LPIA officials urge travellers to arrive 3.5 hours before departure

The Lynden Pindling International Airport. (File photo)

The Lynden Pindling International Airport. (File photo)


Tribune Staff Reporter


OFFICIALS at the Lynden Pindling International Airport (LPIA) are urging international travellers to arrive nearly four hours ahead of departure time due to heavy traffic anticipated at the terminal for the remainder of this month.

The Nassau Airport Development Company (NAD), in a statement released Friday, warned that travellers could experience long wait times during the screening process because of the increased volume of summer passengers travelling through LPIA.

“The demand for travel this summer has far surpassed the demand of the past two years and passengers travelling to the United States in particular, are advised to be at the airport no less than 3.5 hours prior to their flight departure times during the next several days of August.”

Their statement came after some travellers expressed frustration to this newspaper and reported waiting for up to two hours to clear the immigration checkpoint.

NAD said it is encouraging travellers to arrive early, dress comfortably and be patient when flying from Nassau to the US.

They also offered these additional tips for travellers, saying: “Additionally, persons travelling with small children are encouraged to keep their strollers and other essential items nearby to ensure comfort while waiting.

“Passengers are encouraged to limit carry items to only those that are essential in order to increase their ease of processing through the airport.

“Travellers with physical disabilities should seek the wheelchair and other accessibility services provided by their airlines and those with hidden disabilities should ensure they can be identified as needing more time by collecting a lanyard from the LPIA’s sunflower programme.”


themessenger 1 year, 5 months ago

Arriving 3.5 hours before your flight makes the US customs and immigration personnel perform more efficiently, yes?

SP 1 year, 5 months ago

Absolutely!...... LOL

Porcupine 1 year, 5 months ago

A few questions. When the airport is busy, why isn't each immigration booth filled by an employee? Why isn't there a US official in charge, front and center apologizing for the excessive wait time and promising to do better? Do they care at all? They do get paid for doing a job, correct? Why do we accept such poor, poor service? In a fair and competitive business world these people would be out on their asses, collecting unemployment. Starting at the top.

TalRussell 1 year, 5 months ago

'Whatcha really talkin bout (NAD) officials,' since (LPIA) warning closely follows warning not to visit the 'collapsing' emergency care department at PMH.'. --- 'Twas proceeded with a stern warning from the electricity supplier that cause constant electricity outages ----Customers being told, you'll soon learn how to deal with not having lights on. 'Twas no damn wonder, why the premiership's mandate was so scared  of becoming badly injured due to fallout with a once supportive popoulaces'- --- The HOA,. 'twas rushed into extended prorogation with hopes correcting mixed-up messaging, flowing down from the office of the colony's premiership (OOCP). --- A popoulaces shall soon see, but not if kept uninformed (about everything' central government); ---- And in the dark. ---- Yes?

trueBahamian 1 year, 5 months ago

Interesting! I agree with Porcupine. From a business perspective it doesn't make sense for one part of the process to be allowed to slow down the whole process. I'm sure if the airlines started complaining, if their pockets are impacted, this would be fixed. The US government understands to place nice with large US corporations.

Dawes 1 year, 5 months ago

If you have the early morning flight why arrive 3.5 hours early. They don't open immigration until 6am so they have a backup right from the start. Maybe if that opened at 5am then the lines would move much quicker.

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