16 Haitians held after wooden sloop found


Tribune Staff Reporter


THE Royal Bahamas Defence Force apprehended 16 Haitians after discovering a wooden sloop around 1am yesterday.

The officers, stationed in South Beach, first apprehended some migrants when they tried reaching shore in waters east of that area.

RBDF, police and immigration officers later found the wooden sloop in shallow waters about a quarter-mile off shore.

Authorities said they don’t know how many people were on board the boat. Yesterday the RBDF said the search is continuing in the nearby area.

This is the second group of Haitian migrants intercepted in less than a week. The RBDF apprehended 124 Haitian migrants on December 30 after intercepting a 40ft sail sloop eight miles south of New Providence.

The migrants – 107 males, 17 females – were turned over to the Department of Immigration officials for further questioning. The majority of them, excluding minors, have since been charged in court and await repatriation.

In November 2017, there was a significant public outcry after an empty sloop was found on the shoreline of Adelaide Village.

Then Immigration Director William Pratt said at the time he “had no idea” how such a large sloop could land so close to the RBDF Coral Harbour Base and go undetected, but suggested the RBDF should perhaps “improve their surveillance”.

Authorities said they believed the immigrants who landed at the time had help from people already on New Providence.

And last May, a RBDF official said the agency was working on implementing a drone programme to improve its capabilities and combat the threat of illegal migrants.

Captain Adrian Chriswell, during a tour of the waters surrounding the Coral Harbour Base, spoke about a group of illegal migrants who had landed on New Providence days earlier and the difficulties the RBDF face in preventing them from making landfall. He dispelled the notion that these migrants represent a security threat to the base.

"They come in waves," Capt Chriswell said at the time. "It depends on the weather, the conditions in Haiti at the time – the political scene, the economic scene.

"So depending on the weather, if it's looking good for the wind to bring them in, which happens a lot with these storms, they can follow the storm because it brings them up the northwest.

"You might get a wave of three, four come out at one time. Then you may go several months before the second wave comes up."

The RBDF has apprehended or assisted in apprehending over 400 Haitian migrants in 2018, officials have said.


mandela 6 years ago

RBDF needs a consistally executed plan to keep up, and stay on top of these landings

DDK 6 years ago

What a huge expense, these apprehensions, court procedures, detentions, repatriations, which continue unabated. What an even greater expense if they are not apprehended. Minister of National Security needs to step up the game. If 400 were apprehended in 2018, how many politely slipped through? All of these illegals present a truly immense threat to the economy, health and well-being of our country.

TheMadHatter 6 years ago

TURN THEM LOOSE !!! Government needs to stop these racist tactics. Everyone knows if these had been Mexicans or Brazilians or Egyptians sneaking in, they would have received a warm welcome. It's only Haitian dey is pick on.

joeblow 6 years ago

They should be turned loose... on the shores of Haiti!!!

Well_mudda_take_sic 6 years ago

And the 16 Haitians found are not saying where the other 130 Haitians that were on the same sloop have gone. LMAO

bogart 6 years ago

WHO RESPONSIBLE....FER DIS PREDICTABLE....ANNUAL EVENT.......DONT HOW MANY IN DA ILLEGAL BOAT SHIPMENT......DISEMBARKING ...AT SOUTH BEACH ILLEGAL HUMAN SMUGGLING TERMINAL....AN STILL LOOKIN FOR ILLEGALS IN THE BUSHES.....??????.....Why should ...pore Bahamians...already done pore....Bahamians looking for food....from Charities...from Garbage bins... be payin increased VAT....to be paying regular monthly salaries to gubbermint people plus increased hirings people who still...cant do dere job....????.

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