Tribune Staff Reporter
THE country’s top prosecutor has pledged to defend the country’s borders and the “patrimony of Bahamians” from a “long-running silent invasion,” as he hit out at human rights group Rights Bahamas for disseminating “inflammatory” and “misleading” information about the country’s immigration laws.
Attorney General Carl Bethel in a statement, accused the “self-appointed human rights group” of disseminating “highly offensive, inflammatory and deliberately deceptive and misleading” information about the country’s law on immigration and rights, as well as presenting “false depictions and analyses of significant aspects of Bahamian law.”
Mr Bethel said while people and groups have a constitutional right to freedom of speech, that right is “subject to limitations” and cannot be misused to “spread propaganda, create hysteria and perpetrate deliberate inaccuracies to accomplish a specific agenda.”
Mr Bethel further stressed the government’s sovereign right to “prescribe laws for the acquisition of its citizenship,” that is, to determine who its citizens are, and to “regulate the entry and impose conditions on the entry and stay within the Bahamas of persons who are not citizens or permanent residents.”
Mr Bethel said the government will not allow that sovereign right, along with its “solemn duty” to maintain the rule of law with decency and common humanity, to be “subverted by any person or group of persons.”
Mr Bethel’s statement was in response to a booklet being distributed by Rights Bahamas purporting to issue public guidance on laws relating to immigration and rights, as well as migrant issues and the operation of the Carmichael Road Detention Centre.
However, Mr Bethel said besides containing “misleading” information, the pamphlet also has images that, while they would be “instantly recognised by Bahamians as not representing anything occurring in the Bahamas,” may create the wrong impression when circulated outside this country.
According to Mr Bethel, the booklet by Rights Bahamas “deliberately juxtaposes” stock photographs of “military-style arrests” and elements of police brutality – which he surmised have been copied from the internet or elsewhere – and relating events in different countries, with local Bahamian images and locations.
For example, Mr Bethel said images of a policeman holding a leashed dog in one hand and an exposed weapon in the other, another using a riot shield and a wooden club and another “battering down a front door” are “obviously not images depicting the actions of local law enforcement agencies.”
Further, Mr Bethel claimed the booklet makes several “false and/or deliberately misleading statements” about the laws of the Bahamas, and “rights and duties of persons.”
Mr Bethel said some of those “misconceptions” include questions about the lawfulness of the Carmichael Road Detention Centre, which he in turn maintained is a “lawful” facility where any person who does not have “any legal entitlement to be or remain in the Bahamas” can be detained pending their removal or investigation of any claimed entitlement to be in the country.
Concerning the issue of deportation orders, Mr Bethel maintained that one is only required to be served on a person who was lawfully in the Bahamas immediately preceding the event leading to the making of the deportation order. Conversely, individuals whose presence in the Bahamas was never lawful, “do not have an entitlement to be served with such orders for the purposes of appealing,” he said.
And concerning a person’s “absolute right” to remain in the Bahamas, Mr Bethel maintained the only persons eligible for that right or a right not to be repatriated or deported are “citizens of the Bahamas,” whether they received citizenship automatically under any of the provisions of the Constitution, or were registered as citizens having qualified and applied under the Constitution or the Bahamas Nationality Act.
To that end, Mr Bethel maintained the Immigration Act requires any person who asserts that he/she has a legal entitlement to be or remain in the Bahamas to “cooperate with the authorities in providing documentary of other evidence of the same.”
“The Commonwealth of the Bahamas is a sovereign democratic state within the Commonwealth and the community of nations,” Mr Bethel said. “One of the essential and inalienable attributes of sovereignty is that a state has the right to prescribe laws for the acquisition of its citizenship – in other words, to determine who its citizens are – and to regulate the entry and impose conditions on the entry and stay within the Bahamas of persons who are not citizens or permanent residents.
“Further, the law enforcement agencies of this country have a duty to uphold and enforce the immigration laws of this country, and to use every lawful means to do so. Of course, this will always be done with the greatest respect for human rights and common humanity, but the rule of law also requires the enforcement of laws
“While persons and groups are afforded a constitutional right to freedom of speech, it should also be remembered that free speech is subject to limitations, and that it cannot be misused to spread propaganda, create hysteria and perpetrate deliberate inaccuracies to accomplish a specific agenda.
“Bahamians and all lawful residents of the Bahamas can rest assured that the government is determined to uphold the Constitution and the laws of this country, and particularly to defend its borders, and the patrimony of Bahamians from what appears to be a long-running ‘silent invasion’ – while maintaining the rule of law with decency and common humanity – and will not allow this solemn duty to be subverted by any person or group of persons.”
hrysippus 6 years, 11 months ago
" it cannot be misused to spread propaganda, create hysteria and perpetrate deliberate inaccuracies to accomplish a specific agenda" I wonder who determines this? Human Rights, Who needs them anyway? All those Chinese nationals seem happy except for the ones in jail. Look at Russia, great country to live in, as long as you keep your mouth shut. We should trust our leaders implicitly, they have always been totally honest and honourable, none have ever done anything corrupt or told a lie. Human Rights, Who needs them? Well. me for one.
DDK 6 years, 11 months ago
Excellent and crystal clear, Mr. Bethel!! Perhaps Government should make up posters and banners outlining Bahamian sovereignty and sing it from the roof tops! It is high time the guests and nationalized residents in our country treat it with respect.
Tricyzshop 6 years, 11 months ago
Fred Smith is a joke! The Haitians are not you really think the illegals will walk our streets openly and challenge our immigration officers about some misguided rights lol. The only thing we need to do when they are caught is to treat them humanly
Well_mudda_take_sic 6 years, 11 months ago
Repost: This is what happens when we, the Bahamian people, have a feckless Minister of Immigration (Symonette) and even more feckless PM (Minnis). The pandering by our politicians to voters of Haitian descent, the vast majority of whom acquired Bahamian citizenship through illegal means of one kind or another, must stop. The Haitianization of the Bahamas is our number one imminent national security threat and Minnis (and Symonette) seem quite willing to ignore this most obvious fact notwithstanding the horrible plight it poses for all other 'true' Bahamians.
jackbnimble 6 years, 11 months ago
I agree. The bullsh** has to stop. This administration is looking to be a one-term administration. Immigration will be the death of it because I promise the first party that runs on a campaign to fix it will get my vote.
TalRussell 6 years, 11 months ago
Ma Comrade DDK, consistently this Imperial red government does knows how urge on the loyalists among us to call for the return our islands simpler life days when but a colony. I bet far too many have forgotten how sungs the song words to Rule Britannia.
God save our Queen across the pond. Comrades, this Independence thing might not have turned out for all she promised, of course the politicians from both major political parties seems have their knickers caught up in it..... wealth wise... Since Independence have you ever seen such a richer bunch men's of all colours sitting up in House?
Rule Britannia (with da sung's words)
OldFort2012 6 years, 11 months ago
Are you advocating that we beg forgiveness and return to Dominion status as Bermuda or GC? Because if so, it is the first sensible thing I have read from you :)
TalRussell 6 years, 11 months ago
Ma Comrade OldFort2012, all I know is a Queen's Counsel under colony would have known what are the rules regarding signatures on contracts? The shadiness surrounding some signature seems not attract attention this AG, as much as some human rights pamphlet?
Whatever happened to colonial days when the key importance of the signature affixed agreement was proof that an offer has indeed been considered and accepted. by ya government? How much more this agreement FAKE?
Fact, is the public has not a clue if a widening switcheroo took place, or if material facts contained HOA might have been altered, deleted or changed before it made its way floor House. We the public does certainly not trust the actions this messy Imperial red government. To the credit PLP AG, she did launch an investigation into allegations made against then minister V. Alfred. I think we're beyond mere allegations of a signature switcheroo?
OldFort2012 6 years, 11 months ago
There are a LOT of things which would NOT have happened under Colonial rule. Let's name 2 BIG ones: 1. we would not have become the servant accomplices of drug runners and become morally bankrupt as a people. 2. we would not have borrowed $7bn which we will not repay in a month of Sundays
Gotoutintime 6 years, 11 months ago
Oh for the Good Old Days---Maybe when Charles is King he will bring back the Union Jack!!
birdiestrachan 6 years, 11 months ago
Who remembers when the video was posted about the detention center and Immigration officers and the Cubans and the Haitian woman Campbell protested against the Bahamas where was the FNM Government Did they stand up for the Bahamas,?
Remember the Drama King would like to form a Haitian Political Party in the Bahamas perhaps he has the numbers needed. The man never cared for the Bahamas. he compares our Country to Hitler's Germany and he and others feel as if it is all right.
The Bahamas and Bahamians are in trouble with this group. and does Joe agree with all this just for a few dollars added to his pension?
TheMadHatter 6 years, 11 months ago
Go Carl !!! Go Carl !!! Go Carl !!!
Bethel for Prime Minister !!!!!!!!!
Time for a vote of no confidence and a signature from the GG. Carl Bethel for PM ....TODAY.
TalRussell 6 years, 11 months ago
Ma Comrade TheMadHatter, somethings for certain kinds upscale loyalists have remained pretty much same or even improved materially - except, Papa Hubert, a black man's, rose became PM and relocated Kelly's dock to Kelly's Island. {Even Ma Dear Comrade Pierre Dupuch does know, I couldn't possibly make this stuff up}.
God save King Charles and Camilla.
SP 6 years, 11 months ago
"What appears to be a long-running ‘silent invasion’" this is the understatement of the century!
Anyone that cannot see Haitians is serious about succeeding the Bahamas from us AND successive PLP and FNM administrations have secretly aided and abetted them, simply do not want to face reality.
It is totally egregious that Not one of the multiple clandestine treaties under Pindling, Ingraham or Christie signed with Haiti on behalf of the Bahamian people over the decades benefit the Bahamas or our people. Bahamians had no input and absolutely no idea what treaties we "supposedly" agreed to. This should be criminal!
Conversely, these "treaties" actually encourage Haitians to illegally enter the Bahamas! Case in point is the "treaty" rewarding Haitians with our tax dollars for entering the country illegally, being captured and deported. WHY are we gifting Haitians hundreds of dollars upon deportation? How does this benefit Bahamians? What group of jackasses thought this was a brilliant idea and why didn't the opposing group of jackasses cease this stupidity when they returned to govern?
Questions that must be seriously contemplated by all Bahamians are WHY are we granting "citizenships" to Haitians and or their offspring that entered the country illegally decades ago? How and why the hell does breaking our countries immigration laws qualify generations of illegal Haitians for citizenship?
This is totally asinine, nonsensical, and reeks of ulterior motives!
We must demand that all treaties signed on behalf of the Bahamian people be exposed for our perusal!
This entire Haitian invasion dilemma doesn't pass the smell test and somebody must be held accountable for destroying our country.
yari 6 years, 11 months ago
I could not have said it better.
jackbnimble 6 years, 11 months ago
100% agreed!!!
Porcupine 6 years, 11 months ago
I believe that, for the most part, loyal Bahamians wrote the laws, choose whether or not to enforce them, took bribes to allow what is going on to continue, eviscerated the laws on the books by their selfish behaviour, and continue to elect those who decry the status quo, yet refuse to do anything about it. Three cheers for hypocrisy.
Aegeaon 6 years, 11 months ago
SP is just another example of how the Aspect of Fear is controlling Bahamians at the pinnacle of whatever false conspiracy that is circulating, I'm sorry, but I had to tell you this. So apparently dealing with Haiti means that we're selling out? Not really, diplomatic meetings are meant to strengthen countries, and now Haiti is blacklisted? Both sides need to put an end to this so-called "silent invasion" that is being said on social media. Haitians aren't invaders, because they're too busy surviving, and even then. They don't have the money to commit such an act.
Haitians to me aren't even a threat, even if they are, it's a minor issue. The fear and hatred should have been directed at criminal gangs that are physically killing us, and threatening the Bahamas to destroy the tourism product. To usher a new age of a narco-state, and to enslave us into the drug wars against our allies. We should be calling for the government and the US Federal agencies to enforce an iron hold on the gangs, and enhance our police and Navy to combat the threat.
From this point, Haitians are the least of our concerns at this point. Most of them don't even bring gangsters or guns into the country, and if they do, we do the job of taking care of the matter. Our gangsters have been responsible for the thousands of deaths from the 80's, Haitians are worried about this place as well. Put down the fears of immigrants, and set your sights on gangsters.
Porcupine 6 years, 11 months ago
Even among the commenters who usually display reason here, I am surprised at the rabid and irrational fear mongering that is spewed forth. I think it is also rather telling that most Bahamians will personally hire a Haitian over most Bahamians. So, if the Haitians do invade, maybe we will be left with a trustworthy, hard-working, honest work force, for once, since the the last 30 or 40 years. Bahamians have created the unacceptable and poor social conditions in this country. Haitians had nothing to do with this decline.
SP 6 years, 11 months ago
@ Aegeaon...Your statement "Haitians to me aren't even a threat" may be well and good for YOU, however, Haitians and others have displaced the most vulnerable blue-collar Bahamian in the workforce to an alarming unacceptable level!
Agreed, diplomatic meetings are meant to strengthen countries. However, please expound how treaties with Haiti remotely "strengthen" the Bahamas.
Haitians are historical invaders as proven in the Dominican Republic.…
Until EVERY Bahamian is fully employed, Haitians and others never be welcomed in the Bahamas!
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