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John 10 years, 10 months ago on Fresh probe into dump fire

The time is now for government to make a fast and hard decision on this dump fire matter. Is there a need to relocate the dump and either put it in a less centrally located area to minimize the effect of fires and the stench that emanates from it? Or even remove it off the island of New Providence completely? Can the fires be properly controlled by constantly soaking trash and debris stored there with water from the nearby Harold pond? If the fires are being intentionally lit can the access to the dump be more restricted? THe effects of thick black smoke constantly billowing for weeks at a time must have long term effects on peoples health. It surely has an effect on their comfort and some may not even feel safe having to sleep in homes not too far from bright orange flames leaping into the air.

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GrassRoot 10 years, 10 months ago on Call for education campaign on LGBT issues

No one has to agree with anybody. Reality is that we all belong to some minority. So who cares. All that needs to be taught (and lived) is acceptance and respect, then LGBT is not an issue, nothing is.

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sheeprunner12 10 years, 10 months ago on Call for education campaign on LGBT issues

BahamianKing............... so you dont accept the Bible as God's word??????? If you do then you must accept that homosexuality is an abomination i.e. a Class A sin. Punishable by everlasting condemnation to hell........... like all other unrepented sins.

Now if you dont accept that God is in charge of our destiny AND that the Bible is God's word, then I accept your above position.

In the end, God will have the final say in this matter............... thats my Christian position

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asiseeit 10 years, 10 months ago on Fines may go up to $500 for removal of derelict cars

Another grand scheme that will go nowhere. There in no ENFORCEMENT of the current laws. Until the powers that be enforce the law whatever law they put on the books just does not matter. Nassau on a whole is a dump. The common Bahamian has zero pride in their environment.

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Bahamianpride 10 years, 10 months ago on Two arrests after attack on BEC staff

The idiots were arrested, but disconnecting the power lines and removing the power box is taking it a little to far.. Just shut it off.. Using his logic, every time a crime is committed at a residence we should not only arrest the culprits but deprive all individuals of possible service that may have had no involvement in this matter.. What if some 75 year old women & babies live there that had nothing to do with this should we deprive them for extended periods the ability to have air condition, lights, refrigeration for food, etc.. Punish the criminals, not everyone else..

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realityisnotPC 10 years, 10 months ago on Time for a new Parliament?

It's not hard to make an argument for the need for an official PM's residence, BUT you have to be completely brain dead to think NOW would be the appropriate time to spend millions of dollars on such a project. It is pure insanity and shows a complete and utter disrespect and/or misunderstanding of the desperate need for our country to put its fiscal house in order. If a political leader in any developed democracy in the rest of the world were to make such a suggestion under such circumstances, he or she would immediately face a vote of no confidence and be out of the job in weeks. It is just shameful.

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generalcrazy 10 years, 10 months ago on Man dies after traffic accident

I haven't seen a motorbike rider in Nassau adhere to the laws of the road yet - it's a free for all. That said, Drivers of cars are not much better. Traffic laws are RARELY enforced in the Bahamas, it's like we pay the Road Traffic Dept just to dress up every day and play cop.

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ThisIsOurs 10 years, 10 months ago on Businessman launches new political party

I don't know who he is, know nothing about his character or work ethics. I would like to see a system where we have investigative reporters digging into the backgrounds of these people and telling us "who they are" by reporting what they've done and how they've acted in their current and past positions. I would also like to see an intelligent panel asking intelligent questions over a series of debates to root out the complete dummies from amongst them.

I don't want cheap Junkanoo tickets or free beers and Kentucky fried chicken

Mr Bain said he is the cousin of Dr Hervis Bain, the great-grand nephew of Clarence A Bain and the third cousin of Sir Lynden Pindling. I can only hope Mr Bain is one who really cares about the future of the country and not one of the current crew steeped in either name recognition, sense of entitlement or treasure hunting in government, under and over the table, contracts.

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Supervillian 10 years, 10 months ago on Call for technology to protect our borders

What needs to happen is this present government and governments prior, need to get their heads out the hole they sit on and move forward with the everchanfing time. I'm sure all of you watched the debate between Barak Obama when he said that the United States Army maybe be less in numbers these days but they also have less horses and bayonets. Come on people, I don't consider myself a genius, but why is it that none of our armed forces are equipt with a helicopter for patrolling purposes. For one, Helicopters can fly at an alarming rate and can cover further distances far more faster than any boat out there. Two, they are cost effective with lower maintenance and can accomidate multi-role platforms. This can include search and rescue, air ambulance, prevent drug intrudiction efforts, and border patrol for imigration purposes. Thirdly their cost is far less and will benefit this vast archipelago way better than these proposed dingys they plan on spending over 200m for. There is a company in Texas called American Eurocopter than can facilitate all the needs that these Bahamian islands need. What I see is the puchase of two search and rescue helicopters. One located on New Providence and the other based in Inagua. This way, while patrolling, they can radio the slower Defense Force boats where to intercepet these vessels. One also needs to be purchased for the police force to combat the criminal elements on the island of New Providence. Come to think of it, why don't they purchase one for the damn hospital as well. Why build a multi-million dollar facility and not have a heli-pad for emergency purposes. Come on people, we smarter than this. I guarantee you for all these helicopters I mentioned, it won't even run the taxpayers into 150m, and that includes pilot and maintenance crew training.

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sansoucireader 10 years, 10 months ago on US Embassy denies taking QC student into custody over ‘tweet’

Ridiculous headline as the US Embassy cannot 'take anyone into custody' or come into someone's school and arrest them. Having said that, her name will probably be placed on a stop-list FOREVER and she'll never get a visa to travel or study in the USA. Obviously she has some issues of her own; why would a person claim to be responsible for a mass murder? What if she decided to go and shoot up her now former school? Something's not right! I hope someone is making sure she receives some intense therapy/counseling sessions.Seems like this might be a symptom for something bigger.

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ThisIsOurs 10 years, 10 months ago on US Embassy denies taking QC student into custody over ‘tweet’

Sure give her a break today , let a bigger "every action has a reaction" net with stiffer consequences catch her 10 yrs from now

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B_I_D___ 10 years, 10 months ago on RBDF say tyres used to burn bodies - but police say deaths not yet classified

We are not the US...our 'English' is still predominently based on the UK English schemetic...NOT the USA me a 'favour'...switch yours to UK English

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ThisIsOurs 10 years, 9 months ago on Daughter of principal calls for forgiveness of ex-convicts

No easy answers, but there are some mistakes that you don't get to wipe the slate on. That's the price you pay for the choice you make.

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newcitizen 10 years, 9 months ago on FNM deputy: I'd back payroll tax

Why shouldn't they work for it? Why is it that we just have to give our hard earned food and money away? Who do you think pays for the hot breakfast? People who have worked hard, that's who. Why shouldn't the people receiving it work a little bit too?

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sansoucireader 10 years, 8 months ago on PRIVY COUNCIL GRANTS INJUNCTION TO STOP DREDGING

So now people are happy for the Privy Council's decision, yet when they say 'No Hanging' the response is "We independent! We don't need no Privy Council!" Hmmmm.

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generalcrazy 10 years, 8 months ago on Family plan for funeral rather than graduation

Kid got murdered, parents were known drug dealers - obviously any good cop will start by looking at anyone that might have a beef with the parents. Have you people really lost all common sense? This is like 1+1=2.