MASK MANDATES GONE BY SUMMER? Prime Minister says officials considering indoor venue rules

Prime Minister Phillip “Brave” Davis.

Prime Minister Phillip “Brave” Davis.


Tribune Chief Reporter


 PRIME Minister Philip “Brave” Davis said remaining mask mandates in the country could be totally lifted by the summer, adding officials are currently mulling over whether indoor venues have proper ventilation to ensure COVID-19 does not circulate easily in those settings.

In March, the Davis administration relaxed mask measures making them no longer a requirement while in a lobby, corridor or casino of a hotel or while in an outdoor setting where there is at least three feet of space between people who are not of the same household.

Disabled people or those with special medical conditions are not required to wear a mask provided they have a medical certificate or signed letter by a medical practitioner showing proof of their disability or condition.

 Asked yesterday how close the government was to lifting the mask mandate considering low new virus case numbers, Mr Davis told reporters: “Yes, we are pleased with the manner in which the Bahamian people have become so responsible about taking care of themselves and looking after others, hence you see how our numbers are very low.

 “We always believed that if we left it to the Bahamian people they (would) know how to take care of themselves. Measures are not really the answer to what we are having and it’s responsible conduct and responsible living and we always believed that the Bahamians could live responsibly and that’s what we’re seeing, the result of that.”

 Mr Davis, who spoke on the sidelines of a groundbreaking event yesterday, said a decision over further relaxing mask measures is being considered.

 “We just need to be able to trust the Bahamian people, which we have done, and insofar as that is concerned you’ll see that a lot of measures have been relaxed,” he continued.

 “They’re now considering the further relaxation of the mask mandate. Right now outdoors, it’s been relaxed. It’s only indoors until we are sure that some of the indoor venues could have what I call proper air ventilation to ensure that the virus is not being trapped and that is now being considered by the experts as to when we should lift the mask totally.”

 Mr Davis said this could happen by or before this summer.

 “If I were to put a timeline on it, by summer, by summer for sure, even sooner. As I said we have recognised that it is the Bahamians who have truly stepped up to the fore and been responsible and as long as they remain responsible, relaxations will come.”

 Mr Davis was also asked if consideration was being given to eliminating testing at the borders.

 He said he was unsure whether the country was ready for that level of relaxation.

 “I know those are representations that have been made about testing. I don’t know whether we are there yet to eliminate testing all together as most of the new cases recently have been travel related.

 “I know some countries have (eliminated the testing requirement), but as we have discovered most of our cases to date are really travel related and if it’s all travel related then we need to ensure that people who are coming in are not bringing the virus with them and when they leave they’re not carrying it with them.

 “So, yes, that is on the table for consideration, but instinctively I’d be concerned about at this stage and until we are sure that the virus is either gone or it could be so managed or treated that the necessity for testing would not be necessary.”

 This comes after Health and Wellness Minister Dr Michael Darville told The Tribune on Sunday that officials were monitoring a “slight increase” in COVID-19 cases over the past few days and were set to discuss ongoing concerns about the pandemic in a meeting this week.

 Virus cases have been trending low in recent weeks, with low single digit cases recorded on some days. Only five new cases were recorded on April 24 while six people were in hospital with the virus.

 However, on April 23, 20 new cases were recorded and 17 were recorded on April 22.


JokeyJack 2 years, 4 months ago

"“They’re now considering the further relaxation of the mask mandate. Right now outdoors, it’s been relaxed."

What's been relaxed about it outdoors? Masks are still required in ALL public spaces outside your own home or vehicle. Someone please update me with a link to how/when this changed. Sorry I missed it.

Also, the Covid thing is fine, I agree with the PM - but what about the invisible Leprechaun virus. (ILV) ??? A lot of people are seeing invisible leprechauns all over the place even when they close their eyes. This is causing great stress, especially because invisible things are not supposed to be visible. I've heard there is a vaccine to combat this but it has not yet been made widely available - especially in poorer countries. I understand that the vaccine will not actually prevent persons from seeing the invisible leprechauns, but will prevent severe blindness and bad luck.

happyfly 2 years, 4 months ago

Just rub hand sanitizer in your eyes and all the bad things in the world will go away

Sickened 2 years, 4 months ago

Summer? Who's gonna enforce masks when tourists don't even own masks anymore. They don't wear them at home, they don't need them to fly here and then we think our police are going to go around telling people, who they believe may be tourists, to put a mask on? Thankfully we now get a lot of black tourists which means black Bahamians shouldn't be hassled by this stupidity.

tribanon 2 years, 4 months ago

Nothing but more hot air as usual.

Cruel Davis needs to immediately drop all COVID related mandates and focus entirely on our hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, etc. having access to an adequate supply of the many therapeutics and other medications that have now been proven to be very effective in preventing and treating serious COVID cases.

And forget the useless experimental vaccines....the uncertain risks associated with them is just too great. Besides, the vast majority of Bahamians clearly do not wish to join the Global Vaccine Dependent Society and get jabbed every 6 months or so for the rest of their lives with God only knows what.

Why don't we hear the minister of health and senior officials at the ministry of health telling us what steps have been taken to ensure we have an adequate supply on hand of the various therapeutics and other medications proven to be effective in keeping COVID related hospitalisations and deaths to the minimum possible?

Is cruel Davis waiting on the next wave of COVID to spread among us before bothering to ensure our nation has an adequate supply of the more effective therapeutics and other medications now readily available in countries like the U.S., Canada and U.K.? Doesn't cruel Davis even realise that most of us, unlike him, simply cannot afford to fly to Atlanta to get first class treatment in a major U.S. hospital?

KapunkleUp 2 years, 4 months ago

If Davis believes in us then why wait until summer?!

DDK 2 years, 4 months ago

Waiting for "Uncle" to give the o.k. - oh, maybe we have two Uncles now🤣

TalRussell 2 years, 4 months ago

Colour-in the Guardian Talk Radio's The Revolution with presenter Comrade Mr. Carmichael, who handpicks when to quote science as his reference ... but only as long as they got the science wrong ... Comrade. Mr. Carmichael, lacks a basic high schooling understanding of what science is/isn't about, ― Yes?

John 2 years, 4 months ago

Brave dem done put the cart before the horse. They allow the visitors to the country to walk around without masks before any Bahamians. And you can walk on Bay Street any hour of the day and see if you see any Covid Ambassadors. Not to mention see them telling tourists to put their masks on. And you thought that’s what they were hired for. They don’t have to lock no one up or give them tickets, but politely ask them to put their masks on. It is lives you are playing with by trying to have two different standards. The taxi drivers, hotel workers and shop keepers have families to go home to. Bahamian families. But the true test and direction will come in a few days. After all the mixing and mingling and dancing and partying in Exuma: if the cases remain low, than that will point and steer the government in which direction to go as afar as relaxing the restrictions. Bahamians want the masks mandate gone but only when it is gone for good.

tribanon 2 years, 4 months ago

Ya better hush up before ya catch da flu. LOL

JokeyJack 2 years, 4 months ago

Exactly. People are so silly not realizing that Covid has only been a killer because governments around the world (all of them) would not allow the medication for it. 3 different presidents in Africa all tried to stand up for their people - against the vaccine and in favor of the medicine - they were all killed and replaced with pro-vaccine puppets. We already have world government -and whatever the real plan and purpose of these so-called "vaccines" are I am certain will soon be revealed.

John 2 years, 4 months ago

And don’t forget the minister of health is a nerd so he, alone cannot be waited on to make real decisions.

John 2 years, 4 months ago

Greater is He that is within me than he that is within the world. Satan can only destroy the flesh body.

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