John 10 years, 7 months ago on ‘POLICE NEED SUPPORT AT JUNKANOO’
So if citizens are willing to risk their lives and support the police 1. Will they give us guns to protect ourselves. 2 WILL we get a full military funeral in the event we are killed in the line of duty?. What benefits will our families receive in the event of our demise? Also what will happen in the event we have to shoot or even kill someone? Will we be treated as citizens or deputised police officers COPs Citizens On Patrol?
John 10 years, 7 months ago on Many entrepreneurs seek 'exit strategies'
Many entrepreneurs seek 'exit strategies'
Yes many business owners feel the same way. Many do not see themselves being in operation 6 months beyond the implementation of VAT not only because their profits will be wiped out but because of the difficulty and risks of operating a business. Imagine thst: Many local businesses closing and the foreign banks and hotels a BTC taking all their profits out of the Bahamas bring on the doom and gloom!
GrassRoot 10 years, 7 months ago on Gaming bill to take into account view of taskforce
Gaming bill to take into account view of taskforce
Our government is like a kid that goes to school without having done its homework. July and counting....
Well_mudda_take_sic 10 years, 7 months ago on Missing funds feared at COB
Missing funds feared at COB
Lax or non-existent internal controls, unaccounted for monies, monies missing and/or lost, etc. etc. and the Chief Internal Auditor asininely concludes that there is no evidence of criminal behaviour! Start cleaning house by firing the Chief Internal Auditor first - don't let the door kick him on the way out!! It's much too obvious Erald Thompson has little upstairs and has some kind of personal vendetta against the VP Finance. Get the incompetent trouble maker Thompson out of the picture asap and replace him with someone competent to act as COB's Chief Internal Auditor.
Revolutionary 10 years, 7 months ago on Crowds march in support of Nygard
Crowds march in support of Nygard
Bahamians, Our country is sick with corruption. The blame climbs up the ladder from person to minister to prime minister, but to find the true culprit, you need only look in a mirror. We know what is happening, yet we do nothing. Some feel they are alone, they have none to face this government with them. Most are scared - scared that if they raise their voice, they will be detained; political power will be exerted on them. If you are fine with what you see around you, what you see happening to this country, stay home the 26th. But, if you see what I see, if you feel as I feel, I ask that you join us on July 26th outside of Parliament for a call for action, for accountability and for justice.
generalcrazy 10 years, 7 months ago on Crowds march in support of Nygard
Crowds march in support of Nygard
I am no fan of "Save The Bays", Nygard, or anyone in Lyford Cay - BUT. it is clear he does not actually LIVE in bain town. So while he may "understand the plight of the less fortunate", he is nowhere near living that reality, and Bain town is still a ghetto littered with trash and crime. I really could care less what he does, but these people have their priorities all messed up, both the Lifeless cay people and these ghetto people that came out to "March" - march to clean up your ghetto, march in your ghetto to stop crime (and drugs and alcohol) in your ghetto, better yet DONT MARCH as that just obstructs traffic and angers those of us who have to work to pay for food, instead do peaceful protests, perhaps have the "Church" bring you by bus if needed, but do not block traffic as that only hurts your cause. And certainly do not take time off work to do it, as you are obviously already poor and employers are not obligated to give you time off to protest - do that on your day off. And what happens in Lifeless cay can stay in Lifeless cay for all I care, they won't even let us slaves past the gate (unless you are on their payroll!!).
Stapedius 10 years, 7 months ago on Jones: BEC leak was mean-spirited
Jones: BEC leak was mean-spirited
Agree with your point on subsidies being provided to businesses. But you must admit our country has so many contradictions and unfair practices its unbelievable. For example, it could be argued that private media houses like Jones, The Tribune and Guardian should be exempt from certain broadcasting taxes. Reason being, ZNS which receives public funds to operate is still allowed to compete with private operators who have significant operating costs. My issue with our country is that we scrutinize things always with a politicl microscope rather than using a microscope of fairness and common sense. Why is Jones being targeted should be the story from these media houses when ZNS who we all pay for gives horrible service and has excessive waste? The fact is, all these media houses should refuse to pay the government a dime in taxes until ZNS stops solicitng for ads. Its ridiculous that these businesses are being asked to subsidize a competitor. ZNS is to heavy laiden with staff. Small staff, more technology. Cut, cut, cut. By now ZNS should have been a lean, mean broadcasting machine. Instead its lagged behind the times. Always three steps behind technology and a management structure from the stone age.
B_I_D___ 10 years, 7 months ago on Prime Minister Perry Christie said the people will decide if he runs again at the next election. Do you think he should?
Prime Minister Perry Christie said the people will decide if he runs again at the next election. Do you think he should?
Laughing as well...but crying as well that some people are voting YES!! Neither Christie or Ingraham should run again, they are past their prime.
asiseeit 10 years, 7 months ago on Christie orders probe into BEC
Christie orders probe into BEC
Blah, Blah, Blah, empty words. Nothing that the P.M. says these days is worth the hot air that expels those words. The Nation needs an open, transparent, honest, LEADER!
Well_mudda_take_sic 10 years, 7 months ago on Christie orders probe into BEC
Christie orders probe into BEC
Notice how Christie ain't ordered nuttin' bout all da purported tiefin' goin' on at Bank of Bahamas (BOB) cause it seem he is da one as Minister of Finance who ok'd all dem multi-million dulla loans made ta his cronies dat Demeritte an' McWeeney has since written-off. Tings so bad at BOB, our peoples National insurance money gatta be used to replenish BOB's capital from all dose big time loan write-offs to friends of Christie!
asiseeit 10 years, 7 months ago on Christie orders probe into BEC
Christie orders probe into BEC
There is SO MUCH out there that just stinks the whole government should be investigated. BOB, BEC, Dump, Nygard, PMH,NIB, and the list goes on. Can we have the English back to run an above board country, PLEASE! I am sick of feeling less than equal, bamboozaled, and RIPPED OFF!
Clamshell 10 years, 7 months ago on Christie orders probe into BEC
Christie orders probe into BEC
Complete, total and blatant corruption. The nation has become a thieving kleptocracy and the legal system is sickeningly corrupt and near collapse. Steal, steal, steal. I agree with the other comment: Bring back the British rule, we were better off.
ThisIsOurs 10 years, 7 months ago on Christie orders probe into BEC
Christie orders probe into BEC
Conduct an investigation into themselves is right. I expect him to do nothing. He has more than enough evidence to ACT. All he is doing now is giving the appearance of doing something. He did nothing about BOB, he did nothing about Nygard, he did nothing about Ishmael, he will do nothing about BEC.
Sickened 10 years, 7 months ago on 'Why no details of discussions about webshops with financial taskforce?'
'Why no details of discussions about webshops with financial taskforce?'
Even if the PLP gave a 'full' report of the meeting with the FATF, who in their right mind would believe what they say??? Everything they say is a mix of truths and untruths. They are not to be trusted or believed.
TalRussell 10 years, 7 months ago on Visitor locked up at detention centre as her dream holiday turns into a nightmare
Visitor locked up at detention centre as her dream holiday turns into a nightmare
Comrade small children (police mentality immigration officers too) might be reading this, so try being polite with the language by using ...flipp'in outraged. Why even bother spending millions of dollars in promoting TV ads, featuring a smiling female immigration officer, welcoming a visitor to Bahamaland?
Welcome Comrade Visitor and enjoy our Bahamaland ... that's, if you can get by rude Immigration officers?
Prichyta 10 years, 7 months ago on Ex-Minister, FNM Senator lose real estate licences
Ex-Minister, FNM Senator lose real estate licences
I am a Realtor - the Bahamas Real Estate Association (BREA) sends from November of each year emails reminding all members that the fee will be due for payment by the end of December the fee due for payment applies to the following year period. If the fee is not paid ontime, the association allows the realtor a grace period of at least 6 months and before the agent's license is cancelled a number of emails are sent as reminders to pay the fee. This is done by BREA routinely every year. There is no excuse for any agent to claim he/she didn´t know the fee was due. Claiming that, is simply an excuse, or possibly an oversight. I suspect some of the names in the list are people with legitimate reasons for non-payment, others may fall in that current culture of people who think they are VIPs and therefore not required to pay. Majority of paying agents make it a priority to pay the fee even in this very difficult economy.
Guy 10 years, 7 months ago on Ex-Minister, FNM Senator lose real estate licences
Ex-Minister, FNM Senator lose real estate licences
NON-payment of a LICENSE FEE resulting in you no longer having a license? Sounds about right to me! Publish everyone who ain't paying their taxes and fees if ya ask me.
GrassRoot 10 years, 7 months ago on Ex-Minister, FNM Senator lose real estate licences
Ex-Minister, FNM Senator lose real estate licences
so rather than electing MPs we should by vote of the general population grant the chosen MP's a license that will be revoked upon unethical or illegal behavior, such as non-disclosure of assets, financial and other interests.
sheeprunner12 10 years, 7 months ago on Johnson bows out at BTC
Johnson bows out at BTC
New companies will only come in if we get people like Lil Brave and Shame out of the way ........ read the US report........... grubby fingers
asiseeit 10 years, 7 months ago on UPDATED: Chinese Baha Mar workers in embassy protest
UPDATED: Chinese Baha Mar workers in embassy protest
Another bright spot. Internationally The Bahamas is looking like a hell hole with Zero law and order, vast corruption, and bribery the order of the day. Now add to the list imported Chinese Workers revolting. Happy Independence. What a joke this country has become. Bought and paid for.