate the budget.

This comes after Long Island MP Loretta Butler-Turner on Sunday said that the FNM’s parliamentary caucus does not want to resort to petitioning Governor General Dame Marguerite Pindling to have Dr Minnis removed as leader of the Official Opposition, but prefers to reach an “amicable” decision on an earlier convention date.

And while some view the MPs’ threat to express no confidence in their leader as a mutiny against Dr Minnis, Mrs Butler-Turner said the parliamentary caucus was not planning a “coup”, but was simply pushing for an early convention to put the FNM on the best footing to win the next general election.

Last week, The Tribune reported that the FNM appeared to be “teetering” on the brink of a leadership meltdown following an “explosive” council meeting on Thursday, which saw serious threats levelled at Dr Minnis to have him removed from the post by way of a petition to the governor general.

The Tribune understands the matter was raised in the council meeting by Fort Charlotte MP Dr Andre Rollins after the issue was discussed in an earlier parliamentary meeting.

When asked about this, Mrs Butler-Turner said: “For him (Dr Rollins) to say something like that was leverage for persons who felt they don’t want to wait until November.

“Even if that becomes an option ... we don’t want to use such a position, we want to agree in an amicable way and to respect the returns (of the convention).”

She added: “We felt, the majority of the parliamentary caucus felt, that the November convention date does not give the party a sufficient amount of time to fully regroup all elements of machinery to take on a general election.

“The parliamentary caucus told Dr Minnis to consider an early convention to have the best possible strategy to take on the PLP. Some people have taken that to say the parliamentary caucus wants to (oust) Dr Minnis.”

She did not specify if the parliamentary team gave Dr Minnis a deadline to decide on a new convention date before they make good on the ultimatum, but said the group does not want to see this matter “protracted”.

Mrs Butler-Turner maintained that the FNM’s parliamentary caucus wants the party to regroup, pick a vibrant leadership team and galvanise support to boot the Christie administration out of office.

This latest effort from the parliamentary team has the support of six of the opposition’s 10 MPs.

This includes St Anne’s MP Hubert Chipman, Montagu MP Richard Lightbourn, North Eleuthera MP Theo Neilly, Central Grand Bahama MP Neko Grant, Mrs Butler-Turner and Dr Rollins.


Publius 8 years, 4 months ago

There is no wonder why educated and aspiring people in this country no longer want to be here. The Bahamas is absolutely beyond nauseating at this stage. Newspapers ought to now come with a black label "will induce immediate projectile vomiting" based on some of the realities of this country that make it into those papers and the subhumans behind those realities. None of these men are even remotely concerned about what the Bahamian people want or need. Their singular concern is themselves and their delusions and unbridled ambitions. It is "I"; "I"; "I", and when "we" is used, it is subterfuge for what is really meant, which is again and forever - "I".

sheeprunner12 8 years, 4 months ago

Hubert Minnis is a multi-millionaire .......... how did he amass his wealth .......... did he do it all above board or was he "well-connected" ????? ......... that is the litmus test to judge his primary agenda ......... anti-corruption .......... Minnis is preaching the Trump agenda ...... he is claiming to be the "outsider" who is willing to be a "change agent" ......... the PLP and FNM insiders are throwing the kitchen sink at him just like what is happening to Trump in the USA

Publius 8 years, 4 months ago

“What made me feel so good, when I watched TV yesterday,” Dr Minnis said referring to the US presidential race, “I was watching (Bill) O’ Reilly interview (Donald) Trump and he said to Trump, you don’t have the black support, how are you going to turn that around and the economy is not doing well?’ “Trump’s response was this has been the worst period (economically) for the blacks even with a black president and to stimulate and help the middle class I will introduce tax free zones.” Dr Minnis said this showed him he was on the right path because introducing tax free zones in the Over-the-Hill area is one of his key ideas.

This man has got to be one of if not the stupidest of men in the history of Bahamian politics. This comment is so smolderingly stupid on so many levels that it ought to have caused the Tribune's printing presses to malfunction. This country is going nowhere fast and the FNM has already won one race - the race to be a stellar ambassador of the D average.

Greentea 8 years, 4 months ago

Publius- If it wasn't so serious...but you had me ROTFL! I CONCUR!- If that isn't the dumbest sh##t I have heard come out of a politicians mouth in the last six hours! THIS is the best the FNM can do? THIS is the best we can do? My fellow Bahamians get your boats and inner tubes ready..for the emergency flotilla out of here. Tuesday's vote has suddenly taken on a new sense of urgency. Vote YES on Tuesday. We might just need to marry foreigners to save the country. Too much inbreeding here. Stupidity can't done.

licks2 8 years, 4 months ago


TalRussell 8 years, 4 months ago

Comrade Minnis could run as a PLP or red shirt and handsomely win his House seat.
I wouldn't put my money on Dr. Andre winning a House seat, even in Fort Charlotte, as a PLP or Red Shirt.
Nor would I be wagering my cash on Loretta, Chippie or Richard winning any seat, if forced to step from under the protection of the UBPism electoral boundaries.
If you reds really desire to reinforce the UBPism wing within red party - switch Minnis, for Loretta, or Chippie or Richard?
Did you even know that Papa ruled out running Loretta for Edison's Marsh Harbour House seat.


DDK 8 years, 4 months ago

The UBP party is HISTORY. Do you have an ulterior motive (the total demise of the FNM) for your constant reference to same?

Economist 8 years, 4 months ago

Minnis lost my support months ago. His talks of Trump.

Maybe he plans to build a wall around each island in The Bahamas and charge Haiti for it.

TalRussell 8 years, 4 months ago

Comrade Economist not sure if we want build walls but we could start with immigration conducting a forensic audit on notarized documents, submitted as to their authenticity on behalf of applicants - Haitian and all other eyebrow raising nationals.
I can not recall even one instance whereby any governing party's cabinet, did in fact revoke citizenship, nor permanent residency status, on grounds fraudulent supporting documents being uncovered?

Economist 8 years, 4 months ago

Hi Tal, I agree. Indeed, if the Defence Force, Immigration and Social Services had done, or permitted, to do their jobs we would not be in this mess.

With computerization and all the additional staff the Fred Mitchel says have been hired, you would have thought that we would be further along.

Residents and citizens pay taxes and are more likely to feel a part of the Bahamian Community than apart from the Bahamian Community.

Those who feel apart from are more likely to send their money abroad and not to invest here.

It is not rocket science. Then we would have a much better picture of who should be here and who should not.

TalRussell 8 years, 4 months ago

Comrade Economist outside the Billion Dollars plus Haitian nationals remit back to Haiti annually from the United States, remittances by Haitian nationals living in Bahamaland - rank Number 2 to the USA in the dollar value remittances back home to Haiti.
Some estimates conservatively put it at $250 to $300 million annually.

Publius 8 years, 4 months ago

This POS "never felt so good" while the country and his rabid party never had it so bad. He is subhuman!

birdiestrachan 8 years, 4 months ago

Just another Fish story. Now The Doc can spin a tale.

birdiestrachan 8 years, 4 months ago

If he is using Mr: Trump as an example to follow. It all speaks for itself.

sheeprunner12 8 years, 4 months ago

Minnis is wealthy ............ does he need politics to consolidate his personal wealth???? (NO)

So, the question to ask is ............ What is Minnis' motive for being a Prime Minister???????

He says ........... To rid The Bahamas of corruption .......... Do you believe him????? ........ Can he do that??????? .......... Who will be in his anti-corruption Cabinet??????? ........ Will he adopt the anti-corruption strategies employed by the present President in Tanzania??????

Greentea 8 years, 4 months ago

Ego. Pure and simple. Not sure why I was reading about unqualified African demigod, despotic leaders the other night, but all started innocent looking, either with positive plans or so underwhleming as to not even be noticed before their takeover. Minnis reminds me so much of those men. Hsi quoting Donald Trump the demagogue sealed it for me. He gatta go. I would say what I really think, but I think lkalikl got it covered above. damn.

licks2 8 years, 4 months ago

This the first time in my life that I eve see a low fence "beating the crap" out of yinna that yall can't even stand to see the man have a good day!! Maybe Senator Rolle was right. . .yall jealous of the man. . .ONE OVER THE HILL BLACK BOY "SWING" YALL AND IS NOW IRON CLAD IN THE SEAT OF POWER FOR THE FNM AND YINNA STEAMING? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...

For a half retarded politician. . .according to yall FNMs here. . .he sure beating yall to the draw all the time! YALL CAUSING A "INTEREST" TO BUILD IN DOC MINNIS THAT WAS NEVER THERE BEFORE YALL KEPT HIM IN THE PUBLIC'S VIEW SO MANY TIMES!!


proudloudandfnm 8 years, 4 months ago

Oh my God Minnis is folloqing Trump....

Can we fire him now please?!?!?

licks2 8 years, 4 months ago

Now only one person can gee Trump a push for "he for real" . . . Fred Smith. . .

SP 8 years, 4 months ago

.................... DOC Minnis definitely has the pirates in the FNM ON THE RUN! ...................

Dr. Minnis threw a rock labeled corruption into the FNM and all the pirates started yelping!

Brent Symonette, Frank Watson and Lynn Holowesko are behind the scenes heavily financially backing and directing the lousy crew of six to do whatever it takes to derail Dr. Minnis from his corruption agenda.

Dr. Minnis needs to ramp up the onslaught pressure and hit their ass's again but aim more direct this time to expose these pirates for the thieves they really are.

Don't back down Dr. Minnis. YOU NOW who are involved with Fred Ramsey Cabinet bribery.

EXPOSE the pirates

sheeprunner12 8 years, 4 months ago

I agree with you ........ if this is Minnis' passion and strategy to be a "change agent" politician........ he has to stand up and articulate (????) what he means by FIGHTING CORRUPTION because Bahamian people will support him if he can sincerely and forcefully put his plan forward ....... but he has to be decisive and expose those within the FNM and those in the PLP who are part of the Bahamian kleptocracy .......... or does he live in a glass house??? ......... right now he has a very ineffective message

licks2 8 years, 4 months ago

So many of those politicians "talked" so good in the past and all did bull chips when the talking stopped! WE ARE NOT LOOKING FOR A GOOD TALKER. . .A THINKER AND STRATEGIST. . .CHANGE AGENT. . .COOL UNDER FIRE AND STEADFAST. . .

SP 8 years, 4 months ago

.................... DOC Minnis definitely has the pirates in the FNM ON THE RUN! ...................

Dr. Minnis threw a rock labeled corruption into the FNM and all the pirates started yelping!

Brent Symonette, Frank Watson and Lynn Holowesko are behind the scenes heavily financially backing and directing the "crooked crew of six" to do whatever it takes to derail Dr. Minnis from his corruption agenda.

Dr. Minnis needs to ramp up the onslaught, increase the pressure and hit their ass's again but aim more direct this time to expose these pirates for the thieves they really are.

Don't back down Dr. Minnis. YOU NOW who are involved with Fred Ramsey Cabinet bribery.

EXPOSE the pirates

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