Wipeout: Miller predicts most PLP MPs will be 'gone' after election

Leslie Miller

Leslie Miller


Tribune Staff Reporter


TALL PINES MP Leslie Miller said yesterday he believes most of his parliamentary colleagues will be “gone” after next year’s general election.

Mr Miller also said this will be an “extremely tough” election for the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) and predicted there will be “massive changes” in the House of Assembly after the 2017 vote.

In an interview with The Tribune, Mr Miller said people are angry and frustrated and “will demand change” when they head to the polls. He said the expected “mass exodus” of current parliamentarians will not be about what the Free National Movement has to offer but a reflection of “how bad” people believe the Progressive Liberal Party has been in office.

Mr Miller admitted that the government could have done more to assist the public during tough economic times but said the FNM is no better and has not offered any alternative solutions.

“This election is the most crucial election since 1967 and will take us into a new future,” Mr Miller, who served as minister of trade and industry in the first Christie administration, said.

“This will not be easy and we cannot take anything for granted. The people are upset, the people want change, they don’t care about Dr Minnis and the FNM, people vote governments out because their hate for that group exceeds their dislike for the other guy.

“So people don’t think the FNM is good, they just think the PLP is bad and if the people vote for their member of Parliament based on the leader of this party, then God help us all,” Mr Miller said.

“People are frustrated. They are still catching hell since the hurricane, losing their homes, Baha Mar still closed and people cannot pay their rent. Someone is going to have to bite the bullet. There are many ways we could have assisted in Parliament but someone has to step up to the plate and say enough is enough. These people want help and it is our obligation to help them. These people aren’t asking for much. “They only want to live halfway decent lives, not ducking the rent man or BEC. They want to be able to feed their kids in the morning and give them six dollars to buy lunch but the people are catching hell. Someone has to step up to the plate or we will be history.”

Mr Miler said Bahamians are no longer interested in politicians who “pretend to care” and do nothing. He said many of his colleagues will be in for a rude awakening next year.

“People have to be able to see what you are doing, that fake stuff is not cutting it any more,” Mr Miller said.

“These MPs need to step up to the plate. The PLP and the FNM, they are all the same. No one wants to take a stand, so they will have to get out the House (of Assembly). There will be massive changes in that place. People have come to me and said ‘Sorry Mr Miller, you are a part of that group so you will have to go to.’ It may be my fate again but it won’t just be me. Plenty of them won’t be there, there will be a totally different House next election. You mark my words.”

Mr Miller said if he is sent home, he would thank the people for the time he has served and then “get on with his life.”


realfreethinker 8 years, 2 months ago

Good riddance. Please don't slam the door behind you.

TalRussell 8 years, 2 months ago

Comrades! The Pot Cake Leslie raises a couple valued points but it's worthy of mention to bring to the discussion that the Pot cake has been known to change his positions within a 24-Hour period and on many an political point, and that at least three of the Official Opposition Party's Candidates (masquerading as official in the Crown's name only) but noticeably lacking in National Parliamentary Representation as a political party offering itself as the alternative government come the 2017 General. Understandably, Voters could very well be expected to be called upon to decide if the three Higher Office Seekers who have not displayed a set political ideology, or past working affiliation with their anointed constituencies, or with the Banner of the Red Movement.....but have become more defined as having had strong connections to the Izmirlian Nation of Cable Beach?
There was even much talk by the media not only of the long serving Red Shirts reshuffling of the deck to make room for the three chosen ones but of at least two of the chosen candidates having done some political party shopping themselves, beforehand of the acceptance of their special an anointment's? Let's see if Minnis can really sell this checker board move to make room for the three being parachuted in over the heads constituency branch members- to the thousands 2017 voting constituents who must sanction his most controversial political move since becoming party leader?
Yep! the 2017 General is shaping for much PLP and Red Movement reshuffling come the counting of the votes. You cannot as political parties do what you've done over - again and again - to thousands people and NOT expect anything less than a major electoral cut-ass at the Polls. Amen!

Economist 8 years, 2 months ago

The problem is that there is little or no difference between the PLP or the FNM. Neither are capable of leading the nation out of the economic depths.

Neither has come forward with a realistic economic plan because they don't know what to do.

Both parties are filled with old people with old ideas.

While the DNA doesn't sparkle either, it may be time to let them run the Country. They can't do any worse than the FNM or the PLP. Indeed, the DNA might surprise us.

DDK 8 years, 2 months ago

Possibly, but unlikely Economist.

CommonSense 8 years, 2 months ago

What's the difference between allowing the DNA to lead and the FNM who has a new leader to lead? We can't say that the FNM is the same as the PLP when the FNM has a new leader who can take the party in a new direction. Whereas the only person with political experience in the DNA is Branville himself.

realfreethinker 8 years, 2 months ago

New leader and a new set of candidates that seem to have their pulse on the situation in the country. I would be willing to give them a try rather than the DNA based just solely on the candidates put forth

SP 8 years, 2 months ago

FNM Has A New Leader With The Same Financial Backers = None Starter!

Hubert Minnis will be too hamstrung towing the line in many areas which limits his ability to do what needs to be done to resolve major issues.

After taking campaign monies from Brent Symonette, Lynn Holowesko, Nancy Kelly, Bethels and the rest of the aragonite pirates, Minnis will be unable to manage natural resources in the best interest of Bahamians.

No FNM candidate including Dr. Minnis will speak to this issue because they are already beholding to these pirates who have bought consecutive PLP and FNM leaders compliance and silence.

Oil is headed for same situation with Bahamians being unable to buy shares in our own dam oil resources.

PLP and FNM apartheid has run its course!

licks2 8 years, 2 months ago

And might I add. . .an FNM cabinet member who was "kicked out" not because he could not go along with their policies. . .he was kicked out because he did not want nobody telling him what to do! "They een using my talents " was his complaint when asked by the press why he was not staying in the red party! And his new party is made up of PLP and FNM members who want to "get there quick". . .more of the same you might say!

Cobalt 8 years, 2 months ago

No no no, Economist. You make some interesting observations, however, the PLP and the FNM are not the same thing. The FNM is a slightly better government than the PLP. Dont get me wrong..... the FNM has failed in many areas aswell, but at least when they are in power we see an improvement in the country's infrastructure. ie new roads, new airport, new sports stadium, dredging of the harbor to accommodate mega-size cruise ships, Atlantis, the second PI Bridge, proper pluming in some of the family islands, etc etc. But the PLP under Perry Christie cant hang their hats on NOTHING that theyve done.

DDK 8 years, 2 months ago

Like it or not, Mr. Miller is spot on!

TalRussell 8 years, 2 months ago

Comrade Economist, unfortunately, there was a bit of a mix-up with the DNA's Leader Bran who many really believed that he was well on his way to at minimum forming a shared governing coalition government once the 2017 General's Bell has be rungs.
Like maybe you, Bran too also thought that it would be as simple after the 2012 General's votes were counted that he could sit behind his Village Road's office desk and write to issue press releases on everything under the sun but the contents contained in his many press releases remained meatless in planned polices for voters to munch on. They voters never were given a chance to taste what Bran really stood 'firmly" for?
But it also appears that nobody bothered to inform Bran that while it may have been his time to run the county as the peoples prime minister... but it would require him for five years to get out there as the leader of his fringe green party to mingle with the people. That he would have to had ventured from beyond the walls that imprisoned his leadership on Village Road and the comfort his red leather high-back executive office chair.

Honestman 8 years, 2 months ago

There is no doubt in my mind that the FNM will form the government come May 2017. Aside from regular populist soundbites, Bran hasn't raised the DNA's profile to a level that would suggest the DNA has a realistic chance of breaking through into government. I would have been less certain of this had Bran had been able to persuade such as D'Aguilar, Lloyd and Dames to join the DNA. Why was he not able to do so? The PLP will be wiped out next May - I agree that much with Leslie Miller.

John 8 years, 2 months ago

Ok so lets make a list of who will be wiped out;

  1. V Alfred Gray?

SP 8 years, 2 months ago

.............. PLP Cannot "Step Up To The Plate" The Game Is Already Over! ...........

Leslie Miller has seen the writing on the wall and interpreted it correctly. The PLP will without question suffer the biggest loss in their history come 2017 and the FNM won't be far ahead.

Perry Christie totally destroyed the electorates confidence in the PLP same as Hubert Ingraham totally destroyed the electorates confidence in the FNM in 2012.

The PLP and FNM are equally responsible for "leading our country" from the number one tourism destination in the Caribbean and the 3rd most prosperous country in the region only surpassed by the USA & Canada, to deep poverty, the worst unemployment tragedy in our history, war zone crIme status, totally out of control immigration crises and massive debilitating corruption throughout government.

2017 election will be a battle between the DNA and a forth party, not the PLP and FNM!

TalRussell 8 years, 2 months ago

Comrades! I was wrong to have predicated the governing PLP party would go to the polls in March of 2017. I am now willing to go on record to predict the Government will declare 'no confidence' in itself within 60 days. The PLP government holds the majority vote in the Peoples Honourable House of Assembly and once the vote is passed it could hold a General as early as within 21 days, or possibly wait to hold it in February 2017.

birdiestrachan 8 years, 2 months ago

Miller talks to much, I suppose he enjoys seeing himself in the news. the reporters love him only because he is their poppy show. Miller is the same as every one else. he does not know But the truth is the reporters have no use for him and see him as a clown..,

birdiestrachan 8 years, 2 months ago

Cobolt the Nassau Airport and the stadium were all started under The PLP. Your Papa presided over the opening.

Cobalt 8 years, 2 months ago

birdie, only foolishness comes out of your post. Every Bahamian who pays attention to our country knows that these projects were established and most of them completed under the fnm government. They even used these projects as election prompts during the last general election to boast about these accomplishments, plus more. Hubert Ingraham initiated and completed the national stadium with the use of the Chinese government (much to the dislike of many Bahamians). And he also initiated the new airport (which also sparked controversy when Brent Symonette awarded himself a contract with the construction thereof). Before the airport was completely finished, the fnm was voted out of office and the PLP came into office and named the airport after pindling. Some people were actually unhappy because they felt that this was a disfavor to Sir Lynden Pindling because the airport wasn't fully completed yet. As a matter of fact, the airport still isn't fully completed. Stop talking foolish, man.

Cobalt 8 years, 2 months ago

The fnm has always been an infrastructural government. But their problem is that they always seem to neglect the immediate concerns of the people. Yes, our country needed new roads. But HAI needed to understand that people can't eat roads.

licks2 8 years, 2 months ago

No ya can't eat them roads. . .but they sure help ya getting around better so ya can get work and other things done much quicker and become better able to feed ya self and ya family! Your statement does show that either you are being naive or don't understand what is the way of things!

Cobalt 8 years, 2 months ago

Like so many bahamians, you miss the point. I totally supported the road works! I totally support every major project that the FNM government has initiated. They are well needed...... especially since we are a small country competing for the tourist dollar. I am also very glad that you have a job, family, and food. But many bahamians dont. And those that do have these commodities were getting around just fine without new roads.

While the road works were needed and much appreciated, there existed more pressing issues that needed attention at the time. All HAI had to do was simply acknowledge the plight of the people. Even if he didnt plan to address things at that time, a simple "yes I understand what poor people are going thru at this time, but we are asking the general public to execise patients with us right now as the global economy is struggling right now." Thats all HAI had to say! But he didnt. In condescending fashion he ignored the suffering of the people. Thats my point.

mangogirl01 8 years, 2 months ago

The problem birdiestrachan is that the PLP start things but they never finish especially when it comes to big projects that require lots of brainstorming and manpower!

sheeprunner12 8 years, 2 months ago

This election cycle hinges on one simple question: Can the PLP account for the $2.5 Billion rise in the national debt?????? .................. what have they done to warrant the debt increase????

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