The Rolly Gray Harbour

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The National Family Islands Regatta Committee records its full support of the renewed call to name the Harbour at George Town, Exuma “The Rolly Gray Harbour” by Commodore and Chairman Daniel Strachan. This is in recognition of the meritorious contribution to the development of Sloop Sailing in The Bahamas by Captain Rolly Gray of Staniel Cay, Exuma. For more than a half century, Captain Gray dominated Sloop Sailing in the country.

For all who are inspired to go to sea in search of a livelihood or the satisfaction of competing in the ‘now’ National Sport of Sailing, Rolly Gray is the ideal Bahamian Hero.

We implore the government to concede to this most deserving recommendation, which would greatly please Captain Gray’s many admirers as well as thousands of fans of the National Sport.

The official naming of the Rolly Gray Harbour would be most appropriate and lead to children in years to come to ask ‘who was the person that the harbour was named after?’ Parents would be able to recount the vast contributions of this wonderful gentleman, sailor, mentor, community leader and National Champion during the first five decades of our premier sloop sailing event, the National Family Regatta, which would grace the Rolly Gray Harbour forever more.


May 1, 2023


themessenger 1 year, 9 months ago

Why don’t the government name it Linton Riggs or Howland Bottomly harbor in honor of those men who actually created the regatta? Not taking anything away from Captain Gray who was a seaman and gentleman of the first order, why not rename Staniel Cay harbor in his honor? Leave Exuma harbor as Elizabeth Harbor and stop this new day nonsense of trying to recreate history by tearing down statues and renaming islands, harbor’s and buildings because you’re uncomfortable with your own history.

truetruebahamian 1 year, 9 months ago

Elizabeth Harbour will always be Elizabeth Harbour regardless of what these new (and short lived) 'Woke" persons wish to change. The criminal who destroyed the Columbus statue at Government House had no appreciation for what or who it represented. I hope that he pays dearly for his destruction and defacing of national monuments.

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