Are you in favour of the government's Commercial Enterprises Bill?

Yes 254 votes


No 485 votes


739 total votes


bahamian242 6 years, 8 months ago

I vote No b/c 250k is not enough. It will then put the small man at an already disadvantaged situation, in Business here in the Bahamas!

Islandboy242242 6 years, 8 months ago

It could be beneficial but needs more work.

  • We need more incentive and increased ease of doing business for Bahamians. Fare business license fees and expedited business license application processing for Bahamians. Also would like to see:

  • Different $$ Threshold for Bahamians vs Foreigners and a higher than 250K minimum for Foreigners.

  • More details pertaining to these special zones and incentives - will foreigners just get huge amounts of crown land as "incentives"?

  • Also probably gonna need some sort of totalization agreement for taxes between the US and The Bahamas to attract US business.

OldFort2012 6 years, 7 months ago

To all those saying $250k is not enough...not enough for WHAT? These are not hotels, these are industries where you need a small office and some computers. That is all. Stop thinking tourism and hotels and get with the knowledge economy!

Alex_Charles 6 years, 7 months ago

It feels like a dry run for the WTO. Not sure where I stand on this

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