Tribune Staff Reporter
THE government is caring for 150 children awaiting adoption.
Social Services Minister Myles Laroda urged Bahamians to consider adopting a child so every child can potentially experience a loving and safe home.
“The government does as well as it can to provide love and care, but there’s nothing that’s going to replace that common touch, that maternal touch for a child,” he said yesterday.
He added that his ministry is trying to make the public more open to adopting children and stressed the importance of not overlooking children with disabilities during the adoption process.
“I still put out that plea to the Bahamian public to adopt,” he said. “You could start with fostering. I also urge the community to show love for those kids who are challenged, whether physically or mentally.”
The Ministry of Social Services has met with Dr Robert Glover, the founder of Care for Children. Dr Glover, a former United Kingdom social worker, moved to Shanghai, China, in 1988 to work in partnership with the Shanghai Civil Affairs Bureau. Over the past twenty years, he has helped over a million children get adopted.
Mr Laroda noted that the Chinese government has awarded families who adopt children with special needs.
“If we could sensitise our population to take a chance on these children who only want what every child wants — love and affection — I think the reward would be great,” he said.
rosiepi 7 months, 2 weeks ago
Parents and relatives of these children have always refused to allow them to be adopted despite knowing the hell their lives are in gov’t ‘care homes’.
For to allow these children the chance for a better life in loving homes will never be considered an option for those church going moralizing prideful Bahamians.
And you all know why, because they would have to admit that their progeny’s lifestyle, addiction to drugs or alcohol, and/or mental health issues are not compatible with parenting.
Will someone please take it upon themselves to tell these stiff necked Bahamians they’re already damned? The Lord doesn’t care what your friends think, he/she is only concerned with your conduct!
TalRussell 7 months, 2 weeks ago
You need to be married. You cannot apply to adopt even a single child from the 150 -- If you're: -- Single, or in an opposite-sex or same-sex relationship. -- Yes?
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